
《般若波羅密多心經》空義研究=Research on the Emptiness Meaning of "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra"
作者 許得林 (著)=Hsu, Te - lin (au.)
出版者網址 https://oh.hfu.edu.tw/main.php
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授高柏園 = Kao, Po - yuan
關鍵詞心經 = Heart Sutra; 空 = emptiness; 顯果 = manifest fruit; 斷果 = decisive fruit; 斌宗法師 = Master Binzong
摘要 本文旨在探究《般若波羅密多心經》的思想,並以斌宗法師的《般若波羅密多心經要釋》為主要研究中心,客觀如實地探討《心經》中的般若思想。研究內容包括五蘊皆空及無智無得不取一切相的概念,並進一步探討般若的實相觀點。透過無漏的般若智慧,破除我相和法相,梳理文字中的般若真實義涵。針對五蘊、十二入、十八界的眾生所沉迷的世間法,以及十二因緣和四聖諦等重點問題進行詮釋和論述。斌宗法師在《心經》中論證了特別顯果的斷果和智果的般若聖妙法門。本文基於前人的研究成果,通過研讀相關文獻,明白諸法皆因緣所生,並非虛妄空無。雖然虛無亦因假合而生,不可說空無,一切皆隨因緣而生滅,是緣生緣滅的假合之相。

This article aims to explore the thoughts of the "Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra", and takes Master Bin Zong's "Explanation of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" as the main research center to objectively and truthfully explore the Prajna thoughts in the "Heart Sutra". The research content includes the concepts that the five aggregates are empty and that there is no wisdom, nogain, and no appearance, and further explores the perspective of the realityof Prajna. Through the flawless wisdom of Prajna, we can break away the appearance of self and Dharma, and sort out the true meaning of Prajna in the text. Interpret and discuss key issues such as the Five Aggregates, the Twelve Entrances, the worldly laws that all living beings in the Eighteen Realms are obsessed with, as well as the Twelve Causes and Conditions and the Four Noble Truths. In the Heart Sutra, Master Binzong demonstrated the articularly remarkable Prajna-sacred Dharma of Jue Guo and Zhi Guo. This article is based on previous research results and through studying relevant
literature, it is understood that all dharmas are caused by causes and conditions and are not empty and empty. Although nothingness also arises due to false union, it cannot be said to be empty. Everything arises and perishes according to causes and conditions.
This article is divided into five chapters. The first part explains the overview, origin, title analysis, translation and annotation of the Heart Sutra, and a rough explanation of the content. The second part explains the "meaning of emptiness" and explores the object and benefits of emptiness, the attachment to emptiness, and the exploration and explanation of explicitness. The third part is aimed at breaking away the illusion of self, breaking down the misunderstandings of the five aggregates, the twelve entrances, and the eighteen realms, as well as the notion that there are no twelve causes and conditions and the Four Noble Truths in the Dharma. In the end, the dharma of the Quan Jiao Bodhisattva will be destroyed. The fourth part mentions the realm of cultivation for Bodhisattvas to achieve
decisiveness. The realms of Buddhas to achieve wisdom are all parts that the author will focus on. I will focus on Chapters 4 and 5 of the main text for a more detailed explanation. To summarize and organize the explanation, the content of Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 6 will be mentioned in the main text. The relatively small proportion will only be explained in key terms and VIII will not be discussed in detail. The purpose of this article is not to have a large proportion and is not the main research scope. The author The main research focus is on the third part, which is the main research focus of this article. The main scope of the research is Master Binzong's "Explanation of the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra". I also praise the Buddha's compassion and his great effort in teaching to liberate all living beings from life and death. He also gradually teaches the practice method by explaining the steps of practice. , so that all living beings can practice slowly and step by step under the great power of the Buddha, transforming the stained and impure
ignorance of
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究之動機與目的 2
第二節 前人研究成果檢討 4
第三節 研究之方法與範圍 10
第二章 斌宗法師及《般若多羅密多心經要釋》概述 13
第一節 斌宗法師生平簡介 13
第二節 斌宗法師著作列述 15
第三節《般若多羅密多心經》概說 16
第四節 《般若波羅密心經要釋》介紹 43
第三章《心經》「空義」槪述 45
第一節 空觀對象 46
第二節 空的破妄 68
第三節 空的顯真 78
第四節 空的功德 90
第四章《心經》的破妄論 103
第一節 破凡夫我相 106
第二節 破二乘法相 125
第三節 破權教菩薩法相 130
第五章《心經》的顯真論 143
第一節 何謂顯果 143
第二節 菩薩得「斷果」 151
第三節 佛得智果 162
第六章 斌宗法師《心經》空義思想的價值 165
第七章 結論 193
參考文獻 199

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