證嚴法師濟世思想與實踐之研究-兼論儒佛思想之會通=A Study of Master Zheng Yan’s vision and practice of salvation──extend examination on the integration of concepts between Confucianism and Buddhism
本研究旨在探討證嚴法師創立慈濟功德會濟世之思想;進而瞭解慈濟功德會博施濟眾之四大志業八大法印;同時彰顯慈濟功德會以慈濟世之行為,實為現今社會的普世價值。 證嚴法師師承印順導師「為佛教、為眾生」之信願,與對儒家經典潛修之體悟,以「修己安人」、「成己成物」、「己立立人」、「己達達人」的儒家濟世思想,且於經典與人事上的用心,以儒佛會通之思想,創立慈濟功德會四大志業、八大法印,「解行並重」實踐以慈濟世,以「把握當下,恆持剎那」,「靜寂清澄,志玄虛莫,守之不動,億百千劫」的願力,弘揚「靜思法脈」,力行「慈濟宗門」,對世人啟發「克己復禮」至「天下歸仁」的理想。 慈濟功德會實踐濟世之法門,藉由慈善志業—「教富濟貧、濟貧教富」;醫療志業—「以人為本,以病為師」;教育志業 —「教之以禮,育之以德」;人文志業—「人品典範,文史流芳」;骨髓捐贈—「捐髓救人,無損己身」;環境保護 —「用鼓掌的雙手做環保,讓垃圾變黃金,黃金變愛心,愛心化清流,清流繞全球」;社區志工—「里仁為美、守望相助」;國際賑災—「大愛地球村,真情膚苦難」,以「感恩、尊重、大愛」的慈濟人文,實踐「為佛教,為眾生」之使命,透過實踐佛法達到淨化人心、祥和社會、天下無災難之人間天堂。 The purpose of the study is to discuss the ideology of salvation which motivate Zheng Yen to establish the Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, to understand the Four Missions(四大志業) and Eight Dharma Footprints(八大法印), and meanwhile to show its salvation deeds shall truly be the universal value in modern society. Master Zheng Yan follows Venerable Master Yin-shun’s aspiration to work “for Buddhism and for all living beings,” also the belief to “cultivate oneself and bring peace to people,” to “seek the fulfillment of oneself and the others,” to “be established oneself, seeks also to establish others, to be enlarged oneself, seeks also to enlarge others” which are inspired by the Confucianism classic Four Books. In addition, she devotes herself to studying in Buddhist sutra and personnel management, trying to integrate Confucianism and Buddhism’s thoughts, to establish the Four Missions and Eight Dharma Footprints of Tzu Chi Charity Foundation, to achieve the unity of knowledge and action by helping people with kindness, to inherit the Still thoughts lineage essence by keeping the will of “seizing the moment and make it everlasting,” and to hold the mind of purity unwaveringly with profound vows. Based on this great will, she strives to promote the Tzu Chi spirt, inspiring people the ideal that restraining oneself and returning to propriety may eventually make all under heaven attain perfect virtue. Tzu Chi Charity Foundation fulfills its salvation merits by way of doing charity work, providing medical treatment, education opportunity, humanity cultivation, bone morrow devotion, and environment conservation. In the meantime, the Foundation also sets up community volunteers, and international disaster relief. With the spirit of thankfulness, respect and love, the aspiration to work for Buddhism and for all living beings, and the Confucianism’s ideal of universal harmony, Tzu Chi makes efforts to realize salvation merits, and reaches to clarify people’s mind, harmonize the society and finally turn the society into an earthly paradise.