
張勝溫梵像卷藥師佛會研究=The Study of the painting about Medicine Buddhist Dharma Assembly of Chang Sheng-wen's "Long Roll of Buddhist Images"
作者 賴守婉 (著)=Lai, Shou-wan (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授陳俊吉=Chen, Chun-chi
關鍵詞藥師經變= The painting about Medicine Buddha's Sutra; 十二大願=Twelve Great Wishes; 南天瑰寶=Treasures of the South
摘要 本文研究大理國十二世紀張勝溫〈梵像卷〉的藥師佛會,分析眷屬成員包括藥師佛與協侍菩薩、八大菩薩、十二藥叉大將、四大天王、龍天八部、阿難與救脫菩薩、童子等造像。探討藥師經變就必須理解藥師經文,藥師經文有五種譯本。自隋朝、唐朝至宋朝的敦煌藥師經變,反映了藥師經譯本的不同,而敦煌各朝代藥師經變探討,也可看見〈梵像卷〉藥師佛會的造像源流。
This article studies the Medicine Buddha Society of Zhang Shengwen's "Brahma Statue Scroll" in the 12th century of Dali Kingdom. It analyzes that the members of the family include Medicine Buddha and the Bodhisattvas, the Eight Bodhisattvas, the Twelve Yaaksha Generals, the Four Heavenly Kings, the Eight Dragons and Heavens, Ananda and Salvation. Take off the statues of Bodhisattvas and boys. To discuss the changes in the Medicine Master Sutra, one must understand the Medicine Master Sutra. There are five translations of the Medicine Master Sutra. The changes in the Pharmacist Sutra in Dunhuang from the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty reflect the differences in the translations of the Pharmacist Sutra. The study of the changes in the Pharmacist Sutra in Dunhuang dynasties can also see the origin of the Medicine Buddha Society's statues in the "Volume of Brahma Statues".
The statues of the Medicine Buddha Association are based on Volume 12 of the Eastern Jin Dynasty's translation of "Buddha's Initiation to Eradicate Sins, Life and Death, and Save Life and Death," a translation of the Silk Buddha Association. The words that appear on it are also consistent with the vows of this sutra, and the picture shows the pharmacist's sad wish. The Medicine Buddha Assembly presents the solemn scene of the Medicine Buddha preaching with wonderful drawings. It is equipped with Bodhisattva, heavenly kings and generals. The exquisite composition and atmosphere have successfully achieved the function of Buddhist education and earned the reputation of "Treasure of the South". Well deserved.
The Dali Kingdom of the Song Dynasty, located in today's Yunnan, learned Chinese culture from Sichuan to the north due to geographical factors, not only Chinese Buddhism but also painting art. The representative meanings of the clothing and utensils in the "Volume of Sanskrit Images" are full of Sinicization style, breaking away from the early Indian and Central Asian styles. The three Medicine Masters, the Eight Bodhisattvas, the Twelve Yaakshasa Generals, the Four Heavenly Kings, and the Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons developed from Indian images are presented on the "Brahma Statue Scroll". The patterns have been completely Chineseized and are the focus of this paper's exploration.
Duan Zhixing, the king of Dali who founded the country with Buddhist ideas, was also a collaborator on the "Volume of Brahma" and composed three Buddhist associations, from the founder of the religion, Sakyamuni Buddha, to the Medicine Buddha Association that nourishes real life, and to Maitreya, who prays for the pure land of the next life. The Buddhist association is arranged in this way, which illustrates the enlightening function of the Buddhist founding thought of this scroll.
目次摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 次 IV
圖 次 VII
表 次 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
一、研究對象 2
二、研究動機 2
三、研究目的 3
四、早期研究回顧 4
第二節 研究方法與論文架構 5
一、研究方法: 5
二、 論文架構:
第二章 《藥師經》與藥師信仰的弘傳 8
第一節 《藥師經》的翻譯與流傳 10
一、 藥師十二大願 12
二、 免九橫死 20
三、 續命幡燈法 22
第三章 歷代藥師經變圖案內容與說明 27
第一節 藥師經變的內容 29
第二節 各朝代著名藥師經變 31
一、 隋朝 31
二、 唐朝 36
三、 五代宋初(907~1032年) 52
四、西夏時期(1032~1227年) 57
第三節 敦煌莫高窟十二大願壁畫源流 59
一、 敦煌藥師經變中藥師十二大願的表現形式 59
第四章 梵像卷藥師佛會圖像分析 63
第一節 梵像卷藥師琉璃光佛會眷屬名稱 65
一、藥師三尊與八大菩薩 68
二、 梵像卷藥師佛會十二藥叉大將 79
三、四大天王與龍天眷屬 84
四、阿難與救脫菩薩及童子 95
第二節 梵像卷藥師十二大願圖像 98
一、十二大願圖 98
二、圖文解析 111
第三節 梵像卷藥師佛十二大願圖的創新 114
第五章 梵像卷藥師佛會圖像與繪畫藝術源流 116
第一節 探討大理國佛教漢化與繪畫演進 116
二、宋代大理國佛教中國化的現象 117
三、宋代大理國佛教繪畫內涵養成探討 118
第二節 藥師佛會諸菩薩眷屬源流 121
一、藥師佛 121
二、藥師三尊 125
三、藥師十二藥叉大將 126
四、中國其他地區的四大天王形象 133
第三節 梵像卷藥師佛會與十二大願構圖的獨特性 139
一、藥師座椅的獨創性 138
二、童子形象的獨創性 140
三、現世淨土的獨創性 141
第六章 結論 142
參考書目 145

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