
試論堅牢地神與地藏菩薩本質上的關連性=The inherent connection between the DRdha Prthivi Devata and Ksitigarbhah
作者 釋堅元 (著)=陳冠甄 (au.)
出處題名 全國佛學論文聯合發表會論文集(第26屆)
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型會議論文=Proceeding Article
關鍵詞地藏菩薩=Ksitegarbha bodhisattva; 堅牢地神=Earth God; 實用理性=Practical reason; 地天信仰=Heaven and Earth Faith; 比里底毗=Prthivi
摘要 印度是富有神話色彩豐富的國度,從其民間宗教故事之傳神與多元即可知曉。然而,此民族對於歷史、文化、地理、宗教信仰等的相關記載並不多,因此有關神祇信仰的體系,並無具體的歷史依據,尤其經過雅利安人、波斯人、希臘人,和無數中亞細亞游牧民族的入侵,在這些異族文化的融合之下,形成另類的文化型態。

India is a country rich in myths, it can be told by its vivid and multicultural folk religion stories. However, it doesn’t have much records related to history, culture, geography and religion. That’s why hierarchy related to deity has no specific history evidence, especially after the invasion of the Aryans, Persians, Greeks and nomads in Central Asia. This cultural integration has led to a new form of culture pattern.
Although India and China belong to four great ancient civilizations and both have a long history, religion belief in both countries belong to polytheism, and the earliest belief was the deity to "forces of nature"(自然力量), which is a belief in the existence of the supernatural which controls the living, death, changes, wither and rebirth of a life circle. Their respect and dependence on superpowers such as the sky, earth, sun, wind, fire and so on, has led to the formation of the early belief after worshiping and personifying them, and "Heaven and Earth Faith"(地天信仰) was formed through this pattern. The primitive belief of depending, worshiping and personifying the earth by the people can be said to be a construction based on the "Animism"(萬物有靈論)thought and consciousness pattern of the people. Animism was then spread into India, China and Eastern Asia and become a folk belief with a long historical origin.
According to the research results of Japanese scholar Yabuki Keiki(矢吹慶輝 A.D.1879-1936), it has been discovered that the belief in Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva(地藏菩薩)originates from ancient India's worship of the "Earth God Belief "(地神信仰),which is a manifestation of "Prthivi"(比里底毗)"Ŗgveda"(梨俱吠陀). Similarly, Drdha Prthivi Devata(堅牢地神)also originates from the worship of Prthivi and the Guardian of the Earth, and both of them vowed to protect the people of "Jambudvipa"(閻浮提). They also play roles in bestowing fertility and increasing land territory. As a result, the worship of KSitigarbha Bodhisattva and DRdha Prthivi Devata not only share similar origins, but their will power and duties also have areas that overlap. Based on these correlations, some type of intrinsic link might exist between the two, and this is what evokes the author's inspiration to probe the topic.
This paper's research method mainly focuses on Philology, and the art of sculptures for textual criticism; analyzing and comparing intrinsic links between Drdha Prthivi Devata and KSitigarbha Bodhisattva, beginning with classic Chinese translations of intellectual history and grotto arts. This essay will be presented in four different aspects:
First, Chinese Buddhism outlined the rheological of faith; second, further discussion of the source of Earth God Belief that was investigated to be from India and China, as well as the historical timeline of Buddhism; third, focused on the observation of the origin of DRdha Prthivi Devata, the emergence of DRdha Prthivi Devata image, and the functions
of her virtues as a god; fourth, discuss the topics of the origin of KSitigarbha Bodhisat
目次一、前言 1
二、中國佛教信仰流變與差異之探討 2
(一)佛教於震旦的遷移流變 3
(二)信仰的差異 3
三、印度與中國地神信仰起源 4
(一)古印度地天信仰淵源 5
(二)中國地神信仰起源 6
(三)地神信仰佛教化之過程 7
四、論堅牢地神 9
(一)堅牢地神之名義 10
(二)堅牢地神之形像 11
(三)堅牢地神之神力 12
五、論地藏菩薩 14
(一)地藏字義 14
(二)地藏菩薩形像 15
(三)地藏菩薩之威神力 16
六、結論 18
參考文獻 19

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