阿賴耶識= Alaya-vijnana; 四分說=Four Divisions; 三性與三無性= Three Natures and Three Non-Natures; 轉識成智= Transforming Consciousness into Wisdom; 唯識教理與禪話結合的譬喻=Parables of Vijnanavada's Concept and its Integration with Chan Stories
筆者在本文中,將星雲大師對唯識學的相關論說,分成:「對印度瑜伽行唯識學派的歷史論述」、「對中國法相唯識宗的歷史論述」、「對唯識學的教理論述」等,來加以闡釋。其中在「對唯識學的教理論述」方面,大師解說的特別突出之處在於:一、關於「阿賴耶識」的比喻與說明,大師曾以「田地、倉庫、大海、命根」這「四種比喻」說明「阿賴耶識」。二、關於「四分」說的解釋,大師還曾以生動的「照相」譬喻,說明複雜的「四分」說(相分、見分、自證分、證自證分)。三、對「三性」與「三無性」的解釋,大師則以「有」和「非有」二個對反觀念,簡潔清楚地解釋「三性」與「三無性」。四、對「轉識成智」的說明,大師亦簡易地解釋了有關唯識學成佛的修練。五、唯識教理與禪話結合的譬喻故事,大師以非常活潑生動的故事,將唯識教理與禪話結合,讓人獲得如醍醐灌頂的日常生活智慧。這是筆者覺得星雲大師論述唯識學之慧黠與有特色之處。 Venerable Master's thoughts on the vijnanavada can be divided into the historical development of Indian Yogacara vijnanavada; historical development of Chinese Fa-xiang School's Weishi thinking; and doctrinal analysis of vijnanavada. The third in particular, is elaborated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun in the following aspects: 1) the alaya-vijnana, 2) the Four Divisions, 3) the Three Natures and Three Non-Natures, and 4) Transforming consciousness into wisdom, 5) Integration of the vijnanavada doctrine with Chan stories. All of these are very innovative ways of interpreting the mind-only concepts. A further study and analysis on these aspects are also presented in this paper to deepen the understanding of these complicated and profound concepts of the vijnanavada.