論文 (C). 中文翻譯:C23-C42頁. Source (出處):"Change in Consciousness:Women's Religious Identity in Himaiyayan Buddhist Cultural," in Karma Lekshe Tsomo ed., Buddhist Women Across Cultures:Realizations (New York:University of New York, 1999), pp. 169-189. 指導單位:中華佛寺協會; 主辦單位:財團法人弘誓文教基金會; 協辦單位:玄奘人文社會學院宗教學系所, 財團法人淨心文教基金會, 歡喜堂素食餐廳, 中國民國關懷生命協會; 時間:2002年4月20-21日; 地點:中央研究院學術活動中心.
藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 佛教女性=Buddhist Woman; 佛教與性別=Buddhism and Gender
Philosophical Foundations of Himalayan Life Himalayan Women's Everyday Lives Burden or Blessing? Women's Religious Potential Changing Perceptions of Gender and Cultural Identity Recovering Women's Spiritual Heritage