
聖嚴法師的禪修教育理念─以觀音法門為主=The Chan Teaching Concepts of Master Sheng Yen—— Based Mainly on the Method of Guan Yin
作者 釋性禪 (著)=Shi, Xingshan (au.)
出版者法鼓佛教學院 佛教學系
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞心靈環保=spiritual environmentalism; 人間淨土=pure-land on earth; 觀音法門=the Guan Yin method; 耳根圓通=adaptability of the hearing faculty; 反聞聞自性=introspective hearing of one’s self-nature

The motivation of study of this dissertation is to investigate the Chan teaching of Master Sheng Yen, which is based on wonderful wisdom and wonderful applications of the method of Guan Yin to link to the system of the teaching of Chan practice. Using protection of the spiritual environment as the core, Master Sheng Yen advanced the practice of purification of our thoughts, and when the mind is purified the world is purified. He also developed the idea of “to uplift the quality of mankind, to build a pure land on earth” of Dharma Drum Mountain organization.
The life of Master Sheng Yen corresponds to the spirit of the great compassion of Guan Yin and its causes and conditions. He taught everyone starting from prostrating to Guan Yin, seeking after Guan Yin, and learning from Guan Yin, to behaving like Guan Yin. His vows are like those of Guan Yin Bodhisattva who sees sentient beings through compassionate eyes, and whose great compassionate vow is to save the world, to offer with equality, and to use compassion and wisdom together. Master Sheng Yen’s main method of practice is Guan Yin method, and it is interlinked with the teaching system of Chan practice.
Master Sheng Yen’s method of teaching of Chan practice is: After one reaches unification of body and mind, one uses contemplation, returning, purification, Silent Illumination and Hua Tou methods to sever attachment to self-centeredness, Dharmas, ignorance, and habitual tendencies. This accomplishes the unity of samadhi and wisdom of Guan Yin. The Chan School talks about sudden enlightenment, revealing wisdom and the practice of naturally using the idea of “without abiding the mind manifests”. Wonderful applications of these concepts are: “using the mind to turn the environment” and “when the mind is purified the world is purified”. In order to respond to the needs of modern society and to accomplish the missions of the field of practice of Guan Yin, he advocated the movements of “The Four Environmental Protections”; “The Fivefold Spiritual Renaissance Campaign;” “The Six Ethics of The Mind;” and “The Great Good Year.” The idea is “to uplift the quality of mankind, to build a pure land on earth”. Together we hope all will work hard toward that goal.
目次摘要 I
第一章 緒論 I
第一節 研究動機、目的與範圍 1
第二節 研究方法與論文架構 1
第三節 前人研究成果之評析 2
第二章 聖嚴法師修持觀音法門的因緣與要義 8
第一節 聖嚴法師與觀音菩薩的因緣 8
一、覓地擴建的緣起 8
二、生命歷程的啟發 10
第二節 觀音法門的相關典籍與聖嚴法師之看法 14
一、觀音法門的典籍 15
(一)《大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經》 15
(二)《大方廣佛華嚴經》 19
(三)《千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼經》 20
(四)《妙法蓮華經》 21
(五)《般若波羅蜜多心經》 23
(六)《悲華經》 25
(七)《觀世音菩薩授記經》 26
(八)《六祖大師法寶壇經》 27
(九)《憨山老人夢遊集》 27
二、聖嚴法師之看法 28
第三節 聖嚴法師的七種觀音法門 35
一、深徹佛心髓的觀音法門 35
(一)《楞嚴經》的耳根圓通法門 36
(二)《心經》的照見五蘊皆空法門 52
二、其他種類的觀音法門 57
(一)《法華經‧普門品》的持名法門 58
(二)〈六字大明咒〉法門 60
(三)〈白衣大士神咒〉法門 60
(四)《延命十句觀音經》法門 61
(五)《大悲心陀羅尼經》的〈大悲咒〉修持法 62
第四節 小結 63
第三章 聖嚴法師的禪修教育與觀音法門之融通 65
第一節 觀音法門和安那般那之融通 65
第二節 觀音法門和念佛、淨土法門之融通 71
第三節 觀音法門和話頭與公案之融通 78
第四節 觀音法門和止觀之融通 90
第五節 觀音法門和默照之融通 98
第六節 小結 108
第四章 觀音道場的運作與理念 112
第一節 以大悲心起動 112
第二節 以心靈環保為主軸 116
第三節 提昇人的品質和建設人間淨土 120
第四節 聖嚴法師的現代詮釋 125
第五節 生活上實踐的成果 140
第六節 小結 151
第五章 結論 152
參考文獻 155
一、佛教藏經 155
二、聖嚴法師專書、專論 158
三、中、外文著作、雜誌 160
四、數位資訊、網頁、影音系列 162
五、工具書 163
附錄一:如來禪與祖師禪之圖表 164
附錄二:觀音修行法門分析 165
附錄三:初階禪修教育(禪觀修學) 167
附錄四:《楞嚴經》澄濁入涅槃之文義會合表 168

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