
The Celebration of Congee in East Asian Buddhism=東亞佛教中崇尚粥糜的飲食文化
作者 Toleno, Robban A. J.
出處題名 Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報
頁次125 - 168
出版者Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies=中華佛學研究所
出版者網址 http://www.chibs.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
使用語言中文=Chinese; 英文=English
關鍵詞Religion and food=宗教與飲食; history of food in Buddism=佛教飲食史; empirical knowledge in religion=宗教經驗知識; congee=粥; Foshuo shishi huo wufubao jing=佛說食施或五福報經
摘要Scholars of Chinese Buddhism have given much attention to vilified foodstuffs such as meat and pungent vegetables (alliums), and less attention to celebrated foods. While proscriptions are important for their role in constructing boundaries used in group identification, we should not overlook the celebration of particular foods such as congee (zhou 粥). In Buddhist writings, congee is enshrined in the wording of mealtime rites in Chinese monastic communities and is associated with claims of karmic or health-promoting efficacy. Sources as temporally and geographically distanced as the Pali canon’s Congee Sutra (Yagu Sutta) and Japanese monk Mujaku Dochu’s (1653-1744) Zenrin shokisen 禪林象器箋 agree that congee is a food with special significance to Buddhists. The most celebrated forms of this food, however, have not remained constant The ingredients of a congee commemorating the Buddha’s awakening transformed in the wake of Mahayana revisionism and through cross-cultural re interpretation (i.e., substitutions), shifting from dairy congee to mold-cultured congee and bean congee. Analyzing tenth-century citations on congee in the Shishi liutie釋氏六帖, an extra-canonical Buddhist encyclopedia, and also referencing the Buddha on the Five Advantageous Rewards Reaped from the Bestowal of Food), I attempt in this paper to offer the beginnings of a historically informed answer to a basic problem: Why would Buddhist authors celebrate some foods over others?

研究中國佛教的學者已非常關注葷辛等禁食的食品,但是卻很少留心被推崇的食物。雖然界進對於缺別群體身分的作用很重要,但是不應忽視對諸如粥等特定食物的推崇。在佛教的著述中,「粥」這一字眼已被納入中國佛教僧團的臨齋儀軌之中,並且與養生或果報有關。此類宣稱也很重要,因為它們為實踐提供規範依據。在時間上與地理上遠離的巴利文經典Yagu Sutta (粥經) 和日本僧人無著道忠 (1653-1744) 的《禪林象器箋》都認同「粥」對佛教徒而言是有特殊意義的食物。然而,這種食物最著名的形式並沒有保持不變。紀念佛陀覺醒的粥的成分在經大乘教義的修正和跨文化的重新詮釋之後發生變化,從乳粥變為用菌類和豆類做的粥。透過分析十世紀的藏外類書《釋氏六帖》列舉的內容,同時參照《佛說食施或五福報經》,本文試圖對一個基本問題率先提供歷史性解答:為何佛教著述家對某些食物特別推崇?
目次1. Introduction 127
2. Congee in the narrative of the Buddha's awakening 130
3. Commemorative congee 132
3.1 Milk, mold, and beans: making congee special in the right way 133
3.2 Interpreting the presence of hongzao in the Chixiu Baizhang qinggui 138
3.3 Lees as medicinal food 140
4. Congee in Buddhist mealtime liturgy 142
4.1 The ten benefits of congee in the Shishi liutie 143
4.2 Benefits of congee and the quistion of causation 145
4.3 The Wufubao jing and moral causation 149
4.4 Chinese Buddhist institutions and food donations 151
4.5 Congee as an ancient Chinese food 153
5. Conclusions 155
References 158
Collections and Online Resources 158
Primary Sources (by title) 159
Secondary Sources (by author) 161
Appendices 164
Appendix A 164
Appendix B 166
ISSN23132000 (P); 23132019 (E)

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