
地藏思想及其演化之研究=The Study of Kṣitagarbhas Thoughts and Evolution
作者 陳冠甄 (著)=釋音遠 (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞地藏三經=the three sūtras of Kṣitigarbhah; 地藏思想=Kṣitigarbhah’s thought; 《十輪經》=Daśacakra Kṣitigarbha Sūtra; 《占察經》=Zhancha Sūtra; 《本願經》=Ksitigarbha Sūtra; 幽冥教主=Underworld teaching host

The Kṣitigarbhah’s thought can be found in the three sūtras; namely (i) eight volumes of Daśa-cakra-kṣiti-garbha Sūtra translated in the Northern Liang dynasty (397-439) and the ten volumes of the Dazacakra Sūtra retranslated in 651 by Master Xuan Zang in the Tang dynasty, (ii) the two volumes of sūtra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions translated by Bodhidīpa(菩提燈)(dates of birth unknown)in the Sui dynasty, and (iii) two or three volumes Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Sūtra translated by Śikṣānanda(實叉難陀)(652-710)in the Tang dynasty. These three sUtras were first collected and named the three sūtras of Kṣitigarbhah by Master Ouyi Zhixu(1599-1655)in the Ming dynasty.
These three sūtras are the collections of words of Buddha; for example, Daśacakra Kṣitigarbha Sūtra is the collection when Buddha was in Kharādīya(佉羅提耶), Dazacakra Sūtra is the collection presented after Candra-garbha-sūtra(《月藏經》) while the Sūtra for the Discernment of the Consequences of Wholesome and Unwholesome Karma is about the Buddha’s words in Grdhrakūta, and finally Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra is the records after Buddha ascended to Trayastriṃśa. However, the depictions of Kṣitigarbha’s thoughts in these three sūtras are different. It is interpreted in Daśacakra Kṣitigarbha Sūtra that Kṣitigarbha made wishes to achieve the amazing merits to rescue sentient beings with great efforts. In addition, the practicing system from sentient beings to the saint is included in this sūtra. Sūtra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions, It is depicted in the Sūtra for the Discernment of the Consequences of Wholesome and Unwholesome Karma that Kṣitigarbha imparted those who are with evil cannot seeking the good with Zhancha dharma-wheel-shape(占輪相法)to Zhancha(占察) karma in the past, the present, and the future. Through offering, repentance, and Praṇidhāna, merits and karma deletion can be achieved. Acquistion of Ekadravyavisaya with two Threefold Contemplations increases and sticks to beliefs. Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra not only interpreters Kṣitigarbha’s purva-pranidhana, gamana, and Samayabala(本誓力), but also depicts Kṣitigarbha’s filial piety everywhere. Obviously, Kṣitigarbha’s imparting the sentient beings are based on the infinite compassion and mercy.
Daśacakra Kṣitigarbha Sūtra and Sūtra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions the Sūtra for the Discernment of the Consequences of Wholesome and Unwholesome Karma were not popular with the ordinary people but with Masters and scholars because they are difficulty to understand and to practice. On the contrary, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Sūtra is easy to understand, short to recite and carry, which attracts more ordinary people for Chinese loving simplicity and pragmatism. Furthermore, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Sūtra emphasizes more on filial piety, Naraka karma, merits, and hospice care. Influenced by the loca
目次第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 3
第三節 地藏思想相關文獻研究回顧 4
一、原典文獻 4
二、現代研究成果 5
第四節 全文架構及內容 11
第二章 地藏菩薩信仰之源流與發展 13
第一節 地藏菩薩信仰於印度之源流 13
一、古印度地神信仰淵源 14
二、地神佛教化與大乘化之演變 17
三、地藏菩薩信仰於印度之源流 23
第二節 地藏菩薩信仰於中國之興起 30
一、名號出現 30
二、信仰興起及其相關經典之傳譯 33
第三節 地藏造像於中國之開展 37
一、地藏造像之興起 37
二、地藏造像型制之演化 42
第四節 地藏懺儀於中國之開展 54
一、地藏懺儀之興起 54
二、地藏懺儀之意義 56
第五節 小結 61
第三章 《十輪經》之思想內涵 65
第一節 《十輪經》之傳譯情形 65
一、《十輪經》之傳譯 65
二、《十輪經》中「輪」義解析 73
第二節 《十輪經》之核心思想 75
一、起教因緣 75
二、本願思想 77
第三節 《十輪經》之修行方法 83
一、十王輪之治世方法 84
二、十佛輪的覺之教育 92
三、十善輪為大菩提因 104
四、十有依行輪之共三乘與不共聲聞 111
五、十依大甲冑輪明菩薩廣大行 117
第四節 《十輪經》之要義 135
一、示現不同身形化導眾生 135
二、於諸國土現種種三昧滿足一切眾生現世利益 139
三、繁衍大地生機 144
四、提倡恭敬三乘 146
第五節 小結 148
第四章 《占察經》之思想內涵 150
第一節 《占察經》之傳譯情形 150
第二節 《占察經》之核心思想 156
一、起教因緣 157
二、本願思想 158
第三節 《占察經》之修行方法 160
一、木輪相法 161
二、懺悔法 168
三、唯心識觀 172
四、真如實觀 175
五、一實境界 177
第四節 《占察經》之要義 181
一、一百八十九種善惡果報差別之相 181
二、念佛要領 184
第五節 小結 186
第五章 《本願經》之思想內涵 189
第一節 《本願經》之傳譯情形 189
一、出經年代 189
二、譯者之謎 195
第二節 《本願經》之核心思想 198
一、起教因緣 198
二、本願思想 200
第三節 《本願經》之修行方法 203
一、眾生造作業習 204
二、念佛滅罪 207
三、布施較量功德 207
第四節 《本願經》之要義 211
一、地獄業報 211
二、臨終關懷 219
三、最後囑累 230
第五節 小結 232
第六章 地藏三經思想之比較及信仰型態之演化 236
第一節 地藏三經思想內涵同異之比較 236
一、同中之異 237
二、異中之同 241
第二節 地藏菩薩信仰型態之轉向 251
一、華嚴宗對地藏菩薩救度身分轉向之影響 251
二、《佛說地藏菩薩經》中地藏菩薩之身分 254
第三節 地藏菩薩信仰與十王信仰之合化 257
一、地藏菩薩與十王信仰之關係 257
二、地藏思想與民間信仰之合化 261
第四節 九華山地藏道場之成立 270
一、九華山與佛教之淵源及其地藏道場之成立 270
二、金地藏與地藏菩薩身分之釐清 273
第五節 小結 275
第七章 結論 279
參考書目 284
一、佛教典籍 284
二、古籍文獻 291
三、現代專書 292
四、期刊論文 297
五、學位論文 299
六、外語資料 301
七、參考工具書、數位資源 302

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