
《十住經》修行思想之研究=A Study on the Practice and Thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra
作者 張麗卿 (著)=Chang, Li-ching (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞十住經=Daśabhūmika Sūtra; 十地=daśabhūmi; 菩薩行=Bodhisattva caryā; 修行轉化=conversion practice; 不共般若=āveṇika-Prajñā dharma; 大乘不共法=Mahayana āveṇika-dharma; 二利雙行=twin benefits of parallel practice

Daśabhūmika Sūtra is an early Mahayana scripture, one of the major scriptures for the practices of Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi. When the Daśabhūmika Sūtra appeared in the world, mahā-vaipulya-buddhâvataṃsaka-sūtra had not yet been compiled, so a standalone scripture may already have a complete and independent practice and thought of Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi. From the standpoint of research on Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi, that applies to the standalone scripture of Daśabhūmika Sūtra as a text for the research of Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi. Due to the practice and thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra of whether it has inherent characteristics, and how a bodhisattva benefits self and others, altruism and achieve the Buddhahood mission? How do Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi have the connotation of practice conversion? These concerns triggered the motives for the research study. This study attempts to discuss Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi’s connotation of practice conversion, Bodhisattva caryā, as well as elaborate the ideology of the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, to provide the modern a reference for practice of the Bodhisattva. The main purposes of the investigation are: 1, to clarify the process of conversion practice in the bodhisattva daśabhūmi . 2, to explore the features of the bodhisattva caryā. 3, to discuss the ideological content in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra. 4, to present the inspirational practice and thought of Daśabhūmika Sūtra. Results of the study include: Bodhisattva practice based on the Daśabhūmika Sūtra as a central focus, Bodhisattva in accordance with the āveṇika-Prajñā dharma and Mahayana āveṇika-dharma carry out the practice of Bodhisattva daśabhūmi. From the Bodhisattva to the conversion of the practice, and gradually tend to Tathāgata, as the method of achieving Buddhahood, this is the most important manifestation of the practice and thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra. Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi places considerable emphasis on śūnyatā, the emptiness of self and dharma, and the nature of non-arising, along with Bodhicitta, Pāramitā, compassion and caryā-praṇidhāna combined, and in the interests of all beings, the Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi was significantly āveṇika-Prajñā dharma, which has a hierarchy and organization of Bodhisattva caryā. The practice of Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi conversion include: the conversion of increasing wisdom, the stepwise change, the process of change, the state of change, showing the characteristics of a dynamic change. The main idea Daśabhūmika Sūtra is Prajñā thought, Bodhisattva thought, thought of karma and conditions co-arising, the thought of Buddhahood, its thought patterns and the central ideas in the mahā-vaipulya-buddhâvataṃsaka-sūtra are not the same, this is the style of presentation of the standalone Daśabhūmika Sūtra. The practice and thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra emphasize the focus on the reality of life, the self-awareness of the truth of life, as well as the concept and practice of the " twin benefits of parallel practice"(二利雙行) for self-interest, and altruism, so that Bodhisattvas daśabhūmi practice has practical meaning in life, therefore in revealing the practice and thought in the Daśabhūmika Sūtra has signif
目次誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表錄 VII
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、前言 1
一、研究動機與目的 1
二、文獻回顧 3
三、研究方法與架構 9
第二節、《十住經》之概述 13
一、《十住經》之出現、內容大要、論注 13
二、《十住經》菩薩十地之淵源與發展概況 29
第二章、《十住經》菩薩十地之修行 41
第一節、發心、願行與智慧和合之菩薩行──初地到三地的修行特色 41
一、歡喜地之修行內容 41
二、離垢地之修行內容 63
三、明地之修行內容 75
第二節、修習諸法智與方便慧之菩薩道──四地到七地的修行特色 84
一、焰地之修行內容 84
二、難勝地之修行內容 94
三、現前地之修行內容 99
四、遠行地之修行內容 110
第三節、無量無邊智慧行,入諸佛法明之菩薩行──八地到十地的修行特色 118
一、不動地之修行內容 118
二、妙善地之修行內容 126
三、法雲地之修行內容 134
第三章、《十住經》菩薩十地之修行轉化與菩薩行特點 146
第一節、《十住經》菩薩十地之修行轉化 146
一、歡喜地之修行轉化 148
二、離垢地之修行轉化 151
三、明地之修行轉化 153
四、焰地之修行轉化 155
五、難勝地之修行轉化 157
六、現前地之修行轉化 159
七、遠行地之修行轉化 161
八、不動地之修行轉化 163
九、妙善地之修行轉化 166
十、法雲地之修行轉化 168
第二節、《十住經》菩薩行之特點 175
一、菩薩十地之各地菩薩行 175
二、《十住經》之大乘不共法 181
第四章、《十住經》之思想內涵 190
第一節、《十住經》之般若思想 195
一、《十住經》之不共般若 197
二、般若義理在菩薩十地之地位與特質 201
第二節、《十住經》之菩薩思想 205
一、《十住經》菩薩修行階位之特色 206
二、《十住經》慈悲與願行之特質 208
第三節、《十住經》之成佛思想 216
一、《十住經》菩薩成就佛道的意義 217
二、《十住經》菩薩十地之趨向成就佛道 217
三、《十住經》菩薩的發菩提心、願行與成佛的關係 220
第五章、結論 226
一、《十住經》菩薩十地之修行特色 226
二、《十住經》之修行思想特色 229
三、《十住經》修行思想之啟發性 230
參考資料 238
附件一:《十住經》經典之科表 242
附件二:《十住經》全經之科文分解列表 244

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