
攝影的禪宗再現=Reappearance of Zen in Photography
作者 陳志湧 (著)=Chen, Chin-Yung (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.thu.edu.tw/
出版地臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授段存真=Tuan, Tsun-chen
關鍵詞決定性瞬間=The Decisive Moment; 禪=Zen; 頓悟=Sudden enlightenment; 漸悟=gradual enlightenment; 再現=Reappearance
摘要 禪宗的射藝,弓箭本身就是攻擊性武器,且在過程中,老師甚至刻意給學生施加壓力;同樣照相機,有人形容它是獵槍,我們拿起相機等待快門䆁放,同樣的也產生壓力,也都是屬於侵犯性的,尤其是禪宗的「當頭棒喝」更是如此。而身為禪宗重要的傳道載體,為什麼會採取如此暴力、施壓的方式來對待學生,這當中又有什麼關連?這是我們想知道的。
禪宗的悟道?是有什麼東西消失或蒙蔽了嗎?而攝影似乎也發生同樣的狀況,攝影就是如實的把對象物「再現」出來,而蘇珊.宋妲(Susan Sontag)卻說:「現實是隱藏的……不管相機記錄什麼都是一種發露。」但現實從不隠藏,可是為什麼會隠藏起來,又為何相機記錄後,就發露現實;禪宗有種引導學生的「重複法」,就是學生發問但襌師只是重複學生的發問,利用這種方式讓學生有了悟道的契機。那我們要問道是什麼?為什麼攝影的再現或是禪師再現學生的發問,就能促使現實的發露和禪宗門徒悟道的機會?在這裡本文想要藉由筆者對攝影的理解,試著推論出禪宗的一些運作的模式。

For the archery referred to in the Zen sect, the bow and arrow is an offensive weapon, and in the process, the teacher even deliberately puts pressure on the students. Similarly, for a camera, some people describe it as a shotgun. When we pick up the camera and wait for the shutter release to press, it generates the same pressure, which is invasive as well. So do the “sharp warning” in Zen. As an important propaganda carrier of Zen sect, why does it pressure the students so violently? What is the connection wherein? These are what we want to know
“Sudden enlightenment” and “gradual enlightenment” are long-standing issues debated by Zen followers. The sudden enlightenment herein is literally defined as “instant enlightenment”; the gradual enlightenment means always take care of one’s own state of mind and resist the external temptation by cultivating oneself diligently, that is to say wipe off the dust bit by bit, and finally see the nature. Both are reasonable and either of them has its own supporters. However, if we try another approach to look at it, from the perspective of photography, the purpose of photography is to take a heart touching photo, and such a photo could be taken by pressing the shutter button in an instant after unintentionally picking up a camera, or patiently wait, guard a pass and choose carefully and hence a good photo. In this way, it seems like both are right; nevertheless, pressing the shutter and taking a good photo is absolutely instantaneous, whilst the process can be done gradually. Furthermore, reality never hides, it is not even obscured, only invisible. Therefore, by discoursing on such photography issues, we can see whether the “sudden enlightenment” and the “gradual enlightenment” of Zen work or not, through dialectic.
What is the enlightenment argued by Zen? Is something disappearing or being blinded? Photography seems to have the situation likewise. Photography faithfully “re-display” the object; however, Susan Sontag said: “Reality hides…. No matter what the camera records, it somewhat reveals something.” But reality never hides; nonetheless, why does it hide? and why does the reality appear when the camera makes a recording? Zen has a “repetition method” to guide students, that is, the teacher merely repeats students’ questions when they ask questions, using this method to render the students opportunities for enlightenment. In this way, we would like to know eagerly what philosophical theory is. Why can the re-display of photography or the Zen teacher's re-display of students' questions are able to reveal the reality and give opportunities for Zen followers to enlighten? The Author desires to reason out some working modes of Zen by using its understanding of photography.
The views on daily life of Zen and Confucianism are much differe
目次摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 II
目次 IⅤ
圖目次 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍 5
第四節 研究方法 6
第五節 文獻分析 7
第六節 名詞䆁義 10
第二章 決定性瞬間 12
第一節 攝影的瞬間性 12
第二節 漸悟與頓悟 16
第三節 扭出全新的方式 18
第三章 茫然趣兩頭 25
第一節 攝影與現實紀錄 25
第二節 見山不是山 30
第三節 確認了我們與彼界的關連 34
第四章 平等一切事件 39
第一節 攝影的日常性 39
第二節 禪與日常 50
第三節 你游目所及的每個地方 53
第五章 結論 59
參考文獻 74

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