
現代佛教寺院經營永續性之研究:以台灣佛教社會企業為探討中心=A Study on the Contemporary Buddhism Temples Management Sustainability:The Case of Buddhism Social Enterprise in Taiwan
作者 簡意濤 (著)=Chien, I-tao (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞非營利事業機構=non-profit institutions; 佛教社會企業=buddhist social enterprises; 永續經營=sustainable management; 寺院=temple; 佛教經濟=buddhist economics; 經營管理=management
摘要今日的危機將帶來明日的轉機,寺院長期以來以香火、捐獻、依靠法事等較為保守被動的方式經營,但因當下經濟環境變遷、社會人口結構的改變,直接、間接影響了寺院的經營及存續。因此,佛寺若不調整其「營運模式」,經營上勢必將面對信徒流失,缺乏新血注入、財源收入不穩定、法脈傳承延續等種種危機。在這樣的立場下,寺院能否以「企業經營方式」來運作其經濟資源。現今公部門所積極推動的「社會創新企業」發展模式是否能提供寺院永續經營的方針。這些癥結都是本文「現代佛教寺院經營永續性之研究- 以佛教社會企業為探討中心」亟欲探索的方向。

Crises today bring a turning point tomorrow. Temples have long operated more conservatively and passively, depending on offerings, donations, and rituals. However, the changes in the economy and demography have directly and indirectly affected the operation and sustainability of temples. If temples do not adjust their operating models, they will inevitably face crises such as loss of worshippers, lack of new members, financial income instability, and succession of traditions and heritage. How would temples adopt enterprise management to use their economic resources under these dilemmas? How would the development of social innovation and enterprises promoted by contemporary government agencies be adopted by temples as policies for sustainable operation? These main points are what this paper, ""The study of contemporary Buddhist temples' sustainability - Buddhist social enterprises as the main core of discussion"", wishes to explore.

This study attempts to reflect on Buddhist temples' economic outlook from the historical context of Buddhism from the perspective of Buddhist communities. Next, the study discusses the discourse, research, and practice of today's religion and academia communities regarding the operation of temples. Various objective aspects, such as law, organization, and implementation, are explored to the opportunities of developing ""Buddhist social enterprises"" for Buddhist temples and the solutions to difficulties encountered during the process. A qualitative research method is adopted to study the contemporary Buddhist temples' sustainability, and various case studies focusing on Buddhist social enterprises are used for data analysis. Interviews with several participants in the industry, government and academia, and practitioners in the domain are incorporated into the study. After compiling and analyzing the results, we summarize the conclusion, prospects, and recommendation and hope that they can become useful references for the sustainability of temples.

This article is divided into seven chapters. The first explains the motivation, purpose, scope, and method of the study, as well as the review and discussion of the relevant literature. The second chapter will conduct an in-depth discussion of the evolution of the Buddhist economic history of original Buddhism, Mahayana, and contemporary Buddhism. In the chapter, we summarize past works on Buddhist economics to be used as a reflection to allow us to again evaluate and understand the belief, solution, action, and proof of Buddhism which has been passed down for more than 2,500 years, and we can have more in-depth thinking about the future management and economic development of temples. The third chapter continues the discussion on the evolution of Buddhism's economic history in the previous chapter to further explore the evolution of contemporary Buddhist temples' operation, and it focuses on the role
目次書名頁 I
論文口試審定書 II
謝誌 III
摘要 IV
Abstract V
目次 VII
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 研究範圍與方法 3
第三節 文獻回顧與述評 4
第二章、佛教經濟史之演化 7
第一節 原始佛教時期 7
第二節 漢傳佛教時期 17
第三節 近代佛教經濟轉變 23
第三章、當代佛教寺院經營型態的進化 28
第一節 宗教非營利組織的現況 28
第二節 弘法事業的興起與發展 42
第三節 佛教與社會企業的關聯 54
第四章、「佛教社會企業」問題性之發現 71
第一節 個案研究之資料蒐集方式 72
第二節 個案之經營模式研究 73
第三節 資料分析 75
第五章、「佛教社會企業」發展性之探討 77
第一節 問題假設 80
第二節 訪談結果 82
第三節 資料分析 97
第六章、「佛教社會企業」永續之建議 102
第一節 佛教社會企業發展與困境 102
第二節 佛教社會企業的發展利基 106
第三節 佛教社會企業的發展趨勢 112
第七章 結論 119
第一節 研究成果 119
第二節 研究限制與未來展望 120
參考文獻 122
一、佛教藏經 122
二、專書 123
三、期刊、研討會論文 127
四、學位論文 130
五、網站 131

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