
台灣佛教喪葬禮儀流變之研究=Research on the transformation of Taiwan Buddhist funeral decorum and customs
作者 李佳諭 (著)=LI, Chia-yu (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hcu.edu.tw/hcu/zh-tw
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞coalescence of Buddhism; folk traditions within funeral services; 台灣佛教; 喪葬=funeral; 本土化; 佛教喪禮=Buddhist funeral services; 佛化喪禮; 喪葬儀式
一、 台灣佛教喪禮融合了,儒、道等中國傳統禮俗的文化基因。
二、 佛教喪禮之務實轉化並配合民間喪葬禮俗,是目前台灣佛教喪葬儀軌流變之主要原因。
三、 佛教喪禮儀式是從民間傳統禮俗轉化而來的:原因是,原始佛教並無所謂「佛化禮儀」,其儀式大多是仿照民間禮俗,再依佛教教義斟酌增刪某些環節,而形成目前的儀式規範。
四、 台灣民間之其他教派的喪禮儀軌中,混雜著佛教教義與經典。

Taiwan funeral decorum and customs originally came from China with its components of Buddhist funeral services combined the Daoism and Confucianism. A Buddhist prime focus is upon the care of the deceased. This entails awakening the decease’s “Chong-Yin-Shen”- that being the period between actually being dead and before ones reincarnation and then to assist the deceased through reincarnation either onto a better next life or being reborn into paradise. Following these Buddhist beliefs and religious underpinnings creating a paradigm of life and death, Taiwan can be seen as having evolved its own localized practices.

This qualitative research applied the procedure of documentary analysis; literature review; field study and recording the process of the funeral services; together with in-depth interviews of a wide spectrum of participants. The core objective of the research was to integrate and compare relevant data and then to make an analysis of it to construct a better grounded conceptualization. As a participant observer the researcher was able to document the Buddhist funeral service process whilst aiming to understand the original underlying meaning of the practices.

In broad detail the purpose of this research was:
• To analyze the whole funeral ceremony process as a deeply embedded social phenomenon.
• To appreciate differences between Buddhism and other selected forms of religions.
• To understand Buddhism from within the context of absorbed Daoism or other folk tradition beliefs.

The research apart from a study of broad sweeping central issues, attempted to appreciate the fine details of the localize and moved towards postulating the future of Taiwan Buddhist funeral services.

Research findings:
1. Taiwan’s Buddhist funeral services continues to emphasis at its core a cultural components derived from Daoism and Confucianism traditions.
2. The main elements of change within contemporary Taiwan Buddhist funeral decorum and customs is derived from Buddhist funeral practices interplay with folk tradition beliefs.
3. The evidence revealed that the Buddhist funeral services in fact closely follow local folk traditions. The main finding is that fundamental Buddhist beliefs as realized through ceremony practices , coalesces with local folk traditional decorum and customs to create a trajectory of change that over time becomes current practice only to be open again to augmentation.
4. Other religious funeral rituals in Taiwan are a flux of Buddhist doctrine and classic metaphors and analogies. Most of the Buddhist based proprietors of funeral service homes seek to perform a funeral process as part of their own “practice in life.” Learning from their own Master they in time augment their ceremony based upon the Buddhism philosophy and their own Master’s teaching methods. Consequently this finding points to the value of further research to undercover if they is any underlying archetypal philosophical or belief based aesthetics.
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 4
第三節 研究的範圍與限制 11
第四節 研究結構 12
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 概念界定與說明 15
第二節 喪葬相關之思想與社會化功能 20
第三節 儒家的生死觀與喪禮 32
第四節 佛教與道教在喪禮上的交融 38
第三章 佛教喪禮與台灣民俗 51
第一節 台灣民間喪葬禮俗 51
第二節 佛教喪葬儀式 57
第三節 豎靈佛事與殯葬文書 88
第四章 佛教喪禮的流變 97
第一節 佛教喪禮中的道教科儀 98
第二節 其他教派中的佛教喪禮科儀 101
第三節 解嚴後新興宗教 108
第四節 佛法不離世間法 111
第五章 佛教喪禮特質與禁忌 115
第一節 佛教喪禮活動 115
第二節 佛教喪禮的特質 122
第三節 佛教喪禮中的規矩與禁忌 129
第四節 佛教喪禮融入民間習俗 145
第六章 結論 153
參考文獻 163
附錄一、A1傳統業者訪談 172
附錄二、A2佛教業者訪談 179
附錄三、A3生前契約訪談 186
附錄四、A4佛教業者訪談 190
附錄五、B1學者王老師訪談 195
附錄六、B2學者郭老師訪談 202
附錄七、C1助念李師姐訪談 207
附錄八、C2誦經師姐訪談 213
附錄九、C3訪談見鵬法師 219
附錄十、C4訪談見樂法師 233
表1-1參與觀察資料表 9
表1-2深度訪談者資料表 10
圖3-1佛教喪禮靈堂 65
圖3-2佛教喪禮靈堂 65
圖3-3入殮後孝眷獻蓮花 67
圖3-4入殮灑淨儀式 67
圖3-5作七超薦法事 71
圖3-6作七超薦法事 71
圖3-7法會會場暨告別式式場 73
圖3-8法會會場暨告別式式場 73
圖3-9家奠前法師引導法語 74
圖3-10家奠 74
圖3-11告別式場 75
圖3-12告別式場 75
圖3-13恭請法師帶領誦經念佛 77
圖3-14公請法師帶領誦經念佛 77
圖3-15封釘儀式 79
圖3-16封釘儀式 79
圖3-17發引開示 80
圖3-18辭客叩謝親友 80
圖3-19火化儀式 82
圖3-20檢骨 82
圖3-21骨灰裝罐 84
圖3-22進塔 84
圖3-23除靈 87
圖3-24合爐 87
圖3-25佛教靈位牌範例 94
圖3-26佛教魂幡範例 94
圖3-27佛教碑文範例 94
圖3-28佛教骨灰罐銘文 94
圖3-29佛教訃聞範例 95
圖4-1引磬 118
圖4-2大磬 118
圖4-3木魚 119
圖4-4寶鐘鼓 119
圖4-5鐺科 119
圖4-6手搖鈴 119
圖4-7手鼓 120
圖4-8銅鈸 120

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