馬來西亞佛教=Malaysian Buddhism; 達摩難陀法師=Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda; 竺摩法師=Ven. Zhu Mo; 南北傳佛教=The Northern Sect and Southern Sect Buddhism; 齋教=Zhaijiao
馬來西亞是個多元種族、多元文化與宗教信仰的國家,憲法第三條第一款雖說明伊斯蘭教是馬來西亞聯邦的宗教 (Islam is the religion of Federation);但憲法第十一條也明文規定容許人民有宗教信仰的自由。因此,除了伊斯蘭教之外,佛教 (Buddhism) 、基督宗教(Christianity)、印度教(Hinduism)與錫克教(Sikhism)等,都能和平共處。 由於馬來西亞具有得天獨厚的環境,促使佛教在這片國土上的發展有別有其他的國家,因而塑造出其獨特的風格。因此,佛教在馬來西亞這多元文化的國家裏,扮演著重要的角色。多年來,馬來西亞佛教徒對民族的和諧、國家社會的安寧、經濟發展、文化建設等方面作出極大的貢獻。 本論文是以探討佛教在馬來西亞發展的概況,及以最具有影響力的南北傳佛教發展之父-達摩難陀法師和竺摩法師為主軸。論者透過對於達摩難陀法師和竺摩法師的生平略記資料的收集,如手稿、書信及剪報資料中去考察,及整理出相關的史料;同時也以口述歷史的方法來彌補文獻資料之不足。論者希望以第一手資料如實的呈現出馬來西亞南北傳佛教高僧的心路歷程;從而整理出馬來西亞佛教人物史之史料;俾使後來者能向為佛教貢獻之高僧大德的崇高精神學習。
Malaysia is a multiracial and multicultural country with freedom in religious belief . The Federal Third Constitution of the First Section states that although Islam is the religion of the Federation , the Eleventh Federal Constitution also clearly stipulates and allows the People to have their own free choice in religion . Therefore , besides Islam , Buddhism , Christianity , Hinduism and Sikhism can coexist peacefully in this country. Because having special and unit environment in Malaysia , Buddhism is able to develop on her unique style exclusively in this national territory , differ from other regions. Thus , Buddhism in the multicultural society , for the past , plays an important role while the followers contribute greatly in terms of racial harmony , national unity , society peacefulness , economic development as well as cultural restructuring. The thesis aims at discussing the Buddhist development in Malaysia with core centering in the influential power of the Father of the Northern Sect Buddhism , Venerable Zhu Mo(1913~2002)and the Father of the Southern Sect Buddhism , Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayake Maha Thera ( 1919 ~2006 ) . The author writes on the life history of the two venerable masters from the available records and collections like notes , drafts , letters , books and newspaper cuttings , as well as , by verbal presentation , so as to make up the insufficiency and short of in the written records and literature. The author wishes to reorganize the historical data and present a first hand information over the insight life path of the Honorable Malaysian Southern Sect and Northern Sect Buddhist venerable masters . So , through the noble spiritual study of the eminent mental journey of the influential Malaysian Buddhist monks , the successors can learn and follow their spiritual contributions of the respected Buddhist monks to the Malaysian Buddhism.