
麥積山石窟維摩詰經變的探究=The inquiry of the Murals of the Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra in Maijishan Grottoes
作者 邱宜君 (著)=Chiu, I-chun (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞麥積山石窟=Maijishan Grottoes; 維摩詰經=Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra; 壁畫=murals; 造像=statues

The thought of "Vimalakirtinirdesa- Sutra” is very popular in the era of Wei-Jin dynasty. In general, the original graphics or sculptures of the stories of Buddhism, Jataka stories, pictures of Buddha teachings or "Pure Land" can be found in India or Central Asia. However, Vimalakirti images or "murals of the Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra” were theoretically created by Chinese people and were not seen in India or other areas. Most of the existing Vimalakirti statues are found in northern China and the ones in Maijishan are the most representative of the styles and artistic characteristics of the central China sculpture making.
Maijishan grotto art seeks to present the serene dignified realm of art, focus on different parts’ coordination and wholeness. Its sculpting images have fine characterization in various forms with interesting expressions to show different characters’ inner sides. This indicates that Maijishan grotto art is featured with both realism and secular art.
Among all Vimalakirti images, Manjusri asked illness goods has been most frequently found from Bingling Temple, Yungang Grottoes, the Longmen Grottoes and the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, and several other regions. The form showed a trend of gradual change from a simple "one paragraph presentation" to "multi-paragraphs presentation", that is, the earlier the production was, the more simple form of the murals of Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra was. Almost all early production presented the simple form of single paragraph. Buddhism Sutra translation has been more complete towards modern era and the thoughts have been widely accepted by average people, therefore, the content presentation has a rich variety. This is shown in a mural that has all thirteen scriptures of the "Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra".
Buddhism sutras preach different contents and each has a main idea. The original images focused on single sutra’s content but later the cave figures mixed different sutras of the same thoughts together so that there is multiplying effects to guide people’s understanding of their contents. In murals of the Wei-Jing Dynasty era, " Vimalakirtidesa-Sutra","Lotus Sutra" and "Nirvana Sutra" often appeared together in statue forms of the same Buddhist Grottoes. This transformation of the murals of the Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra from "single sutra presentation" to "multiple sutras presentation" explains the trend of systematization and integration of Buddhism thoughts. " Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra" and "Lotus Sutra" show more Dharma teachings of convenient and skillful uses to guide the sentient beings entering the door of Dharma teaching so they know that "paradise" is such a solemn Buddhist Pure Land.
Master Vimalakirti talked talently with a clear mind and supernatural power. He understood where the hearts of sentient beings go and knew how to help them with wisdom. His understanding and practice of Buddhist Dharma reached the highest state of mind and set an example and is a roll model for many ordinary people in this world. The images and pictures of the murals of the Vimalakirtinirdesa-Sutra brought rich an
目次致謝 I
摘要 Ⅱ
目錄 V
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XI

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機和目的 1
第二節 研究主題與方法 3
一、研究的主題 3
二、研究方法 3
第三節 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
一、魏晉玄學與佛教思想、藝術的發展 6
二、佛教思想與藝術造型之間的關係 7
三、對經變圖的探討 11
四、中國石窟中的維摩詰經變 12
五、麥積山石窟的研究 15
六、麥積山石窟中的維摩經變 19
七、台灣學術界對中國石窟與經變圖的研究 20
第三章 《維摩詰經》的探究 24
第一節 《維摩詰經》的譯本和注疏 25
一、《維摩詰經》的譯本 25
二、《維摩詰經》的注疏 25
三、譯者鳩摩羅什生平 26
(一)生平事蹟 26
(二)鳩摩羅什生平和譯經表: 29
第二節 《維摩詰所說經》的內容 31
一、《維摩詰所說經》經文內容 31
二、《維摩詰所說經》內容旨要 43
三、《維摩詰經》中的淨土思想 44
第三節 《維摩詰經》的流傳和影響 45
第四節 本章小結 46
第四章 麥積山石窟的維摩經變 48
第一節 佛像藝術的發展 48
一、印度佛像藝術 49
二、中國的佛像藝術 51
(一)、佛像傳入的路線 51
(二)、佛經和佛像的傳入中國 51
第二節 麥積山石窟的地理環境 52
一、麥積山石窟的位置 52
二、麥積山石窟的開鑿年代 53
三、麥積山石窟的歷史背景 53
(一)、高僧隱居麥積山 54
(二)、乙弗皇后的故事 55
第三節 維摩詰經變 55
一、維摩詰經變經變的內容 56
二、維摩詰經變經變的形式 56
三、麥積山的維摩詰經變 56
(一)、北魏第133窟10號造像碑 57
(二)、北魏第135窟 64
(三)、西魏第102窟、123窟、127窟 64
(四)、宋代第4窟 69
(五)、洞窟的比較 69
第四節 本章小結 71
第五章 從一品呈現到多品呈現 73
第一節 炳靈寺石窟的維摩詰經變 74
一、炳靈寺石窟 74
二、炳靈寺石窟的維摩詰經變 74
第二節 雲岡石窟的維摩詰經變 75
一、雲岡石窟 75
一、 雲岡石窟的維摩詰經變 75
(一)雲岡石窟第3窟 76
(二)雲岡石窟第6窟 77
(三)雲岡石窟第39窟 78
(四)雲岡石窟第14窟 79
第三節 龍門石窟的維摩詰經變 80
一、龍門石窟 80
二、龍門石窟的維摩詰經變 80
第四節 敦煌石窟的維摩經變 81
一、 敦煌石窟 81
二、敦煌石窟的維摩詰經變 82
(一)敦煌的維摩詰經變在隋代的形式 82
(二)敦煌的維摩詰經變在唐代的形式 83
三、莫高窟內容最多的維摩詰經變-第61窟 84
第五節 本章小結 85
第六章 麥積山石窟維摩詰經變的演變和價值 87
第一節 維摩詰經變的演變 87
一、地理位置靠近長安 87
二、統治者的支持 88
第二節 麥積山石窟維摩詰經變的價值 89
一、往生淨土的追求 90
(一)《妙法蓮華經》 90
(二)《涅槃經》 92
(三)《維摩詰所說經》 93
二、引導眾生成佛 94
第三節 本章小節 95
第七章 結論 96
一、研究的限制 97
二、 研究的延續 98
參考文獻: 99

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