Repentance is a form of practice performed by almost all religions. Believers of all religions achieve their balance of body and mind through repentance. In Buddhism, repentance is also one of the most important ways of spiritual practice. For those who study Buddhism, the development of repentance, the compilation of repentance texts, the earliest repentance activities of lay Buddhists and the religious belief of the common people are the important links to understand the sinicization of Buddhism. Chinese Buddhism is Mahāyāna Buddhism inherited from the mid-term of Indian Buddhism, which is different from the Early Buddhism established by the Buddha himself. The great vows of Bhisajya-guru Buddha in the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha, the extension of life by the installation of life-prolonging banners, repentance ritual according to the sutra, these practices would bring worldly advantages such as eliminating the bad karmas, increasing wisdom and merits, and obtaining wellbeing. Besides, the practice of repentance helps develop the concetration and wisdom and achieve the aim of enlightenment. "The Repentance Ritual of Bhisajya-guru Buddha for Eliminating Disaster and Prolonging Life" is able to benefit the living , the sick, the dead and the suffered by removing all kinds of suffering through the chanting of sutra or holding the Buddhist sevice. Ci-bei-yao-shi-bao-chan is a repentance text compiled on the base of the Sutra of the Medicine Buddha and other Buddhist texts. Except for the teachings of repentance, the thought of emptiness is also seen in this text. The thoughts of "Ci-bei-yao-shi-bao-chan" concerning the source of sin--bad karmas let sentient beings fall into the circle of life and death; the methods of purifying through repentance and reaching the goal of supreme bodhi. and vowed to practice Bodhisattva. It also explores the importance of wisdom to the development of bodhicitta, and the emptiness of the nature of sin so as to eliminate all sins through the realization of emptiness wisdom.