
正念運用於宗教教誨之研究:以明德戒治分監收容人為例=A Research on Mindfulness Applied to Religious Education: Csaes on Inmates in Ming-De Rehab Branch, Tainan Prison
作者 薄培琦 (撰)=Po, Pei-chi (compose)
出版者網址 https://www3.nhu.edu.tw
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授呂凱文=Lu, Kai-wen
關鍵詞正念=Mindfulness; 宗教教誨=Religious education; 茶禪=Tea-Chan; 正念新生活=New Life of Mindfulness
本研究以正念技巧結合茶禪運用於毒癮收容人宗教教誨,設計12周「正念新生活」課程,期能藉由學習正念技巧及茶禪體驗為收容人建立新的生活模式。參與研究課程者為自願且經訪談篩選之18位毒癮收容人,經由學習正念身心技巧,課程期間記錄正念日記,課程尾聲以「茶禪成果展」融合所有技巧,加深印象建立心錨。本研究擬探討一、正念是否能改變收容人生活習性?二、改變的內容有哪些? 三、正念在宗教教誨中的運用情形。四、正念以茶禪成果展儀式進行之施行情況。五、正念運用於毒癮收容人教化模式初探。

Almost one hundred years ago, many people in our country were addicted to Opium and completely abandoned themselves. That’s why our country tried to get away from the damage from Opium, but unfortunately caused Opium War. Nowadays, drug abuse has become a global problem. According tot he statistics of Ministry of Justice Jan-Sep in 103 , the total quantity of drugs caughted amounted to 3826 kilograms. The damage drugs caused to the society is still going on and has not yet ceased. I have been taking part in the religious education for the people receiving rehabilitation treatment in prisons for nearly twenty years. All these years, I have been devoted to the drug prevention, hoping to seek a better way beneficial for the drug abusers and help them to start up their new life.
In this research, I make use of the techniques of mindfulness combined with Tea-Chan in religious education for drug addicts in Rehab Institution. A twelve-week course named “Life of mindfulness” is designed to establish new pattern of life for the drug addicts. This course includes learning the techniques of mindfulness and experiencing Tea-Chan. Eighteen drug addicts joined in the course. They were all volunteers and accepted to join in this course after interviews one by one. In the course, participants first learned the techniques of mindfulness, then kept mindfulness diaries and in the last made use of all the techniques they had learned in so-called “Tea-Chan exhibition”. In this way, I helped them to deepen their impressions of mindfulness and planted the mindfulness seedling in their hearts. This research was intended to find out: 1) whether mindfulness could change the habitual life pattern of the participants, 2) in what aspect they changed themselves, 3) how mindfulness was applied to drug addicts in religious education, 4) the application and effects of Tea-Chan Exhibition, and 5) finally the feasibility study mindfulness was applied to the education of drug addicts in prisons.
After this course, I analysed all the data collected in this course and found that if mindfulness diaries could be continued for a longer period of time, the participants could reach sobhanasadharana mentioned in《Abhidharma》:kayapassaddhi、citta-Passaddhi、kayalahuta、citta-lahuta、kaya-muduta、citta-muduta、kaya-kammaññata、citta-kammaññata、kaya-paguññata、citta-paguññata、kayujjukata、cittujjukata and could go on to viraticetasika:sammavaca、sammakammanto、samma-ajivo, and that may be the key point for them to get away from drugs after they get out of prisons in the future. My suggestions are: 1)mindfulness can be used to raise mental and physical levels of drug addicts, 2)mindfulness can lead to new life of eight Noble Truths, and 3) we should plan to promote “New Life of Mindfulness” widely.
目次摘要 Ⅰ
Summary Ⅱ
略符 Ⅳ
目次 Ⅴ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 9
第三節 問題意識 15
第四節 研究範圍 23
第五節 研究架構 26
第二章 歷來研究成果與文獻探討 27
第一節 相關研究探討 28
第二節 正念技巧的經證 42
第三節 八正道 54
第四節 善生經、慈經、佛光祈願文 57
第三章 研究方法與設計 62
第一節 質性研究 62
第二節 環境與人的因素 63
第三節 研究設計 65
第四章 結果分析與討論 84
第一節 正念在宗教教誨中的作用 85
第二節 正念如何改變生活習性 100
第三節 值得探討的個案 102
第五章 研究省思與結語 123
第一節 研究發現 123
第二節 研究建議 130
第三節 省思與研究限制 131
參考書目 133
附錄 140
附錄一 140
附錄二 144
附錄三 147
附錄四 150
附錄五 520

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