Ciyun Zunshi (964 ~ 1032) lived in Tiantai Sect in Song Dynasty, during which Pure-land Sect was very popular with many sects of Buddhism seeking their destiny of returning to the pure land. In Song Dynasty, Tiantai Sect advocated and practiced the doctrines of Buddha. Zunshi was determined to preach the way of Tiantai by practicing the way of Buddha. In his entire life, he had always been preaching, repenting in system and ritual and reciting Buddhism sutras, especially for the importance of the methods of redemption. The book “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” written by him was a convergence of ideas of Pure-land and Tiantai which intelligently combined and applied the doctrines of two sects, presenting the practice of religious life. “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” was a collection of redemption methods compiled by Zunshi from Amitayus Sutra and other Mahayana Sutras that honor the Pure-land. It centers on the structure of Tiantai Sect and then absorbs the ideas of Pure-land, which makes it a redemption rite featuring Tiantai Sect, Pure-land ideas and the belief of redemption. The redemption rites book was produced under the influence of convergence of sects in Song Dynasty. It featured both Tiantai and Pure-land ideas, casting profound influence to the practicers of Pure-land and Tiantai. Afterwards, redemption rites become one of the most important rites in Buddhism culture. Therefore, Zunshi’s “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” is not only a book reflecting Buddhism ideas, but also a guideline to the rite of redemption. This thesis consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The second chapter introduces Ciyun Zunshi’s life and era background. The third chapter is about the causes of redemption rites in “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi”. The fourth chapter introduces religious meaning and ritual characteristics of “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi”. The fifth chapter discusses the impact of “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” Song and afterward cultures. The last chapter is conclusion. The first chapter is introduction which mainly elaborates the motive and purpose of this thesis and the comments over the present studies and theses related to Ciyun Zunshi’s life, ideas and methods of redemption, and discusses the research scope and thesis structure. The second chapter mainly introduces Ciyun Zunshi’s era background and life, his works and his practices of Buddhism ideas. The third chapter is about the causes of redemption rites in “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi”, and the formation background and era of the book as well as the structure of ritual redemption. The fourth chapter analyzes the content and religious features of “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” to probe into the characteristics of the Redemption of Pure-land, such as Sin Purgatory through redemption, causes of Samadhi achievements and pure-land of afterlife and the Convergence of the ideas of Tiantai Sect and Pure-land as well as other religious features. The fifth chapter illustrates the Buddhism culture influence of “Wang Sheng Jing Tu Chan Yuan Yi” on Song Dynasty