《華嚴經‧離世間品》普賢行發心住之初步研究─以澄觀《華嚴經疏》論述為主 |
作者 |
釋能開 (著)
出處題名 |
出版日期 | 2024.09.28 |
頁次 | 24 |
出版者 | 台灣大學佛學研究中心 |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料類型 | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
使用語言 | 中文=Chinese |
附註項 | 作者單位:佛光山叢林學院 |
關鍵詞 | 普賢行=Samantabhadra's Practice; 十住位=Ten Abodes; 發心住=Abode of arousal of the intention; 普賢心=Samantabhadra's mind; 三賢位=Three Virtuous Positions |
摘要 | 《大方廣佛華嚴經》被譽為經中之王,不僅陳述佛陀證悟不可思議的境界,亦包含菩薩五十二個階位之實踐要旨。中國華嚴宗四祖清涼澄觀在《大方廣佛華嚴經隨疏演義鈔》提到:「大方廣佛華嚴經,即毘盧遮那之淵府,普賢菩薩之心髓,一切諸佛之所證,一切菩薩之所持。」可以說整部《華嚴經》即是闡述「普賢行」的概念,菩薩從十信開始、十住、十行、十迴向,直至等覺、妙覺,終究成佛,無一不是在實踐「普賢行」。唯有透過「行持」,最終才得證入佛果。 華嚴宗祖師將《華嚴經》分為信、解、行、證四大部分。筆者認為「證分」前一分的「行分」的〈離世間品〉存在行持普賢行的關鍵意義,且「行分」的〈離世間品〉之出現,更加強調「信」、「解」後,「行」的重要性。為此,本研究主題欲探討以「行」為主於〈離世間品〉「十住位」中初住發心住之修行思想探究。十住位是三賢位中的初賢位,是凡夫登上聖賢位的最初階段。因十信滿心,登上十住位後,心可安住在佛法上,所發的菩提心不再退轉,此時才名為是真佛子。故,十住位處於由凡轉聖,由外向內,為提升修行層次的重要關鍵。 本文欲探討〈離世間品〉中普賢行發心住所呈現的修行價值為何,以及發心住在菩薩修行中所彰顯的意涵及其重要性,期以成為如實的普賢行者,能在現世生活中時時力行「普賢行」,最終自利利他,真正圓滿大乘菩薩道。 The Avatamsaka Sutra is revered as the king of sutras, depicting not only the inconceivable stateof the Buddha’s enlightenment but also the essential practices of the Bodhisattva's fifty-two stages. Qingliang Chengguan(清涼澄觀), the fourthpatriarch of the Huayan School in China, stated in his Commentary on the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka-sutra ( 大 方 廣 佛 華 嚴 經 疏 ) : “ The Avatamsaka Sutra is the deep treasury of Vairocana, the essence of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the realization of all Buddhas, and the practice of all Bodhisattvas.” The entire Avatamsaka Sutra essentially elucidates the concept of "Samantabhadra's Practice," where the Bodhisattva progresses from the ten stages of faith, the ten abodes, the ten practices, the ten dedications, and finally to the stages of equal enlightenment and wondrous enlightenment, ultimately achieving Buddhahood. It is through practice that one can ultimately attain the fruit of Buddhahood.
The patriarchs of the Huayan School divided the Avatamsaka Sutra into four major parts: faith, understanding, practice, and realization. The author believes that the "Detachment from the World" chapter in the "practice" section preceding the "realization" section holds crucial significance for the practice of Samantabhadra’s path. The appearance of the "Detachment from the World" chapter in the "practice" section further emphasizes the importance of "practice" following "faith" and "understanding." Therefore, this study aims to explore the thought and practice of the first stage of aspiration in the ten abodes within the "Detachment from the World" chapter. The ten abodes represent the initial stages of the three virtuous positions, marking the transition from an ordinary being to a sage. Upon reaching the ten abodes after fulfilling the ten stages of faith, the mind can settle in the Dharma, and the aspiration for enlightenment will no longer regress. Only then can one be considered a true child of the Buddha. Thus, the ten abodes are crucial for advancing the level of practice from external to internal transformation. This paper aims to investigate the value of practice presented in the aspiration stage of Samantabhadra’s practice in the "Detachment from the World" chapter, as well as the significance and importance of this stage in the Bodhisattva’s practice. The goal is to become a true practitioner of Samantabhadra’s path, consistently applying "Samantabhadra’s practice" in daily life, ultimately benefiting both oneself and others, and fully realizing the Mahayana Bodhisattva path. Keywords: Samantabhadra’s Practice, Ten Abodes, Abode of arousal of the intention, |
目次 | 摘要 1 Abstract 1 一、 前言 3 二、《華嚴經.離世間品》的理論建構 4 (一)《華嚴經》內容綱領 4 (二) 普賢行發心住修行之定義 7 (二)〈離世間品〉在《華嚴經》中的地位 7 三 、普賢發心住修行在〈離世間品〉的意義 8 (一)〈離世間品〉之「離」義 8 (二) 普賢行發心住修行之定義 9 (三) 普賢行發心住之思想內涵 12 四、〈離世間品〉與〈十住品〉發心住修行之差異 17 五、結論 19 六、參考文獻 21 (一)原典 21 (二)專書 21 (三)期刊論文 23 (四)學位論文 23 (五)工具書 24 |
點閱次數 | 283 |
建檔日期 | 2024.10.22 |
更新日期 | 2024.10.22 |

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