全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
『一条要決』に見られる二条永滅説批判 ——『成唯識論掌中枢要』への反論を中心に——=Criticism of the View that the Two Vehicles Attain Extinction found in the Ichijō Yōketsu: The Response to the Cheng weishi lun zhangzhong shuyao |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2017.12 |
『大乗大義章』における空の論議について=On the Debate Concerning Emptiness Found in the Ta-sheng Ta-i-ch'ang |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1982.05.30 |
『法華三昧懺儀』研究序説=Notes to the Study of the Fa-hua san-mei ch'an-i |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1987.05.30 |
A New Approach to Medieval Pure Land Buddhism: Taira Masayuki, Nihon chusei no shakai to Bukkyo |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1996.01 |
Annotated Translation of the Ssu-chiao-i (On the Four Teachings), Chüan 1 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute |
1986.01.31 |
Annotated Translation of the Ssu-chiao-i (四敎義; On the Four Teachings), Chüan 2 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute |
1987.01.31 |
Bodhisattva Practice and Pure Land Practice: Senkan and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse in Heian Japan |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1999.01 |
Bodhisattva Practice and Pure Land Practice: Senkan and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse in Heian Japan |
Rhodes, Robert |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1999.01 |
Book Review: " The Great Calming", by Neal Donner and Daniel B. Stevenson |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1996 |
Book review: "Approaching the Land of Bliss : Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitabha", by Richard K. Payne and Kenneth K. Tanaka eds. |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2004 |
Book Review: "Interpreting Amida: History and Orientalism in the Study of Pure Land Buddhism", by Galen Amstutz |
Rhodes, Robert |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
2001.01 |
Book Review: "Madhyamaka Thought in China", by Ming-Wood Liu |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1997 |
Book Review: "Readings of the Lotus Sūtra", by Stephen F. Teiser and Jacqueline I. Stone, ed. |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2010 |
Book Review: "The Lotus Sutra in Japanese Culture," ed. by George J. Tanabe, Jr. and Willa Jane Tanabe |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1991.03 |
Book Review: "The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism : A Study and Translation of Gyonen's Jodo Homon Genrusho", by Mark L. BLum |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2002 |
Book Review: "The Origins and Development of Pure Land Buddhism : A Study and Translation of Gyoonen's Joodo Hoomon Genrushoo", by Mark Laurence Blum |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2002 |
Book Review: A History of Japanese Buddhism |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2009 |
Book Review: James L. Ford, Jōkei and Buddhist Devotion in Early Medieval Japan |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2007 |
Book Review: John Stevens, The Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1989.06-09 |
Book Review: Kevin Trainor, Relics, Ritual, and Representation In Buddhism: Rematerializing the Sri Lankan Theravada Tradition |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2000 |
Book Review: Paul Groner, Ryogen and Mt.Hiei: Japanese Tendai In the Tenth Century |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2003 |
Book Review: Shinra Myōjin and Buddhist Networks of the East Asian “Mediterranean” by Sujung Kim |
Rhodes, Robert F. (評論) |
Journal of Religion in Japan |
2021.03 |
Book Review: 村上専精と日本近代仏教 Edited by Orion Klautau |
Rhodes, Robert F. (評論) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023.07 |
Book Review: 貞慶撰『唯識論尋思鈔』の研究 : 仏道篇. By 楠淳證=Book Review: Study of the “Yuishikiron” Jinshishō Compiled by Jōkei: Volume on the Buddha Way. By Kusunoki Junshō |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2022.07 |
Book Review: 仏教とエクリチュール:大乗経典の起源と形成 by Shimoda Masahiro |
Rhodes, Robert F. (評論) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023.07 |
BOOK REVIEWS Terai Ryōsen. Tendai endonkai shisō no seiritsu to tenkai |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2018 |
Changes in the Conception of The Pure Land in Modern Japan |
Kashiwahara, Yusen (著); Rhodes, Robert F. (譯) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2022.01 |
Eastern Buddhist (Special Issue: Developments of Nara Buddhism in Kamakura Japan) |
Rhodes, Robert |
2008 |
Extinction into Quiescence is Bliss |
寺川俊昭=Terakawa, Shunsho; Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究紀要=Annual Memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute=シンシュウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ ケンキュウ キヨウ |
1994.03 |
Genshin’s Ōjōyōshū and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse in Heian Japan |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
2017.06 |
Genshin's Criticism in the Ichijo yoketsu of Hosso Proofs for the Existence of Icchantikas |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1992.10.30 |
Genshin's Interpretation of the Buddha-nature as found in the Ichijō yōketsu |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1995.05.30 |
Hungry Ghosts, Animals, Humans, Fighiting Spirits and Heavenly Beings: Genshin's View of the Five Realms in the Ōjōyōshū |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1996.10.30 |
Imagining Hell : Genshin's Vision of the Buddhist Hell as found in the Ojoyoshu |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2000 |
Imagining Hell : Genshin's Vision of the Buddhist Hells as Found in the Ojoyoshu |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2000 |
Imagining Hell : Genshin's Vision of the Buddhist Hells as Found in the Ojoyoshu |
Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究紀要=Annual Memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute=シンシュウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ ケンキュウ キヨウ |
1998.03 |
JAPANESE BOOKS ON BUDDHISM Japanese Books on Buddhism Published in 2019 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2018 |
Japanese Books on Buddhism Published in 2020 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2022.01 |
Japanese Books on Buddhism Published in 2021 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023.01 |
Japanese Books on Buddhism Published in 2022 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023 |
Kaneko Daiei (1881-1976) and the Struggle for Academic Freedom in the Study of Japanese Pure Land Buddhism=金子大榮(1881-1976)以及在研究日本淨土佛教中爭取學術自由的努力 |
Rhodes, Robert |
比較宗教學國際學術研討會(第2屆)=Annual International Conference of Comparative Religions(2nd) |
2009.06.09 |
My Socialism |
Takagi, Kenmyo=高木顕明; Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2001 |
Nishitani's Philosophy of Emptiness in "Emptiness and Immediacy" |
Shōtō, Hase (著); Rhodes, Robert F. (譯) |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
2009.01 |
Nonomura Naotarō: The Man Who Would Destroy the Pure Land |
Kigoshi, Yasushi (著); Tinsley, Elizabeth (譯); Rhodes, Robert F. (譯) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2022.01 |
Obituary: Remembering Okamura Mihoko |
Kimura, Senshō (著); Rhodes, Robert F. (譯) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2023 |
Ōjōyōshū, Nihon Ōjō Gokuraku-ki, and the Construction of Pure Land Discourse In Heian Japan |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2007 |
Pure Land Practitioner or Lotus Devotee? The Earliest Biographies of Genshin |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1996.01 |
Pure Land Practitioner or Lotus Devotee? The Earliest Biographies of Genshin. Appendix: Translation of the Kakocho Biography |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1996.01 |
Recovering the Golden Age: Michinaga, Jokei and the Worship of Maitreya in Medieval Japan |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
1998.01 |
Seeking the Pure Land In Heian Japan: The Practices Of the Monks Of the Nijūgo Zammai-e |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2001 |
Seng-chao's Conception of the Sage |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Transaction of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan |
1980 |
Shin Buddhist Attitudes towards the Kami : From Shinran to Rennyo |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1994 |
Some Problems Concerning Genshin's Biographies |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2001.12 |
Terminal Care Practice in Heian Pure Land Buddhism: The Case of the Nijūgo zammaie |
Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究紀要=Annual Memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute=シンシュウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ ケンキュウ キヨウ |
2016.03 |
The Acceptance of “Compassionate Killing” in Japanese Buddhism |
Ōtani, Yuka (著); Rhodes, Robert F. (譯) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2024 |
The Beginning of Pure Land Buddhism in Japan: From its Introduction through the Nara Period |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 |
2006.01 |
The Development of Zhiyi’s Theory of the Three Contemplations and its Relation to the Three Truths Theory=天台智顗對三觀思想的展開和三諦思想的關係 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities |
2013.05 |
The Eastern Buddhist : 1921, 1965, and 2021 |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
The Eastern Buddhist: Third Series |
2021 |
The Four Extensive Vows and Four Noble Truths in T'ien-t'ai Buddhism |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute |
1985.03.31 |
The Kaihogyo Practice of Mt. Hiei |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1987.06-09 |
Translation: Saicho's Mappo Tomyoki : The Candle of the Latter Dharma |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1980 |
アメリカの宗教、アメリカの仏教=American Religion, American Buddhism |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2015.12 |
アメリカ仏教の新潮流 - エンゲイジド・ブディズムを中心として (特集号 仏教新潮流と密教 ; 平成二十年度[密教研究会]シンポジウム)=Engaged Buddhism: New Trends in American Buddhism |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
密教文化=Journal of Esoteric Buddhism=ミッキョウ ブンカ=Quarterly reports on Esoteric Buddhism=The quarterly reports on Esoteric Buddhism=Repcrits on the esteric buddhisem |
2009.12 |
セッションNo.7の発表に対するコメント=せっしょんno7のはっぴょうにたいするこめんと=Comments on the Presentations in Session 7 |
Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
日本仏教学会年報=ニホン ブッキョウ ガッカイ ネンポウ |
2014.08.30 |
ハーバード大學の佛敎學 -- 一學生の?點から |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
佛敎學セミナー |
1989 |
ハンガリーのエトウェシ・ロラーンド大学における集中講義を終えて=Overseas News Report on an Intensive Course on Budduddhism at the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary |
Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2010.12 |
千観の祈り=Senkan's Prayer |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
日本仏教学会年報=ニホン ブッキョウ ガッカイ ネンポウ |
2005 |
千観の浄土思想:『十願発心記』における菩薩行の構造を中心に=Senkan's Pure Land Thought: Centered on the Structure of Bodhisattva Practice as Found in the Jūgan Hosshinki |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2004.05.30 |
天台思想における四聖諦と四弘請願 ―天台智顗の菩薩思想覚書―=The Four Noble Truths and Four Extensive Vows in Tiantai Thought: Notes on Tiantai Zhiyi's Understanding of Bodhisattva Practice |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2013.12 |
永観の念仏観 -- 法身同体の思想を中心として |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
大谷学報=The Otani Gakuho |
2002.07 |
白土わか先生を偲んで=Remembering Professor Shirato Waka |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2016.06 |
佐々木月樵「大谷大学樹立の精神」 - 英訳 - =A Translation of "Ōtani University's Founding Spirit" by Sasaki Gesshō |
Rhodes, Robert F.; 井上尚実; Conway, Michael J. |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究紀要=Annual Memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute=シンシュウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ ケンキュウ キヨウ |
2013.03 |
往生伝と語り —「聖なる伝記」(Sacred Biography)としての『日本往生極楽記』—=Ōjōden and Narrativew: The Nihon ōjō gokurakuki as Sacred Biography |
Rhodes, Robert F.=ローズ, ロバート F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2009.12 |
法華経の四釈:天台解釈学のノート=The Four Modes of Interpretation (ssu-shi 四釈) of the Lotus Sūtra:A Note on Tendai Hermeneutics |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2007.10.30 |
書評: Hsueh-li Cheng, tr., Nāgārjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1984.05.30 |
書評: Jacqueline 著 Right Thoughts at the Last Moment: Buddhism and Deathbed Practices in Early Medieval Japan.=Book Review: Jacqueline Stone,Right Thoughts at the Last Moment: Buddhism and Deathbed Practices in Early Medieval Japan. |
Rhodes, Robert F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2018.12 |
書評: Paul L. Swanson 著 Clear Serenity, Quiet insight: T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Mo-ho chin-kuan=Book Review: Paul L. Swanson, Clear Serenity, Quiet insight: T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Mo-ho chin-kuan |
ローズ, ロバート F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2019.06 |
書評:Robert E. Buswell, Jr., The Formation of Ch'an Ideology in China and Korea: The Vajrasamādhi-Sūtra, a Buddhist Apocryphon |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1993.05.30 |
海外ニュース:北米の天台學 -- 一九九三年度AAR学会に参加して=Overseas News: Tendai Studies in North America -- Report on the 1993 Annual Meeting of the AAR |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1993.10.30 |
海外ニュース:第四回国際法華経学会に参加して=Overseas News: The IVth International Conference on the Lotus Sūtras |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
1998.05.30 |
源信『往生要集』と叡山浄土教の確立=Genshin's Ōjōyōshū and the Development of Pure Land Buddhism on Mt.Hiei |
ローズ, ロバート F. |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2019.06 |
源信の人間観=Genshin's Understanding of Human Existence |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
日本仏教学会年報=ニホン ブッキョウ ガッカイ ネンポウ |
2017.08.31 |
源信像の構築:初期の伝記を中心として=Constructing the Image of Genshin: Centered on his Early Biographies |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
佛教学セミナー=Buddhist Seminar=ブッキョウガク セミナー |
2000.05.30 |
鳩摩羅什の法華經觀--阿羅漢作佛說を中心にして[kumaraju no hokekyokan] |
ローズ, ロバート F.=Rhodes, Robert F. |
大谷学報=The Otani Gakuho |
1986.02.20 |
欧米における浄土教研究の紹介 - 前掲・英文浄土教関係著作・論文目録について - =Review of the Study of Pure Land Buddhism in the West : An Introduction to the Bibliography of English-language Works on Pure Land Buddhism |
Rhodes, Robert F. (著) |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute |
1984.03.31 |
脱構築の歴史としての浄土教思想史:善導・法然を中心として=The History of the Development of Pure Land Buddhism as a History of Deconstruction: Centered on Shandao and Honen |
ローズ, ロバート F. (著)=Rhodes, Robert F. (au.) |
真宗教学研究=Journal of the Doctrinal Study of Shin Buddhism=シンシュウ キョウガク ケンキュウ=Shinshu Kyogaku Kenkyu |
2019.06 |