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題名 |
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『大日経疏』における浅略釈・深秘釈について=The Profound Esoterical Interpretation and the Superficial External Interpretation in the Darijing-shu(大日経疏) |
亀山隆彦 =Kameyama, Takahiko |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2007.12 |
『五輪九字明秘密釈』の九字曼荼羅の背景=The Background of the Maṇḍala of the Nine Syllables in the Gorin kuji myō himitsu shaku |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2023.03.25 |
『理趣経秘決鈔』にみる「灌頂成仏」説="Attaining Buddhahood through the Abhiseka Ritual" (Kanjo Jobutsu) in the Rishukyo Hiketsu Sho |
亀山隆彦 |
密教文化=Journal of Esoteric Buddhism=ミッキョウ ブンカ=Quarterly reports on Esoteric Buddhism=The quarterly reports on Esoteric Buddhism=Repcrits on the esteric buddhisem |
2017.03 |
『最後灌頂常行心要法』における「信知」="Correct Awareness and Firm Belief" (shinchi) in the aigokanjō jōgyō shin'yōhō |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2016.03 |
『華厳経』を実践する明恵:「明恵上人紀州八所遺跡」における喜海の明恵像 |
野呂靖 (著)=Noro, Sei (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.); 大澤絢子 (著)=Osawa, Ayako (au.); 亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2022.03.12 |
『纂元面授』と『灌頂秘口決』 : 日本密教史における癡兀大慧の位置=Sangen Menju and Kanjo Hikuketsu: The Significance of Chikotsu Daie in the History of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
真宗文化 : 真宗文化研究所年報 |
2019.03 |
『駄都秘決鈔』の五蔵曼荼羅理解=The Five Viscera Maṇḍala (gozō mandara 五蔵曼荼羅) in the Dato hiketsu shō 駄都秘決鈔 |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
仏教学研究=The Studies in Buddhism=ブッキョウガク ケンキュウ |
2015.03.10 |
A Commentary on The Upadeśa on the Sutras of Limitless Life with Gāthās on the Resolution to Be Born Composed by the Bodhisattva Vasubandhu: Expository Commentary by the Monk Tanluan |
Corless, Roger; Kameyama, Takahiko; Payne, Richard K. |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2015 |
Arising of Faith in the Human Body : The Significance of Embryological Discourses in Medieval Shingon Buddhist Tradition |
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2016 |
Chikotsu Daie’s View on the “Inherent Existence” (honnu): An Analysis of Its Relationship with the Sangen menju=癡兀大慧の本有説:『纂元面授』との関係をめぐって |
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2018.03.25 |
Kakuban’s Views on the Suchness: An Analysis of the Gorin kuji myō himitsu shaku=覚鑁の真如論:『五輪九字明秘密釈』を中心に |
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2022.03.25 |
Medieval Shingon Buddhist Monks’ Acceptance of the Esoteric Buddhist Scriptures Translated in the Song Dynasty: An Analysis of Gōhō’s Acceptance of the Newly Translated Esoteric Sutras=中世真言僧における宋代翻訳経軌の受容 ――杲宝を中心に―― |
亀山隆彦 (著)=かめやまたかひこ (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2017.03.25 |
The Doctrinal Origins of Embryology in the Shingon School |
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2020 |
The Five Contemplative Gates of Vasubandhu’s Rebirth Treatise as a Ritualized Visualization Practice |
Corless, Roger; Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.); Payne, Richard K. |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2015 |
The Red and White Drops and “Wrong Views” in the Konkō shō: The Significance of the Sexual and Embryological Discourses in Early Modern Shingon Buddhism=『根吼抄』にみる赤白二渧と「邪見」:近世真言宗における胎生学的教説の意義 |
Kameyama, Takahiko (著)=亀山隆彦 (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2021.03.25 |
中世真言宗における命息思想の展開 : 『宗骨抄』を中心に=The Development of the Doctrine of Vital Breath in the Medieval Shingon Tradition : The origin of the interpretation of vital breath in the Shukotsu sho |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2011.03 |
六大と赤白二渧 : 真言密教思想における胎生学的教説の意義=The Six Elements and the "Red and White Drops": The Significance of the Buddhist Embryological Narrative in Shingon Buddhist Doctrine |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
真宗文化 : 真宗文化研究所年報 |
2017.03 |
日本における仏教文化と聖者像に関する総合的研究=A Comprehensive Study of Buddhist Culture and Images of Saints in Japan |
野呂靖 (著)=Noro, Sei (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.); 大澤絢子 (著)=Osawa, Ayako (au.); 亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2022.03.12 |
日本仏教と論義=Japanese Buddhism and Doctrinal Debate |
Kusunoki, Junsho (編)=楠淳証 (ed.); Noro, Sei (編)=野呂靖 (ed.); Kameyama, Takahiko (編)=亀山隆彦 (ed.) |
2020.02.28 |
平安中期真言宗における空海伝説の展開:清涼宗論を中心に |
野呂靖 (著)=Noro, Sei (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.); 大澤絢子 (著)=Osawa, Ayako (au.); 亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2022.03.12 |
安然における六即と即身成仏=Annen's View on the Doctrinal Concepts "Six Kinds of Identity" and "Attaining Buddhahood Within This Very Body" |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2021.03.12 |
近代日本における祖師像の脱神秘化をめぐって:親鸞と日蓮の比較 |
野呂靖 (著)=Noro, Sei (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.); 大澤絢子 (著)=Osawa, Ayako (au.); 亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2022.03.12 |
問い直される親鸞:教学研究への波及 |
野呂靖 (著)=Noro, Sei (au.); 内手弘太 (著)=Uchide, Kota (au.); 大澤絢子 (著)=Osawa, Ayako (au.); 亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
龍谷大学世界仏教文化研究論叢=Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryukoku University |
2022.03.12 |
癡兀大慧における八識と肉団心=Chikotsu Daie’s 癡兀大慧 View on the Eighth Consciousness and Hṛdaya |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2020.03.20 |
癡兀大慧の禅密思想における空海教学の意義 ─教判論を中心に─ |
亀山隆彦 (著) |
国際禅研究=International Zen studies |
2022.01 |
覚鑁における心身平等説=Kakuban's Views on the Equality of Body and Mind |
亀山隆彦 (著)=Kameyama, Takahiko (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2011.12 |