
Heller, Natasha  


已收錄 15 篇著作,其中有13 篇全文  

著者本人提供授權著者本人提供書目校正著者資訊 2012.03.05 建檔, 2024.08.23 更新






全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: Anarchy in the Pure Land: Reinventing the Cult of Maitreya in Modern Chinese Buddhism by Justin R. Ritzinger Chen, Jidong (評論); Heller, Natasha (譯) Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 2019.05
  Book Review: Buddhism and Medicine: An Anthology of Premodern Sources ed. by C. Pierce Salguero Heller, Natasha (評論) Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 2019.05
  Book Review: Buddhist Historiography in China by John Kieschnick Heller, Natasha (評論) History of Religions 2023
  Book Review: Gregory P. A. Levine, Long Strange Journey: On Modern Zen, Zen Art, and Other Predicaments Heller, Natasha Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 2018
  Book Review: Monks in Glaze: Patronage, Kiln Origin, and Iconography of the Yixian Luohans by Eileen Hsiang-ling Hsu Heller, Natasha (評論) Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 2018
  Buddha in a Box: The Materiality of Recitation in Contemporary Chinese Buddhism Heller, Natasha (著) Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 2014
  Burning for the Buddha: Self-Immolation in Chinese Buddhism (Kuroda Institute Studies in East Asian Buddhism 19) Heller, Natasha Journal of the American Academy of Religion 2008.03
  From Imperial Glory to Buddhist Piety: the Record of a Ming Ritual in Three Contexts Heller, Natasha History of Religions 2011.08
  Illusory Abiding: The Cultural Construction of the Chan Monk Zhongfeng Mingben Heller, Natasha (著) 2014.11.24
  Introduction Heller, Natasha (著) Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報 2021.07
  Literature for Little Bodhisattvas: Making Buddhist Families in Modern Taiwan Heller, Natasha (著) 2025.01
  The Chan Master as Illusionist: Zhongfeng Mingben's Huanzhu Jiaxun Heller, Natasha Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 2009.12
  Why Has the Rhinoceros Come from the West? An Excursus into the Religious, Literary, and Environmental History of the Tang Dynasty Heller, Natasha Journal of the American Oriental Society 2011.07-09
  Zhongfeng Mingben and the Case of the Disappearing Laywomen=中峰明本與女居士的難題 Heller, Natasha (著)=賀耐嫻 (au.) Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=中華佛學學報 2013.07
  繪本和佛教育兒=Parenting through Picture Books: Buddhist Approaches to Modern Childrearing 賀耐嫻 (著)=Heller, Natasha (au.) 第六屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2016.07