
海倫.特寇福  (本名)


已收錄 27 篇著作,其中有2 篇全文  

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Tworkov, Helen (本名)



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  After Apathy Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  Agent of Change:An Interview with bell hooks Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  Anti-abortion/Pro-choice:Taking Both Sides Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  Buddhism and Social Action Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  Chuyển Mê Khai Ngộ: Phật Giáo Tây Tạng Cơ Bản=Turning Confusion Into Clarity: A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (著); Tworkov, Helen (著); Tuệ Nhiên (譯) 2023.06.28
  Empty Phenomena Rolling On:An Interview with Joseph Goldstein Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  First Lesson, Best Lesson Tworkov, Helen; Coe, Robert Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1991
  First Lesson, Best Lesson Coe, Robert; Tworkov, Helen Writings on Glass: Essays, Interviews, Criticism 1997
  In Love with the World: A Monk's Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (著); Tworkov, Helen (著) 2021.03.30
  Inside and Outside the Scriptures Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  Interbeing with Thich Nhat Hanh:An Interview with Thich Nhat Hanh Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1995
  Life with a Capital "L":An Interview with Philip Kapleau Roshi Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  Lotus in the Fire:An Interview with Gavin Harrison Helen Tworkov and TrudyGoodman] Tworkov, Helen; Goodman, Trudy Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1996
  Many Is More Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1991
  Platform Sutra 1992 Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  Projecting the Buddha: On the Set with Bertolucci Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  Reviewing the Great Matter:Buddhism and EuthanAsia Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  Sống Chết Mỗi Ngày: Hành Trình Đi Xuyên Qua Các Tiến Trình Sinh Tử Của Một Nhà Sư Phật Giáo Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (著); Tworkov, Helen (著); Sen Xanh (譯) 2021.11.30
  The Formless Field of Benefaction Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  The Jesus Lama:Thomas Merton in the Himalayas:An Interview with Harold Talbott Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1992
  The Mushroom Monk:Nyogen Senzaki Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1993
  The Original Ray Tweed, Thomas A.=Tweed, Thomas Anthony; Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1991
  Turning Confusion into Clarity: A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche (著); Tworkov, Helen (著); Ricard, Matthieu (前言) 2014.07
  Zen in America-- five teachers and the search for an American Buddhism Tworkov, Helen 1994
  Zen in America: Profiles of Five Teachers: Robert Aitken, Jakusho Kwong, Bernard Glassman, Maurine Stuart, Richard Baker Tworkov, Helen 1989
  Zen in the Balance:Can It Survive America? Tworkov, Helen Tricycle: the Buddhist review 1994
  歸零,遇見真實:一位行腳僧,1648個「向內朝聖」的日子=In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying=Sống Chết Mỗi Ngày: Hành Trình Đi Xuyên Qua Các Tiến Trình Sinh Tử Của Một Nhà Sư Phật Giáo 詠給明就仁波切=Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche ; 海倫.特寇福=Tworkov, Helen ; 釋妙琳 2019.10.04