
Coningham, Robin A. E.  


已收錄 14 篇著作,其中有7 篇全文  

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康寧翰, 羅賓 = Coningham, R. A. E. = Coningham, Robin



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: An Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism by Lars Fogelin Coningham, Robin (評論) Antiquity: A Review of World Archaeology 2016.04
  Book Review:"Relics, Ritual and Representation in Buddhism:Rematerializing the Sri Lankan Theravada tradition",(1997)(English)by K. Trainor Coningham, Robin A. E. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1998.04
  Buddhism Coningham, Robin A. E. ; Insoll, Timothy The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion 2011.10.27
  Child pawn:Tibet(dispute over choosing the nextincarnation of the Panchen Lama) Coningham, Robin A. E. Economist 1995.12.16
  Monks, Caves and Kings: A Reassessment of the Nature of Early Buddhism in Sri Lanka Coningham, Robin A. E. (著) World Archaeology 1995
  Monks, Caves and Kings:A Reassessment of the Nature of Early Buddhism in Sri Lanka Coningham, Robin A. E. World Archaeology 1995.10
  Pilgrimage and Procession: Temporary Gatherings and Journeys Between the Tangible and Intangible Through the Archaeology of South Asia Davis, Christopher (著); Coningham, Robin (著) World Archaeology 2018
  Response to Goonatilake Coningham, R. A. E. ; Gunawardhana, P. ; Manuel, M. J. ; Adikari, G. ; Young, R. L. ; Schmidt, A. Antiquity: A Review of World Archaeology 2011.09
  The Archaeology of Buddhism Coningham, Robin A. E. (著); Insoll, Timothy (編) Archaeology and World Religion 2001.02.01
  The Earliest Buddhist shrine: Excavating the Birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal) Coningham, Robin A. E. (著) Antiquity 2013.11.22
  The Earliest Buddhist Shrine: Excavating the Birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal) Coningham, R. A. E. (著); Acharya, K. P. (著); Strickland, K. M. (著); Davis, C. E. (著); Manuel, M. J. (著); Simpson, I. A. (著) Antiquity : A Review of World Archaeology 2013.12
  The State of Theocracy: Defining an Early Medieval Hinterland in Sri Lanka Coningham, Robin (著); Gunawardhana, Prishanta (著); Manuel, Mark (著); Adikari, Gamini (著); Katugampola, Mangala (著); Young, Ruth (著) Antiquity: A Review of World Archaeology 2007.09
  Towards an Archaeology of South Asian Buddhism=南亞佛教的考古學 Coningham, Robin A. E. (著)=康寧翰, 羅賓 (au.) 2011 東方文化遺址保護聯盟台北國際學術研討會「從南亞到台灣—文化資產.歷史記憶.佛教藝術」論文集 2012
  佛陀年少時成長之地 ─ 迦毗羅衛古城的新發現=Excavating Ancient Kapilavastu, the Childhood Home of Lord Buddha Coningham, Robin A. E.=康寧翰, 羅賓 與佛同行─發現佛陀的故鄉 國際研討會論文集 2018