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Gimello, Robert M. = Gimello, R. M. = Gimello, Robert Michael



網站: http://theology.nd.edu/people/faculty/robert-m-gimello/
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  "Buddhist Soteriology: The Marga and Other Approaches to Liberation": A Conference Report Buswell, Robert E., Jr. ; Gimello, Robert M. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1990
  Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahayana: a Chinese view Gimello, Robert M. Philosophy East and West 1976.04
  Book Review: "the Buddha within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga," by S. K. Hookham Gimello, Robert M. The Journal of Asian Studies 1992.08
  Buddhist soteriology:the marga and other approaches to liberation:University of California, Los Angeles, 25-30 June 1988 Buswell, Robert E. ; Gimello, Robert M. 1988
  Ch'an ecumenism and the plurality of religions in northern Sung and Chin China Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.) 1988
  Ch'eng-kuan on the Hua-yen Trinity=澄觀的華嚴三聖觀 Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.) 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 1996.07
  Chih-Yen and the foundations of Hua-Yen Buddhism Gimello, Robert M. 1976
  Chih-yen(602-668)and the foundations of Hua-yen Buddhism Gimello, Robert M. 1976
  Early Hua-yen, meditation, and early Ch'an:some preliminary considerations Gimello, Robert M. Early Ch'an in China and Tibet 1983
  Huayan and Mijiao: Affinities of Thought and Practice =華嚴思想與密教實踐之間的親和性 詹密羅 (著)=Gimello, Robert M. (au.) 華嚴學報=Journal of Huayen Buddhism 2014.11
  Hua-yen Gimello, Robert M. Encyclopedia of Religion 1986
  Jietuo, Foguangsi, and the Religious Ethos of Wutai Shan=解脫和尚、佛光寺、與五臺山的宗教風貌 Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.) 一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、多文化視野中的五臺信仰研究國際學術研討會=An International Conference The Mountain of Five Plateaus: Studies of The Wutai Cult in Multidisciplinary and Transborder/Cultural Approaches 2015.07
  Li T'ung-hsuan and the Practical Dimensions of Hua-yen Gimello, Robert M. Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen 1983
  Marga and culture:learning, letters, and liberation in northern Sung Ch'an [Chinese glossary, figs] Gimello, Robert M. Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought 1992
  Mysticism and Meditation Gimello, Robert M. Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis 1968
  Mysticism and meditation Gimello, Robert M. Mysticism and philosophical analysis 1978
  Mysticism in its contexts Gimello, Robert M. Mysticism and religious traditions 1983
  Paths to liberation:the Marga and its transformations in Buddhist thought Buswell, Robert E. ; Gimello, Robert M. 1994
  Poetry and the Kung-an in Ch'an Practice Gimello, Robert M. The Ten Directions 1986
  Random Reflections on the "Sinicization" of Buddhism Gimello, Robert M. Society for the Study of Chinese Religions, Bulletin 1978
  Studies in Ch'an and Hua-yen Gimello, Robert M. ; Gregory, Peter N. 1983.05
  Sudden Enlightenment and Gradual Practice: A Problematic Theme in the SönBuddhism of Pojo Chinul and in theCh’an Buddhism of Sung China=宋代 禪佛敎와 普照의 頓悟漸修 Gimello, Robert M. (著); 김호성 (譯)=金浩星 (tr.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 1990
  The Amalgamation of Huayan 華嚴 and Esoteric Buddhism 密教 as a Hallmark of Liao Buddhism Gimello, Robert M.=詹密羅 西夏語文與華北宗教文化國際學術研討會=The Tangut Language and the Religions and Cultures of the Northern China in the Age of the Xixia, the Liao, and the Jin 2009.12.18-22
  The Buddhism of a "Confucian" Scholar:Some Remarks Preliminary to a Study of Ch'ao yueh-chih 晁說之(1059-1129)and His Relationship to T'ien-t'ai 天台 Gimello, Robert M. 佛教與中國文化國際學術會議論文集 (下輯) 1995.07
  The Cult of "the Manjusri of a Thousand Arms and a Thousand Bowls"(千臂千缽曼殊室利)in T'ang Dynasty Buddhism=唐朝佛教中的千臂千缽曼殊室利信仰 Gimello, Robert M. (箋)=詹密羅 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society 1998.02
  The Doctrine of "Natural Origination" in Early Hua-yen Buddhism Gimello, Robert M. Mexinternational Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa 1976
  The Jiaxing Canon and the Persistent Vitality of Buddhist Esotericism in Late Imperial China Gimello, Robert M. Spreading Buddha's Words in China: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon 2011.03.26
  The Teaching of Daoshen in Tangut Translation: The Mirror of Mind Solonin, K. J. (著); Gimello, R. M. (編); Girard, Frédéric (編); Hamar, Imre (編) Avatamsaka Buddhism in East Asia 2012
  Wu-t'ai Shan during the Early Chin Dynasty: The Tesimony of Chu Pien=朱弁筆下的金國初期的五台山情況 Gimello, Robert M. (著)=詹密羅 (au.) 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 1994.07
  華嚴學中的方法與問題 詹密羅; 王慧昕 人生=Humanity 1993.03.15
  聖像與咒語 - 準提菩薩及其圖像在中國密教中的作用=Icon and Incantation: The Goddess Zhunti and the Role of Images in the Occult Buddhism of China 詹密羅 (著)=Gimello, Robert M. (au.); 雷天宇 (譯)=Lei Tian-yu (tr.) 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2022