序號: |
72474 |
別名: |
丹‧魯索斯 (別名) |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
A Brief Retrospective of Western Yogācāra Scholarship in the 20th Century |
Lusthaus, Dan (著)=丹‧魯索斯 (au.) |
1999.7.26-31 |
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heart Sutra |
Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research; Lusthaus, Dan; 釋恆清 (譯)=Shih, Heng-ching (tr.) |
2001.08.15 |
A Philosophic Investigation of the Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun: Vasubandhu, Hsuan Tsang and the Transmission of Vijnapti-Matra (Yogacara) from India to China |
Lusthaus, Dan |
1989 |
A Pre-Dharmakīrti Indian Discussion of Dignāga Preserved in Chinese Translation: The Buddhabhūmy-upadeśa |
Lusthaus, Dan |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2008 |
Buddhist phenomenology : a philosophical investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Chʼeng Wei-shih lun |
Lusthaus, Dan |
2002 |
Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the Ch'eng Wei-shih Lun |
Lusthaus, Dan |
2006.04.06 |
Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese |
Lusthaus, Dan; Craig, Edward |
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Vol. 1 |
1998 |
Ch'an and Taoist Mirrors: Reflections on Richard Garner's "Deconstruction of the Mirror..." |
Lusthaus, Dan |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1985.06 |
Critical Buddhism and Returning to the Sources |
Lusthaus, Dan |
Pruning the Bodhi Tree: the Storm over Critical Buddhism |
1997 |
The Heart Sutra in Chinese Yogacara: Some Comparative Comments on the Heart Sutra Commentaries of Wonchuk and Kuei-chi |
Lusthaus, Dan (著)=丹‧魯索斯 (au.) |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2003.09 |
The Two Truths (Saṃvṛti-satya and Paramārtha-satya) in early Yogācāra |
Lusthaus, Dan |
Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka |
2009 |
uddhist phenomenology : a philosophical investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Chʼeng Wei-shih lun |
Lusthaus, Dan |
2002 |
二十世紀西方唯識學研究回顧 |
丹‧魯索斯 (著)=Lusthaus, Dan (au.); 魏德東 (著)=Wei, De-dong (au.) |
中國哲學史=History of Chinese Philosophy |
2002 |
二十世紀西方唯識學研究回顧 |
魏德東; Lusthaus, Dan=丹‧魯索斯 |
法源=中國佛學 |
2002 |
