
Landry, Nelson  (本名)


已收錄 8 篇著作,其中有8 篇全文  

著者本人提供授權著者本人提供書目校正著者資訊 2022.12.02 建檔, 2023.08.16 更新



Landry, Nelson Elliot



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: A Yogācāra Buddhist Theory of Metaphor by Roy Tzohar Landry, Nelson (評論) Religious Studies Review 2022.03
  Book Review: Jewels, Jewelry, and Other Shiny Things in the Buddhist Imaginary Edited by Vanessa R. Sasson Landry, Nelson (評論) Religious Studies Review 2022.12
  Book Review: Sīmās: Foundations of Buddhist Religion Edited by Jason A. Carbine and Erik W. Davis Landry, Nelson (評論) Religious Studies Review 2022.12
  Book Review: The Zhenzheng lun by Xuanyi: A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China, by Thomas Jülch. Landry, Nelson (著) Buddhist Studies Review 2022
  Book Review: Wisdom as a Way of Life: Theravāda Buddhism Reimagined by Steven Collins Landry, Nelson (評論) Religious Studies Review 2022.03
  Book Review: Zhipan's Account of the History of Buddhism in China, Volume 2: Fozu Tongji, Juan 39–42. From the Sui Dynasty to the Wudai Era by Thomas Jülch Landry, Nelson (評論) Religious Studies Review 2021.09
  Daoxuan and the Medieval Chinese Encounter with Relics and Images Landry, Nelson Elliot (著) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2022.05
  Monastics and the Medieval Chinese Buddhist Mythos: A Study of Narrative Elements in Daoxuan’s Ji Shenzhou Sanbao Gantong Lu (Collected Record of Miracles Relating to the Three Jewels in China) Landry, Nelson Elliot (著) Religions 2023.04