
Roth, Gustav  


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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  150 Years of Sanskrit Studies in Goettingen Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Bhiksuni-vinaya [Manual of Discipline for Buddhist Nuns] Roth, Gustav 1970
  Bhiksunivinaya and Bhiksu-Prakirnaka and Notes on the Language Roth, Gustav Journal of the Bihar Research Society 1966
  Hindu Element in the Religion of the Buddhist Baruas and Chakmas in Bengal Bechert, Heinz (著); Gupta, Amit Das (著); Roth, Gustav (著) Buddhism in Ceylon and Studies on Religious Syncretism in Buddhist Countries 1978
  Indian Studies: Selected Papers Bechert, Heinz ; Kieffer-Pulz, Petra ; Roth, Gustav 1986.12
  Nachtrag zur Edition des Bhiksuni-Vinaya derArya-Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadin Roth, Gustav Studien zur Indologie und Buddhismuskunde 1993
  Notes About the Dates of Gautama Buddha's Parinirvana in Hindi Writings Roth, Gustav The Dating of the Historical Buddha=Die Datierung des Historischen Buddha 1991
  Notes on Inscriptions of Asoka Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Notes on the Introduction of the Bhiksu-Pratimoksa-Sutra of the Arya Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadin Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Observations on the First Chapter of Asanga's Bodhisattvabhumi Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Particle dani in the Vinaya Texts of the Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadin and the Inscriptions of Asoka Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Particular Features of the Language of the Arya-Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadins and Their Importance for Early Buddhist Tradition Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  Symbolism of the Buddhist Stupa According to the Tibetan Version of Caitya-vibhaga-vinayodbhava-sutra, the Sanskrit Treatise Stupalaksana-karika-vivecana, and a Corresponding Passage in Kuladatta's Kriyasamgraha Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  The Birth of a Saviour Related in Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Jaina Traditions Roth, Gustav Indian Studies (Selected Papers) 1986
  The Birth of Saviour Related in Buddhist, Christian, Islamic and Jaina Traditions Roth, Gustav K. P. Jayaswal Commemoration Volume 1981
  The Readings Madhy-uddesika, Madhyoddesika, and Madhyadesika in the Scripture of the Arya-Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadins including Notes on dasa-baddhenaand panca-baddhena ganena Roth, Gustav Zur Schulzugehörigkeit von Werken der Hīnayāna-Literatur 1985