
Rechung Rinpoche  


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Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang = Jampal Kunzang = J. K. Rechung



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  A Short Study of the Origin and Evolution of Different Styles of Buddhist Paintings and Iconography Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1973.06
  Aspects of Buddhism  J. K. Rechung (著); Sinha, Nirmal C. (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1983.12
  Atīśa Dīpaṅkara Śrījñāna J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1988.10
  Atisa the Tantric Initiate J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1988.10
  Bodhipatha Pradipa J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1985.02
  Bodong phyog las rnam rgyal J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1984.08
  Bodong phyoglas rnam rgyal J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1983.12
  How the Tibetan Bodhisattva Kings Invited Atisha Dipankara Sri-Jnana to Tibet Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1975.07
  Notes & Topics J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1992.03
  Rebirth in Buddhist Logic J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1989.11
  Rebirth in Buddhist Logic J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1989.11
  Relics of Asokan Monks J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1984.11
  Srid-Pa'i Khor-lo=The Wheel of Life J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1989.02
  Summary of the Wheel of Life J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1989.02
  The Buddhist Paintings and Iconography: According to Tibetan Sources J. K. Rechung (著) Bulletin of Tibetology 1990.11
  Tibetan Medicine: Illustrated in Original Texts Rechung Rinpoche (編); Rechung Rinpoche (譯) 1973