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17804 |
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"Den Lowen brullen horen":zur Hermeneutik eines christlichen Verstandnisses der buddhistischen Heilsbotschaft |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
1992 |
A Visionary Approach: Lynn A. de Silva und the Prospects for Buddhist-Christian Encounter |
Harris, Elizabeth J. (編); Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (編) |
2021.07.05 |
Buddhism And Christianity in Dialogue: The Gerald Weisfeld Lectures 2004 |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
2005.01 |
Buddhism and Religious Diversity: A Response to Rita Gross |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue |
2015 |
Buddhism and the Idea of Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2006 |
Buddhism, Christianity And the Question of Creation: Karmic or Divine? |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
2006.03 |
Buddhismus verstehen : Geschichte und Ideenwelt einer ungewöhnlichen Religion=Understanding Buddhism |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry; Türstig, Hans-Georg |
2017.05.22 |
Buddhist Accounts of Religious Diversity |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue |
2021 |
Buddhist Perceptions of Jesus:Papers of the Third Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, St. Ottilien 1999 |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry; European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2001 |
Buddhist-Christian relations in Asia |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry |
2017.03.18 |
Das himmlische Geflecht : Buddhismus und Christentum - ein anderer Vergleich |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
2022.05.23 |
Die Bedeutung der Mystik im jüdisch-buddhistischen und islamisch-buddhistischen Dialog |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft |
2013 |
Die Bedeutung des Todes fur das menschliche Selbstverstandnis im Pali-Buddhismus |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
1984 |
Die gesellschaftspolitische Dimension des Buddhismus |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft |
1997 |
Non-dualism as the Foundation of Dualism: the Case of Shinran Shōnin |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics |
2024.04 |
Śāntideva and Paul—An Unexpected Encounter |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2021 |
The 2004 Gerald Weisfeld Lectures: Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2005 |
The Lord's Prayer in the Light of Shin-Buddhist-Christian Comparative Considerations |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2023 |
Understanding Buddhism |
Schmidt-leukel, Perry |
2006.09.21 |
Viewing Jesus: Christology in Light of Muslim and Shin Buddhist Insights |
Schmidt-Leukel, Perry (著) |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2022 |
