
Tatz, Mark Joseph  


已收錄 16 篇著作,其中有9 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  "Revelation" in Madhyamika Buddhism; Chapter Eleven of the Samadhiraja-Sutra ("On Mastering the Sutra") Tatz, Mark Joseph 1972
  Asanga's Chapter on Ethics With the Commentary by Tsong-Kha-pa The Basic Path to Awakening, the Complete Bodhisattva Tatz, Mark Joseph 1989
  Book Review: "Changing Minds: Contributions to the Study of Buddhism and Tibet in Honor of Jeffrey Hopkins," by Guy Newland Tatz, Mark Joseph (評論) The Tibet Journal 2004
  Book Review: "Ethics of Tibet: Bodhisattva of Tsong-kha-pa's Lam Rim Chen Mo, Translated from the Tibetan", by Alex Wayman Tatz, Mark Joseph Philosophy East and West 1993.04
  Book Review: Contributions on Tibetan Language, History and Culture; Contributions on Tibetan and Buddhist Religion and Philosophy By Ernst Steinkellner and Helmut Tauscher Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 1997.07-09
  Book Review: Meditation Differently: Phenomenological-Psychological Aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Mahamudra and sNying-thig) Practices from Original Tibetan Sources By Herbert Guenther Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 1994.10-12
  Book Review: The Buddha from Dolpo: A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen By Cyrus Stearns Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 2001.07-09
  Book Review: The Heart Sutra in Tibetan: A Critical Edition of the Two Recensions Contained in the Kanjur By Jonathan A. Silk Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 2003.01-03
  Book Review: The Śālistamba Sūtra and Its Indian Commentaries By Jeffrey D. Schoening Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 1998.10-12
  Candragomin and the Bodhisattva Vow Tatz, Mark Joseph 1978
  On the Date of Chandragomin Tatz, Mark Joseph (著) Buddhism & Jainism 1976
  Rebirth: The Tibetan Game of Liberation Tatz, Mark Joseph (著) 1978
  Rebirth:the Tibetan game of liberation [1st ed.] Tatz, Mark Joseph 1977
  T'ang Dynasty Influences on the Early Spread of Buddhism in Tibet Tatz, Mark Joseph The Tibet Journal 1978
  The Life of the Siddha-Philosopher Maitrigupta Tatz, Mark Joseph Journal of the American Oriental Society 1987.10-12
  The Skill in Means (Upayakausalya Sutra) Tatz, Mark Joseph 2001.02.03