序號: |
27842 |
別名: |
Gokhale, V. V. |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
"Masters of Buddhism Adore the Brahman through Non-Adoration" (bhavya, "madhyamakahrdaya", III) |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
1962 |
A Note on Ratnagotravibhaga I.52=Bhagavadgita 13. 32 |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Studies in Indology and Buddhology Presented in Honour of Professor Susumu Yamaguchi |
1955.11.01 |
A Rare Manuscript of Asanga's Abhidharmasamuccaya |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies |
1948.06 |
Abhidharmakosakarika of Vasubandhu |
Gokhale, V. V. |
The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
1946 |
An Emendation in the Text of the Abhidharmakosa-karika of Vasubandhu |
Gokhale, V. V. |
The Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
1947 |
Fragments from the Abhidharmasamuccaya of Asanga |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
1947 |
Fragments of Sthiramati's Trimsikavijnaptibhasya in thePatna Collection of Tibetan Ms. Materials |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Journal of the University of Poona |
1968 |
Gotama's Vision of the Truth |
Gokhale, V. V. (著) |
Brahmavidya: The Adyar Library Bulletin |
1966 |
Krishna and the Buddhist Literature |
Gokhale, V. V. |
The Cultural Forum |
1968.04 |
Madhyamakahrdayakarika Tarkajvala, Chapter I |
Bahulkar, S. S.; Gokhale, V. V. |
Miscellanea Buddhica |
1985 |
The Pañcaskandhaka by Vasubandhu and its Commentary by Sthiramati |
Gokhale, V. V. (著) |
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute |
1937 |
The Second Chapter Of Bhavya's Madhyamakahrdaya |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
1972 |
The Text of the Abhidharmakosa-karikas of Vasubandhu |
Gokhale, V. V. |
Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
1946 |
Tibetan Studies in India (a brief survey) |
Gokhale, V. V. |
日本西蔵学会会報=Report of the Japanese Association for Tibetan Studies |
1972.03.31 |
Vinaya-sutra and auto-Commentary on the same |
Gokhale, V. V.; P. V. 巴波陀 |
1982 |
What is Avijnapti-rupa? |
Gokhale, V. V. |
New Indian Antiquary |
1938-1939 |
Yogacara Works Annotated by Vairocanaraksita |
Gokhale, V. V. (著) |
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute |
1977-1978 |
敦煌所出婆羅謎字石刻(拓本)之研究 |
戈哈理 (著)=Gokhale, V. V. (au.); 景行 (譯) |
現代佛學 |
1963.02.25 |
