
Almogi, Orna  


已收錄 6 篇著作,其中有3 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Inks, Pigments, Paper: In Quest of Unveiling the History of the Production of a Tibetan Buddhist Manuscript Collection from the Tibetan-Nepalese Borderlands Almogi, Orna; Kindzorra, Emanuel; Hahn, Oliver; Rabin, Ira Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2013 - 2014
  Mayopamadvayavada versus Sarvadharmapratisthanavada: A Late Indian Subclassification of Madhyamaka and its Reception in Tibet Almogi, Orna 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要=Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies=コクサイ ブッキョウガク ダイガクイン ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ 2010.04.30
  Recovering Lost Writing and Beyond: Multispectral Imaging for Text-related and Codicological Studies of Tibetan Paper and Sanskrit Palm-Leaf Manuscripts Almogi, Orna; Delhey, Martin; MacDonald, Claire; Pouvkova, Boryana Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2013 - 2014
  Rong-zom-pa's Discourses on Buddhology: A Study of Various Conceptions of Buddhahood in Indian Sources with Special Reference to the Controversy Surrounding the Existence of Gnosis (jñāna: ye shes) as Presented by the Eleventh-century Tibetan Scholar Rong-zom Chos-kyi-bzang-po Almogi, Orna 2009.04
  The Old sNar thang Tibetan Buddhist Canon Revisited, with Special Reference to dBus pa blo gsal’s bsTan ’gyur Catalogue Almogi, Orna (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2021.04
  The Translation Endeavours of Shes rab grags Revisited: An Investigation of Translations Done by Pu rang lo chung Shes rab grags and ’Bro lo tsā ba Shes rab grags Almogi, Orna (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2022.04