序號: |
45245 |
別名: |
Tang, Muh-chyun |
分類: |
個人著者 |
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題名 |
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A cross-language co-word network comparison of Buddhist literature in Digital Library and Museum of Buddhist study. Digital Humanities, 2017, Montreal, Canada |
Tang, Muh-chyun (著)=唐牧群 (au.); Chen, Kuang-hua (著)=陳光華 (au.) |
Digital Humanities (2017) |
2017 |
Determining the Critical Thresholds For Co-word Network Based On the Theory Of Percolation Transition: A Case Study In Buddhist Studies |
Tang, Muh-chyun; Teng, Wei-jen; Lin, Miao-hua |
Journal of Documentation |
2019.12.11 |
佛學數位圖書館詞彙建議介面之評估研究=Evaluation of a Term Suggestion Interface for the Digital Library of Buddhist Studies |
唐牧群 (著)=Tang, Muh-chyun (au.); 鄭瑋 (著)=Jeng, Wei (au.); 鄧雅文 (著)=Deng, Ya-wen (au.); 謝宜瑾 (著)=Shie, Yi-jin (au.) |
大學圖書館=University library quarterly=University Library Journal |
2008.03 |