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Ning, Qiang



全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  《歷代名畫記》與敦煌早期壁畫--兼論南朝繪畫與敦煌早期壁畫的關係 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1988.11
  「心惑於境」與「境滅於心」: 敦煌畫家高山解剖=Heart Perplexed by the Scene and the Seenee Melted in the Heeut 寧強 絲綢之路=Silk Road 1997
  Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China : the Dunhuang Cave of the Zhai Family Ning, Qiang 2004.03
  Buddhist-Daoist Conflict and Gender Transformation: Deciphering the Illustrations of the Vimalakirti-nirdesha in Medieval Chinese Art 寧強=Ning, Qiang Orientations 1996.10
  Diplomatic Icons: Social and Political Meanings of Khotanese Images in Dunhuang Cave 220 寧強=Ning, Qiang Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 1998
  Gender Politics in Medieval Chinese Buddhist Art : Images of Empress Wu at Longmen and Dunhuang Ning, Qiang (著)=寧強 (au.) Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 2003
  Paradise Images in Early Chinese Art 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.); 巫鴻 (著)=Wu, Hung (au.) The Flowering of A Foreign Faith: New Studies in Chinese Buddhist Art 1998
  Patrons of the Earliest Dunhuang Caves: a Historical Investigation 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) 漢唐之間的宗教藝術與考古=Between Han and Tang: religious art and archaeology in a transformative period 2000
  Ritual, Entertainment and Politics: Rethinking the Northern Wall of Dunhuang Cave 220 寧強=Ning, Qiang Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 1996-1997
  The Emergence of the "Dunhuang Style" in the Northern Wei Dynasty 寧強=Ning, Qiang Orientations 1992.05
  The emergence of the 'Dunhuang style' in the Northern Wei dynasty Ning, Qiang Orientations 1992.05
  Visualization Practice and the Function of the Western Paradise Images in Turfan and Dunhuang in the Sixth to Seventh Centuries Ning, Qiang (著) Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 2007
  上士登仙圖與維摩詰經變 -- 莫高窟第249窟窟頂壁畫再探 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1990.02
  大足石刻中的繪畫性因素試析 -- 兼談敦煌藝術對大足石刻的影響 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1987.02
  巴中南龕第93號毘沙門天王造像龕新探 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1989.08
  巴中摩崖造像中的佛教史跡故事初探 寧強 四川文物=Sichuan Cultural Relics 1987.07
  西夏佛教藝術中的“家窟”與“公共窟” —— 瓜州榆林窟第29窟供養人的構成再探 寧強 (著); 何卯平 (著) 敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies 2017
  佛經與圖像 : 敦煌第二二0窟北壁壁畫新解=Buddhist Words and Images: A New Approach to the North Wall Painting at Tunhuang Grotto 220 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) 故宮學術季刊=The National Palace Museum Research Quarterly 1998.03
  孫悟空形象與西夏民族淵源初探=The Iconography of Monkey King and Its Tangut Origin 何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) 敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies 2018
  從印度到中國:某些本生故事構圖形式的比較=From India to China: Comparison Among the Compositions of Some Jatakas 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1991.08
  從往生到來迎:西夏凈土信仰對西方三圣的觀念與圖像重構=From Rebirth to Welcoming:The New Composition of the Holy Three of the West in the Pure Land Pictures of the Western Xia Period 何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) 敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies 2019
  曹議金夫婦出行禮佛圖研究 寧強 1990年敦煌學國際研討會文集(石窟藝術編) 1995
  敦煌莫高窟各家編號述評 寧強 敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies 1986
  敦煌莫高窟第254窟千佛畫研究 胡同慶; 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1986.11
  敦煌與瓜州西夏時期石窟藝術的比較研究=A Comparative Study of Western Xia Period Buddhist Cave Art from Dunhuang and Guazhou 何卯平 (著)=He, Mao-ping (au.); 寧強 (著)=Ning, Qiang (au.) 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 2016
  敦煌藝術概要 寧強 明報=Ming Pao monthly 1985.12
  隋代晚期佛教雕塑 -- 一種年代學和地方性的分析 M. M., Rhie (著); 寧強 (譯) 石窟藝術=GROTTO ART 1990
  論敦煌石窟藝術的內在一體性 寧強 蘭州學刊=Lanzhou Academic Journal 1986
  繪於公元642年敦煌壁畫中的兩件可能是薩珊地毯的罕見資料 Laing, Ellen Johnston; 寧強 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1991.05