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Lai, Wai-lun = Lai, Wha-len = Lai, Whalen W. = Lai, Whalen



網站: https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/WhalenLai.html
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Kang Yuwei and Buddhism: From (Formless) Enlightenment to (Concretized Confucian) Sagehood Lai, Whalen W. (著) Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 1983.04
  A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: "Śikṣānanda's" Redaction of the Word "Nien" Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1980
  A Different Religious Language: The Tian-Tai Idea of the Triple Truth Lai, Whalen W. (著) Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 1982
  After the Reformation: Post-Kamakura Buddhism Lai, Whalen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1978.12
  Arter Mcrae, Whither Hui-neng? Lai, Whalen Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 1989
  Avadana-vada and the Pure Land Faith Lai, Whalen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1989
  Avadāna-vāda and the Pure Land Faith Lai, Whalen Shin Buddhism: Historical, Textual, and Interpretive Studies 2007
  Awakening of faith in Mahayana:a study of the unfolding of sinitic motifs diss abst Lai, Whalen W. Harvard Theological Review 1976.07-10
  Before the Prajnana schools:the earliest known Chinese commentary on the Astasahasrika Lai, Whalen Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1983
  Before the Yin-Yang Circle Was Created: Individuation in a Soto Zen Circle Series=陰陽のサークル形成以前:曹洞禅のサークル・シリーズにおける個性化 Lai, Whalen W. (著) Anima 1984
  Beyond the Debate on "The Immortality of the Soul": Recoveringan Essay by Shen Yueh=再論"靈魂不滅":沈約一文的發現 Lai, Wha-len =黎惠倫 Journal of Oriental Studies=東方文化 1981
  Book Review: "Buddha Nature and Prajna Intuition", by Mou Tsung-san Lai, Whalen Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1984.09
  Book Review: "Christianity and Buddhism: A Multicultural History of Their Dialogue" von Brück, Michael ; Lai, Whalen ; Trapnell, Judson B. Horizons 2003
  Book Review: "Foundations of T'ien-t'ai Philosophy: the Flowering of the Two Truths theory in Chinese Buddhism", by Paul Loren Swanson Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1992.04
  Book Review: "Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Reiyukai Kyodan," by Helen Hardacre Lai, Whalen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1985.12
  Book Review: "Madhyamika Thought in China", by Ming-Wood Liu Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1996.07
  Book Review: "Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism", by Dale S. Wright Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 2000.10
  Book Review: A Short History of Buddhism. By Edward Conze. Lai, Whalen W. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1981.02
  Book Review: Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion By Eric Reinders Lai, Wha-len Buddhist-Christian Studies 2006
  Book Review: The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism By Steve Odin Lai, Whalen Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 1997.11
  Buddhism and the Manners of Death in Japan: Extending Aries’ histoire de mentalité de la mort Lai, Whalen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1993
  Buddhism as a Historical Faith:Answer to John Cobb Lai, Whalen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1991
  Buddhismus und Christentum: Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog Lai, Whalen ; von Brück, Michael 1997
  Buddhist accommodation and non-accommodation to Chinese society Lai, Whalen 1981
  Ch'an Metaphors: Waves, Water, Mirror, Lamp Lai, Whalen W. Philosophy East and West 1979.07
  Chinese Buddhist and Christian Charities: A Comparative History Lai, Whalen W. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1992
  Chinese Buddhist Causation Theories: an Analysis of the Sinitic Mahayana Understanding of Pratitya-samutpada Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1977.07
  Chou Yung vs. Chang Jung (on Śūnyatā): the Pen-mo Yu-wu Controversy in Fifth-Century China Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1979
  Christianity and Buddhism: A Multi-cultural History of Their Dialogue Jestice, Phyllis (譯); Lai, Whalen (著); von Brück, Michael (著) 2001.05.06
  Christianity and Buddhism:A Multi-cultural History of Their Dialogue Lai, Whalen ; von Brück, Michael 2001
  Dating the Hsiang-fa Chueh-i Ching (像法決疑経) Lai, Whalen W. 大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute 1987.01.31
  Early Ch'an in China and Tibet Lai, Whalen; Lancaster, Lewis R. 1983
  Emperior Wu of Liang on the Immortal Soul, Shen Pu Mieh Lai, Whalen Journal of the American Oriental Society 1981.04-06
  Faith and Wisdom in the T'ien-T'ai Buddhist Tradition: a Letter by Ssu-ming Chih-li Lai, Whalen W. Journal of Dharma: The Dharmaram Quarterly Journal of Religions and Philosophies 1981
  From Folklore to Literate Theater: Unpacking "Madame White Snake" Lai, Whalen Asian Folklore Studies 1992
  From Protean Ape to Handsome Saint: The Monkey King Lai, Whalen Asian Folklore Studies 1994
  From Sakyamuni to Amitabha: The Logic Behind the Pure Land Devotion Lai, Whalen (著) Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 1981.09
  Further Developments of the Two Truths Theory in China: The "Ch'eng-shih-lun" Tradition and Chou Yung's "San-tsung-lun" Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1980.04
  Hu-Jan Nien-Ch'i (Suddenly a Thought Rose). Chinese Understanding of Mind and Consciousness Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1980
  Illusionism (Māyavāda) in Late T'ang Buddhism: A Hypothesis on the Philosophical Roots of the Round Enlightenment Sūtra (Yüan-chüeh-ching) Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1978.01
  Inner Worldly Mysticism: East and West Lai, Whalen Zen and Hasidism, Harold Heifetz (comp) 1978
  Limits and Failure of "Ko-I" (Concept-Matching) Buddhism Lai, Whalen History of Religions 1979.02
  Ma-tsu Tao-i and the Unfolding of Southern Zen Lai, Whalen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1985.06-09
  Non-duality of the Two Truths in Sinitic Mādhyamika: Origin of the ‘Third Truth' Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1979
  Once more on the two truths: What does Chi–Tsang mean by the two truths as ‘Yüeh–Chiao’? Lai, Whalen W. (著) Religious Studies 1983.12
  Once more on the two truths:what does Chi-tsang mean by the two truths as "yueh-chiao" [comparison with Ch'eng-shih school] Lai, Whalen W. Religious Studies 1983.12
  Political Authority: The Two Wheels of the Dharma Lai, Whalen Buddhist-Christian Studies 2010
  Religious Pluralism in China: The History and the Dynamics Lai, Whalen W. (著) Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 1984
  Seno'o Giro and the Dilemma of Modern Buddhism: Leftist Prophet of the Lotus Sutra Lai, Whalen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1984.03
  Sinitic Mandalas:The Wu-wei t'u of Ts'ao-shan Lai, Whalen W. Early Ch'an in China and Tibet 1983
  Sinitic Speculations on Buddha-Nature: The Nirvāṇa School (420-589) Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1982.04
  Sinitic Understanding of the Two Truths Theory in the Liang Dynasty (502-557): Ontological Gnosticism in the Thoughts of Prince Chao-ming Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1978.07
  Society and the Sacred in the Secular City:Temple Legends of the Lo-yang Ch'ieh-lan-chi Lai, Whalen State and Society in Early Medieval China 1990
  Some Notes on Perceptions of Pratitya-samutpada in China from Kumarajiva to Fa-Yao Lai, Whalen Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1981.12
  Suffering in the Buddhist consciousness [response to C. R. Goswami] Lai, Whalen Ohio Journal of Religious Studies 1976.03
  T'an-ch'ien and the early Ch'an tradition:translation and analysis of the essay "Wang-shih-fei-lun" Lai, Whalen W. Early Ch'an in China and Tibet 1983
  Tao-sheng's Theory of Sudden Enlightenment Re-examined Lai, Whalen Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought 1987
  The awakening of faith in Mahayana(Ta-ch'eng ch'i-hsin lun):a study of the unfolding of Sinitic Mahayana motifs, a thesis Lai, Whalen 1975
  The Buddhist "Prodigal Son": A Story of Misperceptions Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1981
  The Buddhist-Christian dialogue in China bibliogs Lai, Whalen Religious issues & interrelig dialogues 1989
  The Century of the Holy Man in Chinese History (316–439) : The Death of Hsuan-Kao Lai, Whalen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 2003.09.01
  The Chan-ch'a Ching: Religion and Magic in Medieval China Lai, Wha-len (著) Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha 1990
  The Chinese Conceptions of Law: Confucian, Legalist, and Buddhist Lee, Luke T. (著); Lai, Whalen W. (著) Hastings Law Journal 1978.05
  The Defeat of Vijnaptimatrata in China:Fa-tsang on Fa-hsing and Fa-hsiang Lai, Whalen Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1986.03
  The Earliest Folk Buddhist Religion in China:T'i-wei Po-li Ching and Its Historical Significance Lai, Whalen W. Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society: Buddhist and Taoist Studies Ⅱ 1987.06
  The Early Chinese Buddhist Understanding of the Psyche: Chen Hui's Commentary on the Yin Chih Ju Ching Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1986
  The Early Prajñā Schools, Especially "Hsin-Wu," Reconsidered Lai, Whalen W. Philosophy East and West 1983.01
  The Formless Mind Verse of Shen-hsiu; Reconstructing the Northern Ch'an Position=定「南頓北漸」之是非,論神秀作的「心偈」 Lai, Whalen W. (著)=黎惠倫 (au.) Journal of Oriental Studies=東方文化 1984
  The Future of Chinese Buddhist Thought- From Mind to Metaphor Lai, Whalen The International Review of Chinese Religion & Philosophy 2000.03
  The Humanity of the Buddha: Is Mahayana "Docetic" (Lotus Sutra, Trikaya Doctrine) Lai, Whalen W. (著) Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 1981.07
  The I-ching and the Formation of the Hua-yen Philosophy Lai, Whalen Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1980.09
  The Mahaparinirvana-Sutra and Its Earliest Interpreters in Chin: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-sheng Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the American Oriental Society 1982.01-03
  The Meaning of 'Mind Only'(Wei-hsin): An Analysis of a Sinitic Mahayana Phenomenon Lai, Whalen Philosophy East and West 1977.01
  The origins of Ming Buddhist schism Lai, Whalen W. Heterodoxy in late imperial China 2004
  The predocetic "finite Buddhakaya" in the Lotus Sutra:in search of the illusive Dharmakaya therein [bibliog] Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1981.09
  The pure and the impure:the Mencian problematik in Chinese Buddhism Lai, Whalen Early Ch'an in China and Tibet 1983
  The Search for the Historical Śākyamuni in Light of the Historical Jesus Lai, Whalen W. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1982
  The Sectarian Beginnings of Jodo-shu:AnAnalysis of Honen's Senjaku Hongan Nembutsu Lai, Whalen Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 1992
  The Three Jewels in China Lai, Whalen (著) Buddhist Spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese 1994
  The Transmission Verses of the Ch'an Patriarchs:An Analysis of the Genre's Evolution=禪宗傳法偈之起源及開展 Lai, Whalen 漢學研究=Chinese Studies 1983.12.01
  Tillich on death and suffering:a key to Buddho-Christian dialogue Lai, Whalen W. Journal of Ecumenical Studies 1991
  Why Is There Not a Buddho-Christian Dialogue in China? Lai, Whalen Buddhist-Christian Studies 1986
  Why the Lotus Sutra? On the Historic Significance ofTendai Lai, Whalen Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 1987.06-09
  Wŏnhyo (Yüan Hsiao) on the Nirvāṇa School: Summation Under the "One Mind" Doctrine Lai, Whalen W. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1985
  Yao Hsing's discourse on Mahayana:Buddhist controversy in early 5th-century China Lai, Whalen Religious Traditions 1981.10-11
  論昭明太子的佛學思想 Lai, Whalen W. (著); 胡文和 (譯) 中國哲學史研究 1987