全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
Kang Yuwei and Buddhism: From (Formless) Enlightenment to (Concretized Confucian) Sagehood |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1983.04 |
A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: "Śikṣānanda's" Redaction of the Word "Nien" |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1980 |
A Different Religious Language: The Tian-Tai Idea of the Triple Truth |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1982 |
After the Reformation: Post-Kamakura Buddhism |
Lai, Whalen |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1978.12 |
Arter Mcrae, Whither Hui-neng? |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 |
1989 |
Avadana-vada and the Pure Land Faith |
Lai, Whalen |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1989 |
Avadāna-vāda and the Pure Land Faith |
Lai, Whalen |
Shin Buddhism: Historical, Textual, and Interpretive Studies |
2007 |
Awakening of faith in Mahayana:a study of the unfolding of sinitic motifs diss abst |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Harvard Theological Review |
1976.07-10 |
Before the Prajnana schools:the earliest known Chinese commentary on the Astasahasrika |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1983 |
Before the Yin-Yang Circle Was Created: Individuation in a Soto Zen Circle Series=陰陽のサークル形成以前:曹洞禅のサークル・シリーズにおける個性化 |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Anima |
1984 |
Beyond the Debate on "The Immortality of the Soul": Recoveringan Essay by Shen Yueh=再論"靈魂不滅":沈約一文的發現 |
Lai, Wha-len =黎惠倫 |
Journal of Oriental Studies=東方文化 |
1981 |
Book Review: "Buddha Nature and Prajna Intuition", by Mou Tsung-san |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1984.09 |
Book Review: "Christianity and Buddhism: A Multicultural History of Their Dialogue" |
von Brück, Michael ; Lai, Whalen ; Trapnell, Judson B. |
Horizons |
2003 |
Book Review: "Foundations of T'ien-t'ai Philosophy: the Flowering of the Two Truths theory in Chinese Buddhism", by Paul Loren Swanson |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1992.04 |
Book Review: "Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Reiyukai Kyodan," by Helen Hardacre |
Lai, Whalen |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1985.12 |
Book Review: "Madhyamika Thought in China", by Ming-Wood Liu |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1996.07 |
Book Review: "Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism", by Dale S. Wright |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
2000.10 |
Book Review: A Short History of Buddhism. By Edward Conze. |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1981.02 |
Book Review: Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion By Eric Reinders |
Lai, Wha-len |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2006 |
Book Review: The Social Self in Zen and American Pragmatism By Steve Odin |
Lai, Whalen |
Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East |
1997.11 |
Buddhism and the Manners of Death in Japan: Extending Aries’ histoire de mentalité de la mort |
Lai, Whalen |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1993 |
Buddhism as a Historical Faith:Answer to John Cobb |
Lai, Whalen |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1991 |
Buddhismus und Christentum: Geschichte, Konfrontation, Dialog |
Lai, Whalen ; von Brück, Michael |
1997 |
Buddhist accommodation and non-accommodation to Chinese society |
Lai, Whalen |
1981 |
Ch'an Metaphors: Waves, Water, Mirror, Lamp |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Philosophy East and West |
1979.07 |
Chinese Buddhist and Christian Charities: A Comparative History |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1992 |
Chinese Buddhist Causation Theories: an Analysis of the Sinitic Mahayana Understanding of Pratitya-samutpada |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1977.07 |
Chou Yung vs. Chang Jung (on Śūnyatā): the Pen-mo Yu-wu Controversy in Fifth-Century China |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1979 |
Christianity and Buddhism: A Multi-cultural History of Their Dialogue |
Jestice, Phyllis (譯); Lai, Whalen (著); von Brück, Michael (著) |
2001.05.06 |
Christianity and Buddhism:A Multi-cultural History of Their Dialogue |
Lai, Whalen ; von Brück, Michael |
2001 |
Dating the Hsiang-fa Chueh-i Ching (像法決疑経) |
Lai, Whalen W. |
大谷大学真宗総合研究所研究所紀要=Annual memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute |
1987.01.31 |
Early Ch'an in China and Tibet |
Lai, Whalen; Lancaster, Lewis R. |
1983 |
Emperior Wu of Liang on the Immortal Soul, Shen Pu Mieh |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
1981.04-06 |
Faith and Wisdom in the T'ien-T'ai Buddhist Tradition: a Letter by Ssu-ming Chih-li |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of Dharma: The Dharmaram Quarterly Journal of Religions and Philosophies |
1981 |
From Folklore to Literate Theater: Unpacking "Madame White Snake" |
Lai, Whalen |
Asian Folklore Studies |
1992 |
From Protean Ape to Handsome Saint: The Monkey King |
Lai, Whalen |
Asian Folklore Studies |
1994 |
From Sakyamuni to Amitabha: The Logic Behind the Pure Land Devotion |
Lai, Whalen (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1981.09 |
Further Developments of the Two Truths Theory in China: The "Ch'eng-shih-lun" Tradition and Chou Yung's "San-tsung-lun" |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1980.04 |
Hu-Jan Nien-Ch'i (Suddenly a Thought Rose). Chinese Understanding of Mind and Consciousness |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1980 |
Illusionism (Māyavāda) in Late T'ang Buddhism: A Hypothesis on the Philosophical Roots of the Round Enlightenment Sūtra (Yüan-chüeh-ching) |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1978.01 |
Inner Worldly Mysticism: East and West |
Lai, Whalen |
Zen and Hasidism, Harold Heifetz (comp) |
1978 |
Limits and Failure of "Ko-I" (Concept-Matching) Buddhism |
Lai, Whalen |
History of Religions |
1979.02 |
Ma-tsu Tao-i and the Unfolding of Southern Zen |
Lai, Whalen |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1985.06-09 |
Non-duality of the Two Truths in Sinitic Mādhyamika: Origin of the ‘Third Truth' |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1979 |
Once more on the two truths: What does Chi–Tsang mean by the two truths as ‘Yüeh–Chiao’? |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Religious Studies |
1983.12 |
Once more on the two truths:what does Chi-tsang mean by the two truths as "yueh-chiao" [comparison with Ch'eng-shih school] |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Religious Studies |
1983.12 |
Political Authority: The Two Wheels of the Dharma |
Lai, Whalen |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2010 |
Religious Pluralism in China: The History and the Dynamics |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1984 |
Seno'o Giro and the Dilemma of Modern Buddhism: Leftist Prophet of the Lotus Sutra |
Lai, Whalen |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1984.03 |
Sinitic Mandalas:The Wu-wei t'u of Ts'ao-shan |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Early Ch'an in China and Tibet |
1983 |
Sinitic Speculations on Buddha-Nature: The Nirvāṇa School (420-589) |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1982.04 |
Sinitic Understanding of the Two Truths Theory in the Liang Dynasty (502-557): Ontological Gnosticism in the Thoughts of Prince Chao-ming |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1978.07 |
Society and the Sacred in the Secular City:Temple Legends of the Lo-yang Ch'ieh-lan-chi |
Lai, Whalen |
State and Society in Early Medieval China |
1990 |
Some Notes on Perceptions of Pratitya-samutpada in China from Kumarajiva to Fa-Yao |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1981.12 |
Suffering in the Buddhist consciousness [response to C. R. Goswami] |
Lai, Whalen |
Ohio Journal of Religious Studies |
1976.03 |
T'an-ch'ien and the early Ch'an tradition:translation and analysis of the essay "Wang-shih-fei-lun" |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Early Ch'an in China and Tibet |
1983 |
Tao-sheng's Theory of Sudden Enlightenment Re-examined |
Lai, Whalen |
Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought |
1987 |
The awakening of faith in Mahayana(Ta-ch'eng ch'i-hsin lun):a study of the unfolding of Sinitic Mahayana motifs, a thesis |
Lai, Whalen |
1975 |
The Buddhist "Prodigal Son": A Story of Misperceptions |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1981 |
The Buddhist-Christian dialogue in China bibliogs |
Lai, Whalen |
Religious issues & interrelig dialogues |
1989 |
The Century of the Holy Man in Chinese History (316–439) : The Death of Hsuan-Kao |
Lai, Whalen |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2003.09.01 |
The Chan-ch'a Ching: Religion and Magic in Medieval China |
Lai, Wha-len (著) |
Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha |
1990 |
The Chinese Conceptions of Law: Confucian, Legalist, and Buddhist |
Lee, Luke T. (著); Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Hastings Law Journal |
1978.05 |
The Defeat of Vijnaptimatrata in China:Fa-tsang on Fa-hsing and Fa-hsiang |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1986.03 |
The Earliest Folk Buddhist Religion in China:T'i-wei Po-li Ching and Its Historical Significance |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society: Buddhist and Taoist Studies Ⅱ |
1987.06 |
The Early Chinese Buddhist Understanding of the Psyche: Chen Hui's Commentary on the Yin Chih Ju Ching |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1986 |
The Early Prajñā Schools, Especially "Hsin-Wu," Reconsidered |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Philosophy East and West |
1983.01 |
The Formless Mind Verse of Shen-hsiu; Reconstructing the Northern Ch'an Position=定「南頓北漸」之是非,論神秀作的「心偈」 |
Lai, Whalen W. (著)=黎惠倫 (au.) |
Journal of Oriental Studies=東方文化 |
1984 |
The Future of Chinese Buddhist Thought- From Mind to Metaphor |
Lai, Whalen |
The International Review of Chinese Religion & Philosophy |
2000.03 |
The Humanity of the Buddha: Is Mahayana "Docetic" (Lotus Sutra, Trikaya Doctrine) |
Lai, Whalen W. (著) |
Ching Feng: A Journal on Christianity and Chinese Religion and Culture=景風 |
1981.07 |
The I-ching and the Formation of the Hua-yen Philosophy |
Lai, Whalen |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
1980.09 |
The Mahaparinirvana-Sutra and Its Earliest Interpreters in Chin: Two Prefaces by Tao-lang and Tao-sheng |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
1982.01-03 |
The Meaning of 'Mind Only'(Wei-hsin): An Analysis of a Sinitic Mahayana Phenomenon |
Lai, Whalen |
Philosophy East and West |
1977.01 |
The origins of Ming Buddhist schism |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Heterodoxy in late imperial China |
2004 |
The predocetic "finite Buddhakaya" in the Lotus Sutra:in search of the illusive Dharmakaya therein [bibliog] |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
1981.09 |
The pure and the impure:the Mencian problematik in Chinese Buddhism |
Lai, Whalen |
Early Ch'an in China and Tibet |
1983 |
The Search for the Historical Śākyamuni in Light of the Historical Jesus |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1982 |
The Sectarian Beginnings of Jodo-shu:AnAnalysis of Honen's Senjaku Hongan Nembutsu |
Lai, Whalen |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1992 |
The Three Jewels in China |
Lai, Whalen (著) |
Buddhist Spirituality: Indian, Southeast Asian, Tibetan, and Early Chinese |
1994 |
The Transmission Verses of the Ch'an Patriarchs:An Analysis of the Genre's Evolution=禪宗傳法偈之起源及開展 |
Lai, Whalen |
漢學研究=Chinese Studies |
1983.12.01 |
Tillich on death and suffering:a key to Buddho-Christian dialogue |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
1991 |
Why Is There Not a Buddho-Christian Dialogue in China? |
Lai, Whalen |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
1986 |
Why the Lotus Sutra? On the Historic Significance ofTendai |
Lai, Whalen |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
1987.06-09 |
Wŏnhyo (Yüan Hsiao) on the Nirvāṇa School: Summation Under the "One Mind" Doctrine |
Lai, Whalen W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1985 |
Yao Hsing's discourse on Mahayana:Buddhist controversy in early 5th-century China |
Lai, Whalen |
Religious Traditions |
1981.10-11 |
論昭明太子的佛學思想 |
Lai, Whalen W. (著); 胡文和 (譯) |
中國哲學史研究 |
1987 |