
Gonda, Jan  (本名)

+1905-04-14 ~ +1991-07-28

已收錄 10 篇著作,其中有5 篇全文  

著者本人提供授權著者本人提供書目校正著者資訊 2014.02.26 建檔, 2023.04.20 更新



Gonda, J. (本名) = ゴンダ, J. = ゴンダ, ヤン



網站: https://www.knaw.nl/en/awards/subsidies/gonda-fund
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language:  with Exercises, Reading Selections, and a Glossary Gonda, Jan;  Ford, Gordon B. Jr 2006
  Ancient Indian Kingship from the Religious Point of View Gonda, Jan Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1956.01
  Ancient Indian Kingship From the Religious Point Of View (Continued and Ended) Gonda, J. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1957.04
  Ancient Indian Kingship from the Religious Point of View (Continued) Gonda, Jan Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1957.01
  Ancient Indian Kingship From the Religious Point Of View (Continued) Gonda, J. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1956.04
  Pali Literature: Including the Canonical Literature of Prakrit and Sanskrit of all Hinayana Schools of Buddhism Norman, Kenneth Roy; Gonda, Jan 1983
  The Indian mantra Gonda, J. Oriens 1963
  The Indian Mantra Gonda, J. (著) Oriens 1963.12
  'Ways' in Indian Religions Gonda, J. Mikkyogaku mikkyoshi ronbunshu= Studies in EsotericBuddhism and Tantrism 1965
  サンスクリット語初等文法:(付)練習題/選文/語彙 ゴンダ, J. (著)=Gonda, Jan (au.); 辻直四郎 (校閱)=Tsuji, Naoshiro (proofread); 鎧淳 (譯)=Yoroi, Kiyoshi (tr.) 1989.12.01