+1935-07-30 ~ |
篇著作,其中有1 篇全文
序號: |
72504 |
別名: |
Bowker, John Westerdale (本名) = Bowker, John W. (別名) = Bowker, John (別名) = 約翰.鮑克 |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
Book Review: The Cultural, Political, and Religious Significance of Buddhism in the Modern World. By H. Dumoulin |
Bowker, John (著) |
Religious Studies |
1978.03 |
Cosmology, Religion, and Society |
Bowker, John W. |
Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science |
1990.03 |
Making Moral Decisions |
Bowker, John; Holm, Jean |
1994 |
Problems of Suffering in Religions of the World |
Bowker, John |
1970 |
The meanings of death [Canto ed.] |
Bowker, John Westerdale |
1993, 1991 |
The religious understanding of human rights and racism inc disc of Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism |
Bowker, John Westerdale |
Trevor Huddleston: essays on his life and work |
1988 |
The Sense of God: Sociological, Anthropological, and Psychological Approaches to the Origin of the Sense of God |
Bowker, John (著) |
1973 |
十世班禪靈塔開光(VCD 1~2) |
Bowker, John |
1995 |
死亡的意義 |
約翰.鮑克 (著)=Bowker, John (au.); 商戈令 |
1994 |
神之簡史 -- 人類對終極真理的探尋=God: A Brief History |
高師寧; Bowker, John |
2007 |
認識世界宗教=World Religions |
約翰.鮑克 (著)=Bowker, John (au.); 蔡彥仁 |
2000 |