
Karafin, Brian  


已收錄 9 篇著作,其中有7 篇全文  

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全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Book Review: "A Buddhist History of the West: Studies in Lack," by David R. Loy Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2003
  Book Review: "Awareness Bound and Unbound: Buddhist Essays," by David R. Loy Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2011
  Book Review: "Hooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume," by Stephanie Kaza; "Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy," by Paul F. Knitter, Chandra Muzaffar Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2007
  Book Review: "Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self," by Anne Carolyn Klein Karafin, Brian (著) Buddhist-Christian Studies 1999
  Book Review: "Mindful Politics: A Buddhist Guide to Making the World a Better Place," by Melvin Mcleod Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2009
  Book Review: "Mysticism and Social Transformation," by Janet K. Ruffing Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2004
  Book Review: "Socially Engaged Buddhism," by Sallie B. King Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2010
  Book Review: The Way Things Are: Conversations With Huston Smith On the Spiritual Life By Phil Cousineau Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 2005
  Book Review: World As Lover, World As Self By Joanna Macy Karafin, Brian Buddhist-Christian Studies 1998