bibliography, 9 full-text accessible.
ID: |
19931 |
Alternative Names: |
Szántó, Péter-Dániel |
Category: |
Website: |
Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
A Critical Edition of Catuspithatantra I.3. with Three Sanskrit Commentaries |
Szanto, Peter-Daniel |
Tantric Studies |
2008 |
A Fragment of the Prasannapadā in the Bodleian Library |
Szanto, Peter-Daniel (著) |
創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報=Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University=ソウカ ダイガク コクサイ ブッキョウガク コウトウ ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ |
2019 |
A Sanskrit Fragment of Dasabalasrimitra's Samskrtasamskrtaviniscaya (Ch. 29 30) |
Szanto, Peter-Daniel (著) |
創価大学国際仏教学高等研究所年報=Annual Report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University=ソウカ ダイガク コクサイ ブッキョウガク コウトウ ケンキュウジョ ネンポウ |
2020 |
Asbestos and Salamander in India |
Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2020.11 |
Buddhist Homiletics on Gambling (*Saddharmaparikathā, Ch. 12) |
Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2022.11 |
Buddhist Homiletics on Grief (*Saddharmaparikathā, ch. 11) |
Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2021.12 |
Early Works and Persons Related to the So-called Jñānapāda School |
Szántó, Péter-Dániel |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
2013 - 2014 |
Mahāsukhavajra’s Padmāvatī Commentary On the Sixth Chapter Of the Caṇḍamahāroṣaṇatantra: The Sexual Practices Of a Tantric Buddhist Yogī and His Consort |
Grimes, Samuel (著); Szántó, Péter-Dániel |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2018.09 |
New pages from the Tibet Museum birch-bark manuscript (1): Fragments Related to Jñānapāda |
Kano, Kazuo (著)=加納和雄 (au.); Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
川崎大師教学研究所紀要=Journal of Kawasaki Daishi Institute for Buddhist Studies |
2020.03.21 |
梵文和訳『サマーヨーガ・タントラ』第4章=The Samāyogatantra Chapter 4: An Annotated Japanese Translation |
伊集院栞 (著)=Ijuin, Shiori (au.); 加納和雄 (著)=Kano, Kazuo (au.); 倉西憲一 (著)=Kuranishi, Kenichi (au.); Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
川崎大師教学研究所紀要=Journal of Kawasaki Daishi Institute for Buddhist Studies |
2021.03.21 |
梵文和訳『サマーヨーガ・タントラ』第5章 1-20偈:物語りと仮面劇=The Samāyogatantra Ch. 5, vv. 1–20 ——Tantric Buddhist Narrative and Masked Ritual: An Annotated Japanese Translation |
加納和雄 (著)=Kano, Kazuo (au.); 伊集院栞 (著)=Ijuin, Shiori (au.); 倉西憲一 (著)=Kuranishi, Kenichi (au.); Szántó, Péter-Dániel (著) |
川崎大師教学研究所紀要=Journal of Kawasaki Daishi Institute for Buddhist Studies |
2022.03.21 |