bibliography, 14 full-text accessible.
ID: |
3264 |
Alternative Names: |
조성택 |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
‘깨달음의 사회화’에 관련한 몇 가지 고찰=Remarks on Buddhist Engagement with Society |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2009.12 |
Buddhism and Society: On Buddhist Engagement with Society |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Korea Journal |
2002 |
On the Trail of Two Competing Buddhas from India to Korea:A Study of the Dynamics of Cross-cultural Assimilation |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Korea Journal |
2001 |
Selflessness: Toward a Buddhist Vision of Social Justice |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2000 |
The Formation of Modern Buddhist Scholarship: The Cases of Bak Jong-hong and Kim Dong-hwa |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Korea Journal |
2005 |
The Formation of Modern Buddhist Scholarship: The Cases of Bak Jong-hong and Kim Dong-hwa |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Korea Journal |
2005.03 |
The Rationalist Tendency in Modern Buddhist Scholarship: A Revaluation |
Cho, Sung-taek |
Philosophy East and West |
2002.10 |
The Rise of Mahayana Buddhism: A Self-Study of Its Self-Identity and Institutionalization Through Reconstructing the Biographical Process of the Buddha |
Cho, Sung-taek |
1995 |
The rise of Mahayana Buddhism:a study of its self-identity and institutionalization through reconstructing the biographical process of the Buddha |
Cho, Sung-taek |
1995 |
Translation and Electronic Input of the Complete Works of Wonhyo |
Cho, Sung-taek |
太平洋鄰里協會1999年會論文集=Proceedings of 1999 EBTI, ECAI, SEER & PNC Joint Meeting |
1999 |
근대한국불교에서 한암의 역할과불교사적 의의 -- 만해 그리고 경허와의 비교를 통해 =Hanam(1876-1951) in Modern Korean Buddhism -- A Comparative Perspective with Manhae (1879-1944) and Kyeongheo (1846-1912) |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2014.09 |
如來의 참뜻 |
Harvey, Peter (著)=피터‧하아비 (au.); 조성택 (譯) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1986.05.15 |
佛敎와 大衆文化 |
루이스 랭카스터=Lancaster, Lewis R. ; 조성택 |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
1990.12.25 |
法과 業: 초기 불교의 사회 철학적 이해를 위한 試論=Dhamma and Kamma: Toward a Theoretical Framework for the Buddhist Social Philosophy |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2003.06 |
번역과 독창적 사유 -- 동아시아불교의 정체성과 관련하여=Translation and [Mis]understanding: East Asian Buddhism Revisited through Indic Buddhist Terms in Classical Chinese |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2009.08.30 |
불교의 계율에 대한 새로운 이해 -- 불교 윤리학을 위한 몇 가지 전제들=A New Approach to the Buddhist Precepts in the Modern Society |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2004.06 |
초기불교사 ‘재구성’에 관한 검토=Reevaluation of the European Reconstruction of Early Buddhist History |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2009.08 |
한국근대불교 연구의 과제와 전망=Research Agenda and Prospect on Modern Korean Buddhism Research |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2012.12.31 |
화쟁(和諍)의 해석학적 함의와 현대적 의미=Hermeneutic Pluralism of hwajaeng and Its Modern Implications |
조성택 (著)=Cho, Sung-taek (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2020.02.29 |