bibliography, 11 full-text accessible.
ID: |
51196 |
Alternative Names: |
Kuo, Chiung-yao = Kuo, Cyung-Yao |
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Individual Author |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
《金剛經》的「即非」之辯 -- 日本學界對「即非論理」的論考與爭議=The Inspiration of Japanese Debate/Discussion of "The Logic of Immediate Negation" in Vajraccheika-Prajbaparamita-Sutra to Chinese Buddhist Researchers |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
世界宗教學刊=Journal of World Religions |
2008.06.01 |
《楞伽經》中〈自內證智〉(pratyātmagati-)的構造=The structure of” pratyātmagati-”in Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2013.12.25 |
《楞伽經》中「自性」的正面與負面意義 |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2017.03.25 |
「法‧有法」的世界觀 -- 比較正理‧勝論學派與早期佛教的世界構造=The Worldview of Dharma-dharmin: Comparison the Worldstructure in Nyaya-Vaiwesika and Early Buddhim |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
揭諦=Aletheia=NHU Journal of Philosophy and Life Education |
2010.07.01 |
タントリズム(密教)の出現=密教的出現=The Emergence of Tantrism |
立川武藏 (著); 郭瓊瑤 (譯)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (tr.) |
普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal |
2007.05.01 |
大般涅槃經的一闡提說 |
郭瓊瑤 |
獅子吼=The Lion's Roar Magazine |
1988.04 |
佛教美術的基礎 |
顏娟英 (講述)=Yen, Juan-ying (spk.); 郭瓊瑤 (整理)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (arr.) |
覺風季刊=覺風會訊 |
1995.09.25 |
佛教藝術-- 曼荼羅的宇宙觀(下) |
立川武藏; 郭瓊瑤 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
1998.06.20 |
佛教藝術-- 曼荼羅的宇宙觀(上) |
立川武藏; 郭瓊瑤 |
香光莊嚴=Glorious Buddhism Magazine |
1998.03.20 |
阿南巴達《論理學綱要》譯註 |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2009.12.25 |
青色青光、黃色黃光 -- 幾個佛典語詞的詮釋 |
郭瓊瑤 |
印度學學術研討會(第4屆) |
2009.11.28 |
青色青光、黃色黃光 -- 蓮花放光的梵語學考察=Do the Lotus Themselves Really Shine?: Sanskrit Investigation on Sukhāvatīvyūha |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (au.) |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2011.06.25 |
聖與俗 -- 談宗教的構造 |
立川武蔵 (講述)=Tachikawa, Musashi (spk.); 大島暁北 (記錄); 郭瓊瑤 (譯)=Kuo, Chiung-yao (tr.) |
覺風季刊=覺風會訊 |
1996.06.25 |
徳一と最澄との「三一権実論争」=The Controversies of Ekayāna and Triyāna between Dokuitsu and Saicho |
郭瓊瑤 (著)=Kuo, Cyung-Yao (au.) |
正觀雜誌=Satyabhisamaya: A Buddhist Studies Quarterly |
2015.12.25 |