Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
A drop of nourishment for people(EDITION:Rev. ed.) |
Nagarjuna |
1994, 1981 |
A Strand of Dharma Jewels |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra |
2009.02.15 |
Churon |
Nagarjuna |
1800, 1994? |
Churon geju soran =Nagarjuna's Mulamadhy amakakarika-s:texts and translations |
Nagarjuna |
1985 |
Culavamsa, being the more recent part of the Mahavamsa |
Nagarjuna |
1998, 1929 |
Dharmasaṁgrahaḥ : (excellent collection of doctrines) of Ācārya Nāgārjuna |
Nagarjuna; Zangmo, Tashi; Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies |
1993 |
Die Philosophie der Leere: Nagarjunas Mulamadhyamaka-Karikas: Ubersetzung des buddhistischen Basistextes mit kommentierenden Einfuhrungen=The Philosophy of the Void. Nagarjunas Mulamadhyamaka-Karikas. Translation of the Buddhist Basis Text with Commenting on Introductions |
Back, Dieter M.; Nagarjuna; Weber-Brosamer, Bernhard |
1997 |
Elegant Sayings |
Sakya Pandita (著); Nāgārjuna (著) |
1977 |
In Praise of Dharmadhatu |
Nagarjuna; Brunnholzl, Karl |
2007.11 |
La lettre a un ami du Superieur Nagarjuna:une explication du venerable Geshe Ngawang Khyenrab d'apres descommentaires tibetains |
Nagarjuna |
1982 |
Le Traité de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nāgārjuna (Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra), Tome 1, Chapitres I-XV |
Nāgārjuna (著); Lamotte, Étienne (譯) |
1944 |
Le Traité de la grande vertu de sagesse de Nāgārjuna (Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra), Tome II, Chapitres XVI-XXX |
Nāgārjuna (著); Lamotte, Étienne (譯) |
1949 |
Letter from A Friend |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra |
2009.02.15 |
Mahayanavimsaka of Nagarjuna:reconstructed Sanskrit text, Tibetan and Chinese versions with an English translation |
Nagarjuna |
1983 |
Marvelous Stories from the Perfection of Wisdom |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra |
2009.02.15 |
Master of Wisdom: Writings of the Buddhist Master Nagarjuna |
Nagarjuna |
1986 |
Nagarjuna on the Six Perfections |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra |
2009.02.15 |
Nagarjuna, A Translation of His Mulamadhyamakakarika With An Introductory Essay [1st Indian ed.] |
Nagarjuna |
1993 |
Nāgārjuna: A translation of his Mūlamadhyamakakārikā with an Introductory Essay |
Nāgārjuna; Inada, Kenneth K. |
1993 |
Nagarjuna's discourse on the ten stages:(Dasabhumika-vibhasa):a study and translation from Chinese of Verses and Chapter 9 |
Nagarjuna |
1998 |
Nagarjuna's Guide to the Bodhisattva Path |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra; Bhikshu Vasitva |
2009.02.15 |
Nāgārjuna's 'Letter to a Friend', with a Commentary by the Venerable Rendawa, Zhön-nu Lo-drö |
Nāgārjuna (著); Red-mda-ba Gzon-nu-blo-gros (著); Geshe Lobsang Tharchin (譯); Engle, Artemus B. (譯) |
1979 |
Nagarjuna's Letter to a Friend: With Commentary by Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche |
Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche; Nagarjuna (著)=龍樹 (au.); Padmakara Translation Group |
2005.08 |
Nagarjuna's Letter to a Friend: With Commentary by Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche |
Kyabje Kangyur Rinpoche; Nagarjuna; Padmakara Translation Group |
2005.12 |
Nāgārjuna's Letter to King Gautamīputra: With Explanatory Notes Based on Tibetan Commentaries |
Nāgārjuna ; Gautamīputra Śatakarṇi ; Lozang Jamspal ; Ngawang Samten ; Santina, Peter Della |
1978 |
Nagarjuna's letter to King Gautamiputra:with explanatory notes based on Tibetan commentaries [1st ed.] |
Nagarjuna |
1983 |
Nagarjuna's Letter: The Suhrllekha |
Nagarjuna; Rendawa, Je |
2002 |
Nagarjuna's letter:Venerable Rendawa, Zhon-nu Lo-dro |
Nagarjuna |
1979 |
Nagarjuna's philosophy:as presented in the Maha-prajnaparamita-sastra |
Nagarjuna |
1978, 1966 |
Nagarjuna's Ratnavali |
Nagarjuna |
1982 |
Nagarjuna's Reason Sixty with Candrakirti's Reason Sixty Commentary |
Loizzo, Joseph John; Nagarjuna; Thurman, Robert A. F. |
2007 |
Nagarjuna's refutation of logic(Nyaya)=Vaidalyaprakarana=Zib mo rnam par hthag pa zes bya bahi rab tubyed pa:edition of the Tibetan text, English translation andcommentary, with introduction and notes |
Nagarjuna |
1995 |
Nagarjuna's Twelve Gate Treatise |
Nagarjuna (著); Cheng, Hsueh-li (譯) |
1982 |
Nagarjuna's Yogaratnamala [edited by] Pushpendra Kumar |
Nagarjuna |
1980 |
P'u-t'i-hsing-ching =菩提行經 四卷 |
Nagarjuna=龍樹; Devasanti=天息災 |
An Introduction to the Buddhist Canon: Indian Works=大藏經入門 -- 印度撰述部 |
1995 |
Ryuju no shokan |
Nagarjuna |
1985 |
Ryuju ronshu |
Nagarjuna |
1978 |
Stanzas For a Novice Monk |
Mipham ; Nagarjuna=龍樹 ; Tsonkhapa=Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzan-grags-pa |
1978 |
Teachings on Arya Nagarjuna's "Commentary on the awakening mind"=Bodhicittavivarana |
Bstan-dzin-rgya-mtsho=His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama; Nagarjuna |
2007 |
The Bodhisambhara Treatise Commentary |
Nagarjuna; Dharmamitra; Bhikshu Vasitva |
2009.02.15 |
The Buddhism of Tibet: Four Texts |
Hopkins, Jeffrey (編); H. H. Dalai Lama (著); Hopkins, Jeffrey (譯); Nāgārjuna (著) |
1987.07.01 |
The dialectical method of Nagarjuna:Vigrahavyavartani [1st ed.] |
Nagarjuna |
1978 |
The fundamental wisdom of the middle way : Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā |
Nagarjuna; Garfield, Jay L. |
1995 |
The philosophy of the middle way=Mulamadhyamakakarika |
Nagarjuna (著)=龍樹菩薩 (au.); Kalupahana, David J. |
1986 |
The philosophy of the middle way--Mulamadhyamakakarika |
Nagarjuna |
1991 |
The precious garland [by] Nagarjuna; and, The song of the four mindfulnesses |
Nagarjuna |
1975 |
The Six Perfections: An Abridged Version of E. Lamotte’s French Translation of Nāgārjuna’s Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra, Chapters XVI–XXX |
Nāgārjuna; Skorupski, Tadeusz |
2002 |
The Tree of Wisdom: She-rab Dong-bu |
Nagarjuna |
2007.12.20 |
Verses from the Center:A Buddhist Vision of the Sublime |
Nagarjuna |
2000 |
Vigrahavyavarttani:svopajnavrttisahita |
Nagarjuna |
1994 |
七十空性論科攝 |
龍樹菩薩 (造論)=Nagarjuna (); 釋法尊 (譯); 弘悲 (科) |
現代佛學 |
1955.02.15 |
七十空性論科攝(下) |
龍樹 (造論); 法尊 (譯); 弘悲 (攝影) |
現代佛學學術論文分類索引 |
1954.03 |
七十空性論科攝(上) |
龍樹 (造論); 法尊 (譯); 弘悲 (攝影) |
現代佛學學術論文分類索引 |
1955.02 |
七十空性論科攝(續完) |
龍樹菩薩 (造論)=Nagarjuna (tr.); 釋法尊 (譯); 弘悲 (科) |
現代佛學 |
1955.03.15 |
十二門論釋義 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 劉常淨 |
2003.05.03 |
十住毗婆沙論 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1991 |
十住毘婆沙論 |
龍樹菩薩; 鳩摩羅什 |
2002.01 |
大乘中觀釋論(八不偈) |
龍樹菩薩; 安慧菩薩; 惟淨 |
北平佛教會月刊 |
大智度論 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1980 |
大智度論 |
龍樹=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1991 |
大智度論(白話)共50冊 |
龍樹菩薩; 黎玉璽 |
大智度論(全3冊) |
龍樹菩薩 (著) |
2014.04.01 |
大智度論六度品節錄 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1984 |
中論 |
蕭振士; 鳩摩羅什; 龍樹 |
2002.12 |
中論 |
龍樹; 蕭振士 |
2007.05 |
中論 |
竜樹尊者 |
1995.12 |
中論 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1984 |
中論八不偈釋 |
鳩摩羅什 ; 龍樹菩薩 |
北平佛教會月刊 |
中觀論疏 |
龍樹; 釋吉藏; 釋青目; 釋青目 |
1987 |
中觀論頌 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 鳩摩羅什 |
1993; 1994.06 |
中觀論頌科判 |
龍樹菩薩; 釋印順 |
2009.08 |
中觀論頌記要 |
龍樹菩薩; 寶幢 |
2009.09 |
中觀論頌釋 |
龍樹菩薩; 鳩摩羅什; 梵志青目 |
1996.09 |
中觀寶鬘論之顯明要義釋 |
龍樹菩薩; 滇津顙摩; 賈曹傑尊者 |
2004.06 |
中觀寶鬘論頌顯明要義釋 |
龍樹菩薩 (著); 任傑 (譯); 釋觀空 (講述); 釋觀空 (校對); 甲操傑 (造釋); 仁光 |
2003.03 |
六十正理論釋 |
龍樹菩薩 (著); 任傑 (譯); 釋觀空 (講述); 釋觀空 (校對); 賈曹傑尊者 (造釋) |
2003.03 |
在家修行:《龍樹菩薩勸誡王頌》講記 |
龍樹菩薩 (頌); 堪千創古仁波切 (講述); 堪布羅卓丹傑 (譯) |
2021.03 |
在家修行:《龍樹菩薩勸誡王頌》講記 |
龍樹菩薩 (原頌); 堪千創古仁波切 (講述); 堪布羅卓丹傑 (譯) |
2022.05.26 |
佛母準提神咒 |
龍樹菩薩 |
佛海燈 |
1936.04 |
金剛頂發菩提心論淺略釋 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 黃懺華; 釋不空 |
1978 |
根本的な中論の歌 -- 釈尊の教えは実在論である |
ナーガールジュナ; 西嶋和夫 |
2009.01 |
般若燈論(八不偈論) |
龍樹菩薩; 分別明菩薩; 波羅頗蜜多羅 |
北平佛教會月刊 |
迴諍論(一) |
龍樹菩薩 (著)=Nagarjuna (au.) |
因明=因明雜誌 |
1979.11 |
梵鐸副刊:親友書 |
融海; 龍樹 |
佛化評論 |
1941.03 |
菩提資糧論頌 |
龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 達摩笈多 |
1993 |
順中論義入大般若波羅蜜經切品法門 |
龍樹菩薩 (著); 無著菩薩 (譯); 瞿曇般若三流支 (譯) |
因明=因明雜誌 |
1982.06 |
嗜酒三十二過 |
龍樹菩薩 |
佛化周刊 |
1929.01 |
達賴喇嘛講法界讚 |
龍樹菩薩 (造論)=Nagarjuna (spk.); 第十四世達賴喇嘛 (講述)=His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (tr.); 朗望扎西; 蔣揚仁欽喇嘛 |
2019.03 |
圖解華嚴經:讀懂“經中之王” |
龍樹菩薩; 迦色 |
2008.04 |
誡王書--給朋友的一封信 |
鄭財和; 白蓮花; 龍樹菩薩=Nagarjuna; 語自在科別判 |
1979 |
龍樹六論 |
龍樹 (著); 釋法尊 (譯) |
2000 |
龍樹六論:正理聚及其注釋 |
龍樹菩薩 (造論); 漢藏諸大論師 (釋譯) |
2024.06.07 |
龍樹六論--正理聚及其註釋 |
龍樹菩薩; 漢藏諸大論師 |
2001.04 |
龍樹菩薩論頌集 |
龍樹菩薩 |
1996.04 |
釋摩訶衍論 十卷= Shih-mo-ho-yen-lun |
Nagarjuna (著)=龍樹 (au.); Batsudaimata (譯)=筏提摩多 (tr.) |
2003 |
釋摩訶衍論 十卷=Shaku-ma-ka-en-ron.10 Fascicles=Shih-mo-ho-yen-lun |
龍樹菩薩 (著)=Nagarjuna (au.); 筏提摩多 (譯)=Batsudaimata (tr.) |
2003 |