bibliography, 14 full-text accessible.
ID: |
63814 |
Alternative Names: |
Su, Li-hua |
Category: |
Individual Author |
Website: |
Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
人之智慧與人工智能,孰勝?=Human Wisdom vs. Artificial Intelligence, Superior in What? |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2022.09.01 |
上帝粒子與夜明珠=The God Particle and The Legendary Pearl |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2012.08.01 |
五利使=The Five Afflictions |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2011.08.01 |
以光柵原理初探修法者如何轉法輪=Discussion on Grating Principle to Explore How Dharmata Practitioners Turn on DharmaChakra |
梁乃崇 (評論)=Liang, Nai-tsung (rev.); 陳俊霖 (評論); 蘇莉華 (整理) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2020.09.01 |
生命的靈性與價值=The Reality in Life: Intrinsic, Ultimate & Naked Awareness |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2009.08.01 |
因緣是測不準的=The Causes are Unpredictable |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 陳俊霖 (著)=Chen, Jin-lin (au.); 蘇莉華 (著)=Su, Li-hua (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2017.09 |
利用節奏,讓你一心不亂=You may Get Wholehearted Meditation by Making Rhythm |
梁乃崇; 陳俊霖; 蘇莉華 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2014.09.01 |
活出生命的光彩與價值=To Reveal the Brightness and Value of Life |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2010.08.01 |
從道原經看先秦道家思想對信息的瞭解=An Understanding from Tao-yuan Ching Annotations of Pre-ch'in Taoist Thought Regarding Information |
宋光宇 (著)=Sung, Kwang-yu (au.); 陳國鎮 (著)=Chen, Kuo-gen (au.); 蘇莉華 (著)=Su, Li-hua (au.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2000.07.15 |
量子電腦與《金剛經》=Quantum Computer and the Diamond Sutra |
梁乃崇; 陳俊霖; 蘇莉華 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2015.09.01 |
精進與貪有何不同?=What's the Difference between Diligence and Greed? |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2012.02.01 |
數學中的佛法奧義=The Mystery of Buddha Dhaarma in Mathematics |
梁乃崇 (評論)=Liang, Nai-tsung (rev.); 蘇莉華 (整理)=Su, Li-hua (arr.) |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2013.02.01 |
談「行十善、戒十惡」的重要性=The Importance of Practicing Ten Virtues and Avoiding Ten Sins |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2011.02.01 |
競爭與創造=Competition and Creation |
梁乃崇 (著)=Liang, Nai-tsung (au.); 蘇莉華 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science |
2010.02.01 |