bibliography, 16 full-text accessible.
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679 |
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Title |
Author |
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Date |
Book Review: "Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇaviniścaya, Chapter 3.," Critically edited by Pascale Hugon and Toru Tomabechi , with a preface by Tom J. F. Tillemans. |
Arnold, Dan |
Religious Studies Review |
2012.12.20 |
Book Review: "Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction," By Jan Westerhoff |
Arnold, Dan |
Religious Studies Review |
2011.06.10 |
Book Review: Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy: Empty Persons. By Mark Siderits. Ashgate, 2003. 231 pages. $79.95 |
Arnold, Dan |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
2006.03 |
Book Review: The Scientific Buddha: His Short and Happy Life by Lopez, Donald S. |
Arnold, Dan (評論) |
The Journal of Religion |
2015.01 |
Book Reviews: Omniscience and the Rhetoric of Reason: Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on Rationality, Argumentation, and Religious Authority By Sara L. McClintock |
Arnold, Dan |
History of Religions |
2013.02 |
Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind |
Arnold, Dan (著) |
2012.05 |
Candrakīrti on Dignāga on Svalakṣaṇas |
Arnold, Dan |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
2003 |
Madhyamaka Buddhism |
Arnold, Dan; Fieser, James; Dowden, Bradley |
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
2005 |
Madhyamaka Buddhist Philosophy |
Arnold, Dan; Fieser, James; Dowden, Bradley |
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
2005 |
Materials for a Mādhyamika Critique of Foundationalism: An Annotated Translation of Prasannapadā 55.11 to 77.13 |
Arnold, Dan |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
2005 |
Nāgārjuna in Context: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture |
Arnold, Dan |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
2007.09 |
Nāgārjuna's "Middle Way": A Non-eliminative Understanding of Selflessness |
Arnold, Dan (著) |
Revue Internationale de Philosophie |
2010 |
Response to Jonathan Gold's Review of Brains, Buddhas, and Believing |
Arnold, Dan |
Philosophy East and West |
2014.10 |
Self-Awareness (svasaṃvitti) and Related Doctrines of Buddhists Following Dignāga: Philosophical Characterizations of Some of the Main Issues |
Arnold, Dan |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2010.06 |
The Deceptive Simplicity of Nāgārjuna's Arguments Against Motion: Another Look at Mūlamadhyamakakārikā Chapter 2 |
Arnold, Dan (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2012.10 |
The Sense Madhyamaka Makes As a Buddhist Position: Or, How a ‘Performativist Account Of the Language Of Self’ Makes Sense Of ‘No-Self’ |
Arnold, Dan (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2019.09 |
Transcendental Arguments and Practical Reason in Indian Philosophy |
Arnold, Dan (著) |
Argumentation |
2008 |
Wisdom as a Way of Life: Theravāda Buddhism Reimagined |
Collins, Steven (著); McDaniel, Justin (編); Arnold, Dan (引言); Hallisey, Charles (後記) |
2020.07 |