bibliography, 11 full-text accessible.
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11658 |
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Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
"One-mind-dharma" |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Tsukamoto Hakase Shoju Kinen Bukkyoshigaku Ronshu [Essays on Buddhist History Presented to Professor Z. Tsukamoto] |
1961 |
A Biography of Chu Tao-Sheng |
Liebenthal, Walter (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1955.10 |
An Early Buddhist Statue from Yunnan |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Indian Historical Quarterly |
1956.06-09 |
Chao Lun:The Treatises of Sengzhao=肇論 |
Liebenthal, Walter; Liu, Cheng-zhi; 僧肇=Seng, Zhao |
1968 |
Chinese Buddhism During the 4th and 5th Centuries |
Liebenthal, Walter (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1955 |
Existentialism and Buddhism |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Visva-Bharati Quarterly |
1956 |
New Light on the Mahayana-sraddhotpada Sastra |
Liebenthal, Walter |
T'oung Pao=通報 |
1958 |
Notes on the Vajrasamadhi |
Liebenthal, Walter |
T'oung Pao=通報 |
1956 |
Satkarya in der darstellung seiner buddhistischen gegnerDie prakrti-pariksa im Tattvasamgraha des Santiraksita zu sammenmit der Panjika des Kamalasila |
Liebenthal, Walter |
1934 |
Shih Hui-yuan's Buddhism as set forth in his writings |
Liebenthal, Walter |
1950 |
Shih Hui-yüan's Buddhism as Set Forth in His Writings |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
1950.10-12 |
The Book of Chao : A Translation from the Original Chinese with Introduction, Notes and Appendices |
Liebenthal, Walter |
1948.01 |
The Immortality of the Soul in Chinese Thought |
Liebenthal, Walter (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1952 |
The Oldest Commentary of the Mahayanasraddhotpada Sastra 大乗起信論=The Oldest Commentary of the Mahàyànaśraddhotpàda Śàstra |
Liebenthal, Walter |
佛教文化研究=Studies in buddhistic culture : the "bukkyō bunka kenkyū"=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウ |
1958.03.25 |
The Problem of Chinese buddhism |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Visva-bharati Quarterly |
1953 |
the Sermon of Shen-hui |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Asia Major |
1953.12 |
The World Conception of Chou Tao-sheng |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1956.10 |
The World Conception of Chu-Tao-cheng(I) |
Liebenthal, Walter (著) |
Monumenta Nipponica |
1956 |
Was ist chinesischer Buddhismus? |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Asiatische Studien : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Asienkunde=Etudes asiatiques : revue de la Société Suisse d'études asiatiques |
1952 |
Yung-chia Cheng-tao-ko or Yung-chia's Song of Experiencing the Tao |
Liebenthal, Walter |
Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies=華裔學志 |
1941 |