bibliography, 11 full-text accessible.
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14693 |
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Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
"Ich" und das Ich : Analytische Untersuchungen zur buddhistisch-brahmanischen Atmankontroverse |
Oetke, Claus |
1988 |
Ancient Indian Logic as a Theory of Non-monotonic Reasoning |
Oetke, Claus (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1996.10 |
Bemerkungen zur buddhistischen Doktrin der Momentanheit des Seienden. Dharmakīrtis sattvānumānam |
Oetke, Claus (著) |
1993 |
Bemerkungen zur buddhistischen Doktrin der Momentanheit desSeienden: Dharmakirtis Sattvanumana |
Oetke, Claus |
1993 |
Book Review: Zu Geschichte und Analyse der Philosophie des Buddhismus: Die Philosophie des Buddhismus by Erich Frauwallner |
Oetke, Claus (評論) |
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung: Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom ganzen Orient und seinen Beziehungen zu den angrenzenden Kulturkreisen |
2018 |
Die aus dem Chinesischen übersetzten tibetischen Versionen des Suvarnaprabhāsasūtra : philologische und linguistische Beiträge zur klassifizierenden Charakterisierung übersetzter Texte |
Oetke, Claus |
1977 |
Doctrine and argument in Vijnavada-Buddhism |
Oetke, Claus |
Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 36 |
1992 |
Limitations of Theories of Pramana |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2003.06 |
Logic Mtters in the Prasannapada: a Study on Reasoning and Proof in Metaphysics |
Oetke, Claus |
2006 |
On MMK 24.18 |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2007.02 |
Remarks on the Interpretation of Nagarjuna's Philosophy |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
1991.09 |
Some Further Comments on the First Section of the Vigrahavyāvartanī |
Oetke, Claus (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2012.08 |
Some Issues of Scholarly Exegesis (In Indian Philosophy) |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2009.10 |
Some Remarks on Theses and Philosophical Positions in Early Madhyamaka |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2003.08 |
Studies on the Doctrine of trairūpya |
Oetke, Claus (著) |
1994 |
svabhavapratibandha and the Types of Reasons in Dharmakirti's Theory of Inference |
Oetke, Claus |
Studies in the Buddhist Epistemological Tradition, Proceedings of the Second International Dharmakirti Conference, Vienna, June 11-16, 1989 |
1991 |
Two Investigations on the Madhyamakakārikās and the Vigrahavyāvartanī |
Oetke, Claus |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2011.06 |