bibliography, 8 full-text accessible.
ID: |
16895 |
Alternative Names: |
鄔瑞可 |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
“As It Is Said in a Sutra”: Freedom and Variation in Quotations from the Buddhist Scriptures in Early Bka’-gdams-pa Literature |
Roesler, Ulrike (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2015.11 |
Aspects of the Female in Indian Culture |
Roesler, Ulrike; Soni, Jayandra |
2004 |
Aspekte des Weiblichen in der indischen Kultur |
Roesler, Ulrike |
2000 |
Book Reivew: "A Dictionary of Buddhist and Hindu Iconography--Illustrated--Objects, Devices, Concepts, Rites and Related Terms," by Frederick W. Bunce, G.X Capdi, D.K. Printworld |
Roesler, Ulrike |
The Tibet Journal |
1998 |
Book Review: "Die Lichtmetaphorik im frühen Mahāyāna-Buddhismus," by Claudia Weber |
Roesler, Ulrike |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2008.03 |
Book Review: Enthronement: The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of Tibet and the Himalayas by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé, Ngawang Zangpo |
Roesler, Ulrike (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1999 |
Book Review: Vāgīśvarakīrtis Mṛtyuvañcanopadeśa, eine Buddhistische Lehrschrift zur Abwehr des Todes by Johannes Schneider |
Roesler, Ulrike (評論) |
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung: Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft vom ganzen Orient und seinen Beziehungen zu den angrenzenden Kulturkreisen |
2015 |
Framing the Path to Awakening: Tibetan Adaptations of the Jātaka Genre |
Roesler, Ulrike (著) |
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2023.05 |
Frühe Quellen zum Buddhistischen Stufenweg in Tibet: Indische und Tibetische Traditionen im dPe chos des Po-to-ba Rin-chen-gsal |
Roesler, Ulrike (著) |
2011 |
Licht und Leuchten im Rgveda |
Roesler, Ulrike |
1997 |
Lives Lived, Lives Imagined: Biography in the Buddhist Traditions |
Covill, Linda; Roesler, Ulrike; Shaw, Sarah |
2010.08.10 |
Śikhisamuccayaḥ. Indian and Tibetan Studies (Collectanea Marpurgensia Indologica et Tibetologica) |
Dimitrov, Dragomir (編); Roesler, Ulrike (編); Steiner, Roland (編) |
2002 |
構建覺悟之路——本生體裁的西藏改編 |
Roesler, Ulrike (著)=鄔瑞可 (au.); 鄧育渠 (譯); 李青鳥 (校對) |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2023 |