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A Comment on "The Way of the Dialetheist: Contradictions in Buddhism," by Yasuo Deguchi, Jay L. Garfield, and Graham Priest |
Ziporyn, Brook (著)=任博克 (au.) |
Philosophy East and West |
2013.07 |
Against Monisms with Dualistic Consequences 反一元論的二分法:The Importance of Shengyan’s Critique of the Character and Teachings of Jesus=反一元論的二分法:論聖嚴批判耶穌人格特徵及教義之重要性 |
Ziporyn, Brook (著)=任博克 (au.) |
聖嚴研究:第七輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.7 |
2016.01 |
Anti-Chan Polemics in Post Tang Tiantai |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1994 |
Being and Ambiguity: Philosophical Experiments with Tiantai Buddhism |
Ziporyn, Brook |
2004.10.01 |
Beyond Oneness and Difference: Li and Coherence in Chinese Buddhist Thought and Its Antecedents |
Ziporyn, Brook (著)=任博克 (au.) |
2013.11.01 |
Book Review: "Liberating Intimacy: Enlightenment and Social Virtuosity in Ch'an Buddhism", by by Peter D. Hershock |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony |
Philosophy East and West |
1998.04 |
Book Review: "the Vimalakirti Sutra," by Burton Watson |
Ziporyn, Brook |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1998.02 |
Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism |
Ziporyn, Brook A. (著) |
2016.05.02 |
Evil and/or/as the Good:Omnicentrism, Intersubjectivity and Value Paradox in Tiantai Buddhist Thought |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony |
2000 |
Hearing the Absolute Hearing: Interpreting “Guanyin’s Perfection of Hearing” in the Lengyanjing (Śūraṃgama Sūtra)=聽聞絕對之聽聞 ── 《楞嚴經‧觀音圓通章》的各種詮釋及其現代哲學涵義 |
Ziporyn, Brook (著)=任博克 (au.) |
聖嚴研究:第五輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.5 |
2014.06 |
Hitler, the Holocaust, and the Tiantai Doctrine of Evil as the Good: A Response to David R. Loy |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Philosophy East and West |
2005.04 |
How to Will Backwards: Time, Forgetting and Repetition in the Lotus Sutra=如何逆流往過去立志 -- 《妙法蓮華經》重覆觀, 忘記觀, 時間觀 |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (著)=任博克 (au.) |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
2000.05 |
Immanence and Transcendence in Zhiyi's Treatment of Guanyin: Compassion as an Epistemological Category=智顗對觀音的處理:幻想與現實之外, 有神論與無神論之外 |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (著)=任博克 (au.) |
第六屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 |
2016.07 |
Inherent Entailment(Xingju)And Negative Prehensions:Givenness, The Agency of the Past, and the Presence of the Absent in Whitehead and the T'ien-t'ai Reading of the Lotus Sutra |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2001.12 |
Li (Principle, Coherence) in Chinese Buddhism |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2003.09 |
Mind and Its "Creation" of All Phenomena in Tiantai Buddhism |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2010.06 |
Missed Exit: How The Hegel Of 1802 Almost Became a Chinese Philosopher |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2017.09-12 |
Omnidesire as the Ending of Desire: Zarathustra, Mahāyāna Buddhism, Tiantai |
Ziporyn, Brook (著) |
Journal of Nietzsche Studies |
2015 |
Response to Franklin Perkins's Review of Beyond Oneness and Difference—Li and Coherence in Chinese Buddhist Thought and Its Antecedents |
Ziporyn, Brook (著) |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2017.09-12 |
Seng Zhao’s “Prajñā Is Without Knowledge”: Collapsing the Two Truths From Critique To Affirmation |
Ziporyn, Brook (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2019.09 |
Setup, Punch Line, and the Mind-Body Problem: A Neo-Tiantai Approach |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Philosophy East and West |
2000.10 |
Spinoza and the Self-Overcoming of Solipsism |
Ziporyn, Brook (著) |
Comparative and Continental Philosophy |
2012 |
The Enigma of Giving |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2008.10 |
The Use of the Li Hexagram in Chan Buddhism and its This-Worldly Implications=曹洞禪中的離卦應用與詮釋以及其人間佛教入世轉向的涵義 |
Ziporyn, Brook (著)=任博克 (au.) |
聖嚴研究:第三輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen No.3 |
2012.06 |
Tiantai Buddhist Conceptions of "The Nature" (Xing) and its relation to the mind |
Ziporyn, Brook |
Journal of Chinese Philosophy |
2010.09 |
What Does the Law of Non-Contradiction Tell Us, If Anything? Paradox, Parameterization and Truth in Tiantai Buddhism=不矛盾律是否規定存有論命題:天台佛學知識論中之矛盾說 |
Ziporyn, Brook |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities |
2013.05 |
What's so good about evil: value and anti-value in Tiantai thought and its antecedents |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (著) |
1996 |
Wholly Imaginary, Absolutely Real: Zhiyi's Treatment of Guanyin=智顗對觀音的處理:完全虛構,絕對真實 |
Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (著)=任博克 (au.) |
聖嚴研究:第十輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.10 |
2018.05 |
Why Chinese Buddhist Philosophy? |
Ziporyn, Brook (著) |
Journal of Buddhist Philosophy |
2021 |
由「相互主體性」的立場論天台宗幾個基本概念以及山家與山外之爭=What is the Buddha Looking at? The Importance of Intersubjectivity in the T'ien-t'ai Tradition as Understood by Ssu-ming Chih-li(960~1028) |
任博克 (著)=Ziporyn, Brook Anthony (au.) |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
1997.07 |
石頭希遷禪師 ﹝700-790﹞的 《參同契》 與人間佛教的相關義涵 |
任博克 |
聖嚴思想國際學術研討會(第3屆)暨法鼓山信眾論壇 -- 聖嚴法師的教導與時代意義 |
2010.05.30/31 |
空與遍:天臺精要導讀 |
任博克 (著)=Ziporyn, Brook (au.); 郭晨 (譯) |
2023.10.10 |
善與惡 -- 天臺佛教思想中的遍中整體論、交互主體性與價値吊詭 |
任博克=Ziporyn, Brook Anthony |
2007.03 |