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『シリーズ日蓮』刊行の意義と今後の課題 (特集 "日蓮"を問う : 『シリーズ日蓮』(全5巻)完結記念) |
花野充道 |
春秋=シュンジュウ |
2015.06 |
『大乗起信論』の本覚思想=Original Enlightenment Thought in the Awakening of Mahayana Faith |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2017 |
『法華文句』の四種釈について=On the 'Four Interpretations' of the Fahua wenju |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2015 |
『断証決定集』と四重興廃思想=The Dansho-Ketsujo-shu and "The Concept of the Fourfold Rise and Fall" |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2009.12 |
Original enlightenment thought |
Hanano, Judo (著)=花野充道 (au.) |
Acta Asiatica : Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture |
2006.07 |
天台本覺思想の進展概觀=An Overview of the Development of the Tiantai Concept of Original Enlightenment |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2000.12 |
天台本覚思想と日蓮教学=Tendai hongaku shisō to Nichiren kyōgaku=Tendai Original Enlightenment Thought and Nichiren Doctrinal Studies |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
2010.09 |
天台本覚思想と親鸞=Tendai Original Enlightenment Thought and Shinran |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
現代と親鸞=Today and Shinran=ゲンダイ ト シンラン |
2016.12.01 |
天台本覚思想の論理構造=The Logical Structure of the Idea of Original Enlightenment |
花野充道 =Hanano, Judo |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2006.12 |
日蓮と四重興廃思想=Nichiren and the Idea of shiju-kohai : The Four fold Rise and Fall |
花野充道 =Hanano, Judo |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2002.12 |
日蓮の本尊論は大曼荼羅か一尊四士か=Nichiren's Object of Worship : The Great Mandala or the Buddha and Four Attendants? |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2014.12 |
日蓮正宗教学の特質 : 正信会と創価学会の新教学創作の試み=Characteristic of the Doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu : The Attempt to Create New Doctrines in Shoshin Kai and Soka Gakkai |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
宗教研究. 別冊=Journal of religious studies. Supplement |
2016.03.30 |
日蓮教學と天台教學の比較 |
花野充道 |
比較佛教文化學術研討會 |
2004.11.28 |
日蓮教學と天台教學の比較 |
花野充道 |
比較佛教文化學術研討會 |
2004.11.27 |
本覚思想と本迹思想 - 本覚思想批判に応えて |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
駒澤短期大學佛教論集=駒沢短期大学仏教論集=Journal of Buddhism |
2003.10.30 |
本覚思想と如来蔵思想=On a Comparison between "Original Enlightenment Thought" and "Tathagatagarbha Theory" |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2005.12 |
本覚思想の定義をめぐって=The Definition of Original Enlightenment Thought |
花野充道 =Hanano, Judo |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2004.03 |
立正安国の理念と実践=The Principle and Practice of 'Bringing Peace to the Land by Establishing the True Dharma' (rissho ankoku) |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
東洋文化研究所所報=Journal, Research Institute of Eastern Culture=トウヨウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ ショホウ |
2012.04.01 |
法華本門仏と自然覚了仏=The Buddha of the Origin Teachig Revealed in the Lotus Sutra and Jinen-Kakuryō Butsu |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
日本仏教学会年報=ニホン ブッキョウ ガッカイ ネンポウ |
2003.05.20 |
知禮と本覚思想=Chirei and Original Enlightenment |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2001.11.01 |
教相主義と文献主義="Mind Contemplation" vs. "Literal Evidence" |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
宗教研究=Journal of Religious Studies=シュウキョウ ケンキュウ |
2004.03.30 |
智顗と本覚思想 |
花野充道 |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1999.12 |
智顗と吉藏の法華佛身論の對比=Comparison of Chih-i's and Chi-tsang's Concepts of the Buddha's Body as Elucidated in the Lotus Sutra |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2000.11.06 |
智顗と如来蔵思想=Zhiyi and Tathagatagarbha Theory |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2008.12 |
智顗と慧遠の佛身論の對比=A Comparison of Chih'i's and Hui-yuan's Views on the Body of the Buddha (Busshinron) |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
1999.11.01 |
智顗の本迹仏身論=Zhiyi on the Original (ben) and Trace (ji) Bodies of the Buddha |
花野充道 (著)=はなのじゅうどう (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
1998.12.20 |
智顗の地論師・摂論師批判について=Zhiyi's Critique of Dilun and Shelun Masters |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
天台学報=テンダイ ガクホウ=Journal of Tendai Buddhist Studies=天台學報 |
2014.10.31 |
智顗の仏身論の素材の検討 :『法華文句』の文献的価値について=A study on the Texts Concerning Chih-i's View of the Buddha-Body: Observations on the Documentary Value of the Hokke Mongu |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度哲学仏教学=Hokkaido journal of Indological and Buddhist studies |
1999.10 |
智顗の円教理論=Chi-i's Engyō Doctrine |
花野充道 (著)=Hanano, Judo (au.) |
印度哲学仏教学=Hokkaido journal of Indological and Buddhist studies |
2000.10.30 |
智顗の縁起論の考察 =A Study of Chih-i's Concept of Dependent Origination |
花野充道=Hanano, Judo |
法華経の思想と展開 |
2001.03.20 |
恵心学派と本覚思想=The Eshin School and the Idea of Original Enlightenment |
花野充道 =Hanano, Judo |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2007.12 |